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Factual Materials

Guess what they are……

Get into groups

 Read and analyze extracts 1 – 7.

 Pages 1 - 6

 Extract 6
 - The information about using the
Talkphone in Extract 6 says that
making a call is “straightforward”.
 Explain, using your own words, how
you would make a phone call to a
friend who had contacted you earlier.
Topic :Factual Writing

 Reading , Speaking , Writing


 In what type of publication would you

find the information in Extract 7.
 From Extract 7,write down 5 facts that
make Serena Williams a great tennis
Learning objective
 To learn about factual writing

 Learning outcomes:
 read and identify facts in a passage.
 compare and contrast between 2 sets of
factual information gathered.(analysis)
 explain how factual information convey
massages (comprehension)
Your task: pair work
 1) Read the passage on Pompeii on page 8-
9- Checkpoint
 2)Make notes in point form about all the
factual details about Pompeii and the people
before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
 3) Make notes containing facts about the
eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its effects
on the surrounding area.
 4) Compare the notes you have written for
questions 2 and 3 with the original text.
 i) What features of the original article have
you left out?
 ii) Do you think that these “ missing”
features help to make the communication of
the facts more interesting to the reader?
 Give reasons for your answer/s
Learning objective:

 To be able to write about an

experience using facts from text.
Learning Outcomes:

 identify main points in the article.

 summarize the points identified.
 elaborate on the factual information in
a written piece.(synthesis)

 What do you see?

 What do you hear?

 How would you feel?

 Refer to the notes that you wrote about the eruption
of Mount Vesuvius (from page 10) and the
destruction of Pompeii.
 Look at the part of the extract that mentions Pliny
the Younger, towards the end of the text (page 9)
Imagine that you are a friend of Pliny and were with
him during the time of the eruption.
 Describe what you experienced, using the notes you
have made, but adding some details from your own
imagination. ( 1-2 paragraphs).
Reading for pleasure
page 10 and 11
 Read in groups of 4.
 1)The rules of cricket as explained to a
foreign visitor
 2)Advice: How to annoy an older
Your task:

 In your groups :
 1)explain to a foreigner the rules of a
game. ( choose a popular game).
 2) give examples on how to annoy an
older sibling / relative or a friend.

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