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Fixed Axis Rotation

Fixed Axis Rotation
Learning Goals of Chapter 10
 Angular Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
 Angular and Translational Quantities
 Torque and Force
 Calculation of Moment of Inertia
 Rotational Kinetic Energy
 Rolling Motion of Rigid Object
The Race of the Rolling Bodies
 All these objects have the same potential energy
at the top
 the time it takes them to get down the incline
depends on how much rotational inertia they have


 Which one wins? Why?

10.1 Angular Position
 The radius of a circle is rotated through an angle θ.
The arc length s is described on the circumference.

s  2 r 
r r s

 This result is the basis for
defining the units used to
measure rotation angles, Δθ to
be radians (rad)
 2π rad = 1 revolution

 Whenever using rotational equations, you must

use angles expressed in radians
January 20, 2009
Angular Displacement
 The angular displacement is
defined as the angle the object
rotates through during some
time interval.
   f   i

 This is the angle that the

reference line of length r
sweeps out.

Section 10.1
Angular Acceleration
 Recall that angular velocity ω
was defined as the time rate of
change of angle θ :

 The relationship between angular velocity ω and linear
velocity v was also defined in Rotation Angle and Angular

v  r
 According to the sign convention, the counter clockwise
direction is considered as positive direction and clockwise
direction as negative
Angular Velocity: Right Hand Rule
For counterclockwise rotation in the coordinate system shown, the angular
velocity points in the positive z-direction by the right-hand-rule.
Average Angular Speed
The average angular speed, ωavg, of a rotating rigid
object is the ratio of the angular displacement to the
time interval.

f  i 
 avg  
tf  ti t

Section 10.1
Angular Speed
 The instantaneous angular speed is defined as the
limit of the average speed as the time interval
approaches zero.
 d
  lim
t 0 
t dt

 This is analogous to translational speed.

 Unit: rad/s or s-1 since radians have no

• Angular speed will be positive if θ is increasing

• Angular speed will be negative if θ is decreasing
Section 10.1
Example 10.1 Rotation of a Flywheel
A flywheel rotates such that it sweeps out an angle at the rate of
θ = ωt = (45.0 rad/s)t radians. The wheel rotates
counterclockwise when viewed in the plane of the page. (a) What
is the angular velocity of the flywheel? (b) What direction is the
angular velocity? (c) How many radians does the flywheel rotate
through in 30 s? (d) What is the tangential speed of a point on
the flywheel 10 cm from the axis of rotation

Section 10.1
Angular Acceleration
Angular velocity is not constant when
 a skater pulls in her arms
 a child starts up a merry-go-round from rest
 a computer’s hard disk slows to a halt when switched off.

In all these cases, there is an angular acceleration, in which

ω changes.

 Angular acceleration α is defined as

the rate of change of angular velocity.
In equation form, angular acceleration
is expressed as follows:

Angular Acceleration
 The average angular acceleration, a avg, of an object is defined
as the ratio of the change in the angular speed to the time it
takes for the object to undergo the change.

f  i 
 ainstantaneous
 The vg   angular acceleration is defined as the limit
tf  ti t
of the average angular acceleration as the time goes to 0.

 d Units of angular acceleration are rad/s²

  lim
t 0  or s-2
t dt
Section 10.1
Example 10.2 A Spinning Bicycle
A bicycle mechanic mounts a bicycle on the repair stand and
starts the rear wheel spinning from rest to a final angular
velocity of 250 rpm in 5.00 s. (a) Calculate the average angular
acceleration in rad/s2 . (b) If she now hits the brakes, causing
an angular acceleration of −87.3 rad/s2 , how long does it take
the wheel to stop?

Section 10.1
Speed Comparison – Details
 The linear velocity is always tangent to the circular
path. Called the tangential velocity

ds d
v r  r
dt dt

 The tangential speed increases as one moves outward

from the center of rotation.

