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Early Ideas About Matter


1-To identify and illustrate the historical developments of  the structure of an atom .  

2-Discuss associated scientists and their role in atomic theory

Success Criteria
1-Students will be able to summarize how matter can be described by the early Greek philosophers.
2-Students will be able to explain the relationship between Dalton’s theory and law of conservation of mass.
3-Students will be able to describe the researches ,including the instruments which led to the discovery of
electrons and protons.
Warm up

What does the picture tell about the early explanation of

Students will write notes about the discoveries of the earliest scientists about matter.
Refer to your group link and include the following points in your

1- The name of the scientist.

2- Describe the scientist 's atomic theory .

3-Identify which part of the atom the scientist discoverd.

4-What special equipment did the scientists use to develop and

support their model?"if present“

5- Draw and label the scientist 's atomic model

Group 1
Ernest Rutherford model of atom

Group 2
Cathode Ray tube Experiment

Group 3
Thomson’s Plum Pudding model

Group 4
Oil Drop Experiment “Refer to the book p 85”

Group 5
Bohr model and quantum mechanical Model
John Dalton

• 1803 - British chemist; elements combine in specific

proportions to form compounds

Solid Sphere Model or

Bowling Ball Model
Proposed by John Dalton
John Dalton
• His Theory:
 All substances are made of atoms that cannot be created,
divided, or destroyed.

 Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances.

 Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of

different elements are different in mass and size.
J.J. Thomson
• 1897 - English chemist and physicist; discovered 1st
subatomic particles

Plum Pudding Model or

Raisin Bun Model
Proposed by J.J. Thomson
J.J. Thomson
• His Theory:
• Atoms contain negatively charged particles called electrons
and positively charged matter.

• Created a model to describe the atom as a sphere filled

with positive matter with negative particles mixed in

• Referred to it as the plum pudding model

• He used the Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode Ray Tube

• The direction the cathode rays is straight when there is no electric

field is applied
• The cathode ray particles carry a negative charge.
• These charged particles deflect from their straight-line path when an
electric field is applied
Ernest Rutherford
• 1911 - New Zealand physicist discovered the nucleus

Planetary model
Ernest Rutherford
• His Theory:
 Small, dense, positively charged particle present in nucleus
called a proton

 Electrons travel around the nucleus, but their exact places

cannot be described.
 He created the gold foil experiment to help him in his
Gold Foil Experiment
Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that atoms are mostly empty space,
with the positive charge concentrated in a nucleus.

He realized this because most of the alpha particles passed straight through the
piece of gold foil, with just a few deflected

He proved that an atom is actually a small dense nucleus surrounded

by orbiting electrons.
Niels Bohr
• 1913 - Danish physicist; discovered energy levels

Bohr Model
Proposed by Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr
• His Theory:
 Electrons travel around the nucleus in definite paths and
fixed distances.

 Electrons can jump from one level to a path in another

James Chadwick
• 1932 - English physicist; discovered neutrons

• His Theory:
 Neutrons have no electrical charge.
 Neutrons have a mass nearly equal to the mass of a proton.
 Unit of measurement for subatomic particles is the atomic
mass unit (amu).
Quantum Mechanical Model
Choose a ‘progress checker’ and write your answer in your book. You may be
asked to share this with a partner, the teacher or your class.

The most important thing Today,I have been successful

I’ve learned today is ………… in doing task ( ) because…

One thing I need to The thing I have found

remember from the work most difficult in
I have completed so today’s lesson is ……….
far is …………..…

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