A Set of Assessment

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ASSESSMENT 1. Siti Nurhidayah
2. Millatuz Zulfa (0203519011)
3. Amida Fadmawati
4. Bintang Shofiarizqi
5. Hermin Wijayanti
1. Definition (Millatuz Zulfa)
2. Scope of Assessment
 Knowledge / Cognitive (Hermin Wijayanti)
 Attitude / Affective (Bintang Shofiarizqi)
 Skill / Psychomotor (Amida Fadwati)
3. Example (Siti Nurhidayah)

o Standard of assessment is mechanism, procedure and
instrument of assessment in assessing the students’
result in learning.
o It involves: authentic assessment, peer assessment,
portfolio, exam, daily exam, mid-term exam, final
exam, competence level examination, national
examination, school examination.
o The government use Criteria Referenced Assessment
(PAK). It is an assessment of competence achievement
based on Minimum Criteria of Graduates (KKM).
KKM is minimum criteria which is determined by
school with considering: Characteristics of KD,
Sources, Characteristics of Learners
The Standardized Assessment based
on Curriculum 2013
The Principles of Assessment
based on Curriculum 2013
1. Objective
2. Comprehensive
3. Economical
4. Transparent
5. Accountable
6. Educative
The Principles of Assessment

Curriculum Kondisi Khusus 2020

1. Valid
2. Reliable
3. Fair
4. Flexible
5. Authentic
6. Integrated
Scope of Assessment
o Observation
o Written Test
o Self Evaluation
o Oral Test
o Peer Assessment
o Assignment
o Journal

Phychomotor /skill

o Practice Test
o Project
o Portofolio
o Product
Technique and Instrument in
Assessing Knowledge / Cognitive
 Written test instruments are in form of multiple choice,
essay, short answer, true or false, matching.Oral Test
instrument is in form of list of questions.
 Assignment instruments are in form homework or
project which is done individually or in group that is
appropriate with its characteristics.
Understanding Bloom’s (and Anderson and
Krathwohl’s) Taxonomy

Bloom Anderson & Krathwohl

• Knowledge • Remembering
• comprehension • Understanding
• Application • Applying
• Analysis • Analyzing
• Synthesis • Evaluating
• Evaluation • Creating
Kisi-Kisi Soal
Contoh Soal
Kunci Jawaban
Technique and Instrument in
Assessing Attitude / Affective
 Observation is an assessment technique which is done
continuously and using human’s sense directly or not directly by
using observation guidance which contains the indicators about
attitude observed.
 Self evaluation is an assessing technique by asking the students
to evaluate themselves in context of competence achievement.
The instrument used is in form of self evaluation sheet.
 Peer assignment is a assessing technique by asking students to
assess each other in context of competence achievement. The
instrument used is in form of peer assignment sheet.
 Journal is a teacher’s note inside and outside the class which
contains the information about the result of the observation of
students weaknesses which related to the attitude.
Self Evaluation
Peer Assessment
Technique and Instrument in
Assessing Skill / Psychomotor
Assessing Skill / Psychomotor in
Standardied Test
Student performance in assessing skills is a pivotal element to
measure the learning standards and and the learning process.

When one leg is weak or missing, educational programs may

be faulty, but if all three are strong, the programs can be strong.

Standardized tests are used to measure the student performance

abut a great deal can be learned about how well schools
The Use of Assessing Skill / Psychomotor
in Standardied Test based on US Policy
 To hold schools and educators accountable for
educational results and student performance.
 To evaluate whether students have learned what
they are expected to learn
 To identify gaps in student learning and academic
 To identify achievement gaps among different
student groups
 To determine whether educational policies are
working as intended
 Practice test is an assessment which needs a response in
form of the ability in doing certain activity which is suitable
with the competence.
 Project is learning tasks which cover designing activity,
implementation, and report in written form as well as oral
form in certain time.
 Portfolio is an assessment which is done by scoring all
student’s work in certain subject which is reflective-
integrative in order to know students’ passion, development,
achievement, and creativity during certain time. Those works
could be in form of real action which represents students’
care about their environment.
 Product is an assesment which is assess the students’
creation in producing something.
Instrument of Assessment must meet these requirements:

 The substance must represent competence which is

going to be assessed.
 Construction must meet technical requirements
which is suitable with the form of instrument used.
 Good usage of the language as well as
communicative which is suitable with the
development of the students.
Practice Test
Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan 2


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