Section 10.3
Bonnie 1 sits on the outer rim of a
a) same as Bonnie’s 1
merry-go-round, and Bonnie 2 sits
midway between the center and the b) twice Bonnie’s 1
rim. The merry-go-round makes one c) half of Bonnie’s 1
complete revolution every two d) 1/4 of Bonnie’s 1
e) four times Bonnie’s
Bonnie 2 angular velocity is:

Bonnie 1
Bonnie 2
Bonnie 1 sits on the outer rim of a
a) same as Bonnie’s 1
merry-go-round, and Bonnie 2 sits
midway between the center and the b) twice Bonnie’s 1
rim. The merry-go-round makes one c) half of Bonnie’s 1
complete revolution every two d) 1/4 of Bonnie’s 1
e) four times Bonnie’s 1
Bonnie 2 angular velocity is:

The angular velocity  of any point on 

a solid object rotating about a fixed
axis is the same.
same Both Bonnies go
around one revolution (2 radians) Bonnie1
Bonnie 2
every two seconds.
Angular and Linear Velocity
 The car moves forward at linear velocity v = rω ,
where r is the tire radius.
 A larger angular velocity for the tire means a
greater velocity for the car.

S r
v   r
t t
Bonnie 1 sits on the outer rim of a a) Bonnie 2
merry-go-round, and Bonnie 2 sits b) Bonnie 1
midway between the center and the
c) both the same
rim. The merry-go-round makes one
revolution every two seconds. Who d) linear velocity is zero for
has the larger linear (tangential) both of them

Bonnie 1
Bonnie 2
Bonnie 1 sits on the outer rim of a a) Bonnie 2
merry-go-round, and Bonnie 2 sits
b) b) Bonnie 1
midway between the center and the
rim. The merry-go-round makes one c) both the same
revolution every two seconds. Who d) linear velocity is zero for
has the larger linear (tangential) both of them

Their linear speeds v will be

different since v = R and Bonnie 2

Bonnie1 is located further out
(larger radius R) than Klyde. Bonnie 1

VBonnie 2  VBonnie1

Follow-up: Who has the larger centripetal acceleration?

Angular Motion, General Notes

 When a rigid object rotates about a fixed axis

in a given time interval, every portion on the
object rotates through the same angle in a
given time interval and has the same angular
speed and the same angular acceleration.

 So , w, a all characterize the motion of the

entire rigid object as well as the individual
particles in the object.

Section 10.1
Directions, details
 The directions are actually given by
the right-hand rule.

Section 10.1
Angular Quantities
 Here is the correspondence between linear
and rotational quantities:
Comparison between
Rotational and Linear

Section 10.2
Example : Centrifuge Acceleration
A centrifuge rotor is accelerated from rest to 20,000 rpm in
30 s. (a) What is its average angular acceleration? (b)
Through how many revolutions has the centrifuge rotor
turned during its acceleration period, assuming constant
angular acceleration?

20,000rev / min
( a )   2 f  ( 2 rad / rev )( )  2100 rad / s
60 s / min
  0 21000 rad / s  0
   70 rad / s 2
t 30 s
(b)  0  (70 rad / s 2 )(30 s ) 2  3.15 *10 4 rad
to find the total no of revolutions, divide by 2 rad/rev
3.15 *10 4 rad
 5.0 *10 3 rev
2 rad/rev
Example 10.4 : Acceleration
A deep-sea fisherman hooks a big fish that swims away
from the boat, pulling the fishing line from his fishing reel.
The whole system is initially at rest, and the fishing line
unwinds from the reel at a radius of 4.50 cm from its axis of
rotation. The reel is given an angular acceleration of 110
rad/s2 for 2.00 s.
(a) What is the final angular velocity of the reel after 2 s?
(b) How many revolutions does the reel make?
Example 10.4 : Acceleration
Acceleration Comparison
 How many accelerations?
• Tangential acceleration
• Centripetal acceleration

 The tangential acceleration is

the derivative of the
tangential velocity.
dv d
at  r  r
dt dt
Section 10.3
Angular Acceleration
 If the angular velocity of a rotating object
changes, it has a tangential acceleration:

 Even if the angular velocity is constant, each

point on the object has a centripetal

atotal  a 2
tan a 2
Resultant Acceleration

 The tangential component of the acceleration is

due to changing speed.
 The centripetal component of the acceleration is
due to changing direction.
 Total acceleration can be found from these

a  a a  r  r   r  
2 2 2 4 2 4

Section 10.3
Example10.7: Linear Acceleration
A centrifuge has a radius of 20 cm and accelerates from a maximum
rotation rate of 10,000 rpm to rest in 30 seconds under a constant angular
acceleration. It is rotating counterclockwise. What is the magnitude of the
total acceleration of a point at the tip of the centrifuge at t = 29.0s? What is
the direction of the total acceleration vector?

Section 10.3
Rotational Kinetic Energy
 An object rotating about some axis with an angular
speed, ω, has rotational kinetic energy even though
it may not have any translational kinetic energy.

