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• Most of the citizens of a country have enough food, clean clothes and adequate
• People have jobs that give them incomes with which to buy their basic needs.
• There are fewer beggars, street children, and prostitutes trying to earn money on the
• To attain good economic development, resources are to be used wisely so that all
Filipinos will share benefits fairly.
• Men and women are also equally important members of the Philippine society.

• Good economic development means the environment is protected even as economic

resources come from it.
• It also means farmers have enough land of their own on which to grow food crops
to sell.
• It means factory and office workers are paid fair wages and they are allowed to
form trade unions. It also means their working conditions are safe.
• It means both foreign investors and local businesspersons are not greedy. They do
not take away all resources or destroy the environment

• It means all citizens have access to adequate social services like health care, education,
and social security.
• It means civil servants are honest and hardworking. They serve the people well and do
not engage in graft and corruption.
• It means that the social rights of all citizens are promoted.
• When there is good social development, the citizens feels safe from crimes. Law and
order agencies are efficient. They help keep citizens safe from criminals.
• It means the legal and justice system is fair to all citizens.

• It means that democracy is practiced. There is no martial law or political

• Elections are clean; there is no vote-buying or vote-cheating.
• It means political leaders are honest. They work hard to make policies and laws
that truly benefit all citizens. Furthermore, they do not waste funds om projects
that do not benefit the poor majority.
• There are no armed conflicts in a country where there is good political

• It means all our citizens have equal opportunities to participate in the political
affairs of the country. Every citizen, regardless of his/her social status, has the
chance to become a representative or leader of the country.
• When there is good political development, all levels of government are
cooperating effectively and sharing resources to benefit all citizens.
• It also means the country is truly independent; the affairs of the Philippines are not
controlled by the other governments.

• It means that all cultures of people are observed, kept, and respected, such that
these cultures, whether mainstream or indigenous, continue to grow and become
• The government is willing to use its resources in promoting the people’s art,
music, dance, literature, and theater.
• Good cultural development gives equal respect to the rights of indigenous peoples
and promotes understanding of their wisdom and knowledge.
• When a country has good cultural development, its different cultural groups live
together in peace and harmony with respect. All faiths and religions need to be

• GNP – Gross National Product; it measures the total amount of things produced and
the services used in a country in each year; the higher the GNP the richer the country.
• Another good indicators are:
• the number of doctors, nurses, and hospitals available for adequate health care and
• the amount of education most citizens have literacy;
• life expectancy and mortality rate.
• GDP – Gross Domestic Product; the total market value of the goods and services
produced by a country’s economy during a specified period of time.

• GPI – Genuine Progress Indicator; collection of indicators to measure the country’s

growth, increased of goods, and expanding services
• HDI – Human Development Index; a comparative measure of health, represented by
estimated life expectancy at birth; knowledge, represented by adult literacy rate; and
economic standard of living, represented by the gross domestic product per capita.
• HSI – Human Security Index; used to characterize the security of an individual or
group at home, in one’s village, country, and the Earth.
• GNH – Gross National Happiness; The King of Bhutan explains that the GNH of a
society means a society where “happiness and well-being of all people and sentient
beings is the ultimate purpose of governance.

• NEDA – National Economic Development Authority; responsible for planning national

policies and development.
• For many years, foreign or international agencies or organizations have also been
involved in development of the Philippines and are also concerned with problems or
development. They give foreign aid or assistance to the Philippines. Examples of these
agencies or organizations are the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB),
Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Australian Agency for
International Development (AUSAID) and Japanese International Cooperation Agency
• Some of the regional or international NGOs active in the Philippines include Save the

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