Each particle has a kinetic energy of

• Ki = ½ mivi2

 Since the tangential velocity depends on the

distance, r, from the axis of rotation, we can
substitute vi = wi r.

Section 10.4
Rotational Kinetic Energy,
 The total rotational kinetic energy of the rigid
object is the sum of the energies of all its
K R   K i   mi ri 2 2
i i 2

1 2 2 1 2
K R    mi ri   I
2 i  2

 I is called the moment of inertia.

Section 10.4
Moment of Inertia
I   ri 2mi
 The definition of moment of inertia is i
 We can calculate the moment of inertia of an object
more easily by assuming it is divided into many small
volume elements, each of mass mi.
 Mass is an inherent property of an object, but the
moment of inertia depends on the choice of rotational
 Moment of inertia is a measure of the resistance of an
object to changes in its rotational motion, similar to
mass being a measure of an object’s resistance to
changes in its translational motion.

Section 10.5
Example10.8 : Two Moment of Inertia
Six small washers are spaced 10 cm apart on a rod of negligible mass
and 0.5 m in length. The mass of each washer is 20 g. The rod rotates
about an axis located at 25 cm, as shown in Figure 10.19. (a) What is
the moment of inertia of the system? (b) If the two washers closest to
the axis are removed, what is the moment of inertia of the remaining
four washers? (c) If the system with six washers rotates at 5 rev/s,
what is its rotational kinetic energy?
Example10.8 : Two Moment of Inertia
Rotational Inertia
 The rotational inertia of an
object depends not only on
its mass distribution but
also the location of the axis
of rotation—compare (f)
and (g), for example.
Example10.9 : Calculating Energies
A typical small rescue helicopter has four blades: Each is 4.00 m long and has
a mass of 50.0 kg. The blades can be approximated as thin rods that rotate
about one end of an axis perpendicular to their length. The helicopter has a
total loaded mass of 1000 kg. (a) Calculate the rotational kinetic energy in the
blades when they rotate at 300 rpm. (b) Calculate the translational kinetic
energy of the helicopter when it flies at 20.0 m/s, and compare it with the
rotational energy in the blades.
Example10.9 : Calculating Energies
A typical small rescue helicopter has four blades: Each is 4.00 m long and has
a mass of 50.0 kg. The blades can be approximated as thin rods that rotate
about one end of an axis perpendicular to their length. The helicopter has a
total loaded mass of 1000 kg. (a) Calculate the rotational kinetic energy in the
blades when they rotate at 300 rpm. (b) Calculate the translational kinetic
energy of the helicopter when it flies at 20.0 m/s, and compare it with the
rotational energy in the blades.
Rotational Inertia
 Four tiny spheres are fastened to the ends of two rods
of negligible mass lying in the xy plane to form an
unusual baton.
• If the system rotates about the y axis, with an angular
speed v, find the moment of inertia and the rotational
kinetic energy of the system about this axis.

• Suppose the system

rotates in the xy plane
about an axis (the z axis)
through the center of the
baton. Calculate the
moment of inertia and
rotational kinetic energy
about this axis
Section 10.4
Example: 10

Section 10.4
Moment of Inertia

Section 10.4
Moment of Inertia: Application
 Suppose you have two eggs, one hard-boiled and the
other uncooked. You wish to determine which is the
hard-boiled egg without breaking the eggs, which can
be done by spinning the two eggs on the floor and
comparing the rotational motions.

• Which egg spins faster?

• Which egg rotates more uniformly?
• Which egg begins spinning again after being stopped
and then immediately released?
• Explain your answers to parts (a), (b), and (c).
Moment of Inertia, cont
 We can rewrite the expression for I in terms
of dm.
 With the small volume segment assumption,

I lim
mi 0 r
mi   r dm 2

 If r is constant, the integral can be evaluated

with known geometry, otherwise its variation
with position must be known.

I    r dV 2

Section 10.5
Notes on Various Densities

 Volumetric Mass Density → mass per unit  
volume: V

  t
 Surface Mass Density → mass per unit
thickness of a sheet of uniform thickness :

 Linear Mass Density → mass per unit M

length of a rod of uniform cross-sectional L

Section 10.5
Moments of Inertia of Various Rigid

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Rigid Rod with
an Axis through the Center
 Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod
of length L and mass M about an axis perpendicular
to the rod (the y axis) and passing through its center
of mass.

The shaded area has a mass

dm =  dx’
Then the moment of inertia is

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Rigid Rod with
an Axis through the Center
The shaded area has a mass dm = dx
Then the moment of inertia is

L/2 M
I y   r dm  
2 2
x dx
L / 2 L
I ML2

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Rigid Rod with
an Axis at the End

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Rigid Rod with
an Axis at the End

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Solid Cylinder
A uniform solid cylinder has a radius R, mass M, and
length L. Calculate its moment of inertia about its central
axis (the z axis in Fig. 10.16).
Divide the cylinder into concentric
shells with radius r, thickness dr and
length L.
dm =  dV = 2Lr) dr

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Solid Cylinder

Divide the cylinder into

concentric shells with radius
r, thickness dr and length L.
dm =  dV = 2Lr) dr
Then for I

Iz   r 2dm    2   L r dr 
Iz  MR 2

Section 10.5
Example MI of a Uniform Solid Cylinder

Section 10.5
Parallel-Axis Theorem
In the previous examples, the axis of rotation
coincided with the axis of symmetry of the object.

 For an arbitrary axis, the parallel-axis theorem

often simplifies calculations.
 The theorem states I = ICM + MD 2
• I is about any axis parallel to the axis through the
center of mass of the object.
• ICM is about the axis through the center of mass.
• D is the distance from the center of mass axis to the
arbitrary axis.

Section 10.5
Applying the Parallel Axis Theorem

Consider once again the

uniform rigid rod of mass
M and length L shown in
Figure 10.15. Find the
moment of inertia of the
rod about an axis
perpendicular to the rod
through one end (the y
axis in Fig. 10.15).

Section 10.5
Example Applying the Parallel Axis

The moment of inertia of the rod about its center is


D is ½ L

I  ICM  MD 2
1 L 1 2
I ML  M    ML

12 2 3
Section 10.5
A 25-kg child stands at a distance r = 1.0 m from the axis of a
rotating merry-go-round (Figure 10.29). The merry-go-round can
be approximated as a uniform solid disk with a mass of 500 kg
and a radius of 2.0 m. Find the moment of inertia of this system.

Section 10.5
Example 10.12 Rod and Solid Sphere
The rod has length 0.5 m and mass 2.0 kg. The radius of the
sphere is 20.0 cm and has mass 1.0 kg

Section 10.5
Example 10.12 Rod and Solid Sphere
The rod has length 0.5 m and mass 2.0 kg. The radius of the
sphere is 20.0 cm and has mass 1.0 kg

Section 10.5
Example 10.13 Angular Velocity of a
A pendulum in the shape of a rod (Figure 10.30) is released from
rest at an angle of 30° . It has a length 30 cm and mass 300 g.
What is its angular velocity at its lowest point?

Section 10.5
Example 10.13 Angular Velocity of a

Section 10.5
To make an object start rotating, a force is needed;
the position and direction of the force matter as
  rF sin   Fd
The perpendicular distance from
the axis of rotation to the line
along which the force acts is
called the lever arm.
 Torque,  , is the tendency of a force to rotate an object
about some axis.
  rF sin   Fd

F is the force, is the angle the
force makes with the horizontal
d is the moment arm (or lever arm) of the force

Section 10.6
 The moment arm, d, is the perpendicular distance from the
axis of rotation to a line drawn along the direction of the force
d = r sin Φ
 The horizontal component of the force (F cos Φ) has no
tendency to produce a rotation.

Torque will have direction.

If the turning tendency of the force is counterclockwise, the
torque will be positive.
If the turning tendency is clockwise, the torque will be negative.
Section 10.6
Net Torque

The force F1 will tend to cause
a counterclockwise rotation
about O.

The force F2 will tend to cause
a clockwise rotation about O.

F1d1 – F2d2

Section 10.6
Torque vs. Force

Forces can cause a change in translational motion.

• Described by Newton’s Second Law
Forces can cause a change in rotational motion.
• The effectiveness of this change depends on
the force and the moment arm.
• The change in rotational motion depends on the

  rF sin   Fd

Section 10.6
Example The Net Torque On A Cylinder
A one-piece cylinder is shaped as shown in Figure, with a core
section protruding from the larger drum. The cylinder is free to
rotate about the central z axis shown in the drawing. A rope
wrapped around the drum, which has radius R1, exerts a force
T1 to the right on the cylinder. A rope wrapped around the core,
which has radius R2, exerts a force T2 downward on the
(A) What is the net torque acting
on the cylinder about the rotation
axis (which is the z axis in Fig.
(B) Suppose T1=5.0 N, R1=1.0 m,
T2=15 N, and R2=0.50 m. What is
the net torque about the rotation
axis, and which way does the
cylinder rotate starting from rest?
Section 10.6
Example Rotating Rod
A uniform rod of length L and mass M is attached at one
end to a frictionless pivot and is free to rotate about the
pivot in the vertical plane as in Figure.
The rod is released from rest in
the horizontal position. What are
the initial angular acceleration of
the rod and the initial translational
acceleration of its right end?

Section 10.6
Energy in an Atwood Machine, Example
The system containing the two
blocks, the pulley, and the Earth is
an isolated system in terms of
energy with no non-conservative
forces acting.
The mechanical energy of the
system is conserved.
The blocks undergo changes in
translational kinetic energy and
gravitational potential energy.
The pulley undergoes a change in
rotational kinetic energy.

Section 10.8
Example 10.12 Energy and the Atwood

 Two blocks having different masses m1

and m2 are connected by a string
passing over a pulley as shown.
 The pulley has a radius R and moment of
inertia I about its axis of rotation.
 The string does not slip on the pulley,
and the system is released from rest.

• Find the translational speeds of the blocks after block 2

descends through a distance h and find the angular speed of
the pulley at this time.
Section 10.6
Example 10.12 Energy and the Atwood

Section 10.6
Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem in
Rotational Motion

The work-kinetic energy theorem for rotational

motion states that the net work done by external
forces in rotating a symmetrical rigid object about a
fixed axis equals the change in the object’s
rotational kinetic energy.

ωf 1 2 1 2
W   Iω dω 
ωi 2
Iωf  Iωi

Section 10.8
Summary of Useful Equations

Section 10.8
Total Kinetic Energy of a Rolling
 The total kinetic energy of a rolling object is the
sum of the translational energy of its center of
mass and the rotational kinetic energy about its
center of mass.
• K = ½ ICM w2 + ½ MvCM2
• The ½ ICMw2 represents the rotational kinetic energy of the
cylinder about its center of mass.
• The ½ Mv2 represents the translational kinetic energy of the
cylinder about its center of mass.

Section 10.9
Sphere Rolling Down an Incline
What will be the speed of a solid sphere of mass M and
radius R when it reaches the bottom of an incline if it
starts from rest at a vertical height H and rolls without
Conservation of energy:

Total energy at the top (y = H, v = 0, w = 0) = Total energy at the

bottom (y=0)
Sphere Rolling Down an Incline

What will be the speed of a solid sphere of mass M and radius R when it
reaches the bottom of an incline if it starts from rest at a vertical height H
and rolls without slipping?

Conservation of energy:

1 1  1 1 
 Mv  I CM w  MgH    Mv  I CM w  MgH 
2 2 2 2

2 2 TOP  2 2  Bottom

 0  0  MgH  TOP   1top

Total energy at the (y =1H, v = 0, w = 0)=Total energy at the bottom (y=0)
Mv 2  I CM w 2  0 
2 2  Bottom
Sphere Rolling Down an Incline

What will be the speed of a solid sphere of mass M and

radius R when it reaches the bottom of an incline if it
starts from rest at a vertical height H and rolls without

 MgH  TOP   1 Mv 2  1 I CM w2  (1)

2 2  Bottom
1 1 2 v2
For solid sphere, I CM 
MR 2 MgH  Mv  ( MR )( 2 )
2 2

5 2 2 5 R
v 1 1
Also, w  gH  (  )v 2
R 2 5
Putting these values in equation (1) 10
v gH
Total Kinetic Energy, Example

Apply Conservation of Mechanical Energy:

• Let U = 0 at the bottom of the plane
• Kf + U f = Ki + Ui
1  ICM  2
• Kf = ½ (ICM / R ) vCM + ½ MvCM
2 2 2   2
 M  vCM
2R 
• Ui = Mgh 1
  2
• Uf = Ki = 0
 2gh 
Solving for v v cm  
 1   ICM 
  MR  

Section 10.9
Rotational Kinetic Energy
 When using conservation of energy, both
rotational and translational kinetic energy must be
taken into account.
 All these objects have the same potential energy at
the top, but the time it takes them to get down the
incline depends on how much rotational inertia they

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