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Agree on a working definition of globalization for the
Differentiate the competing conceptions of globalization
Narrate a personal experience of globalization
• Activity

Tell us the story of GIO, LATIF and the LAKSA

Tell us other global experiences

 Economic
-the integration of the national markets to a wider global market signified by
the increased free trade

Scholarly description of globalization is provided by Manfred Steger

-the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across
world time and across world space
 Expansion- both the creation of new social networks and the multiplication of existing
connections that cut across traditional political, economic, cultural and geographical
 Intensification refers to expansion, stretching and acceleration of networks

• Globalization processes do not occur merely at an objective, material

level but they also involve the subjective plane of human consciousness.
• People begin to feel that the world has become a smaller place and
distance has collapsed from thousands of miles to just a mouse click
 Arjun Appadurai
 Ethnoscape- global movement of people
 Mediascape- flow of culture
 Technoscape-circulation of mechanical goods and software
 Financescape-global circulation of money
 Ideoscape- realm where political ideas move around
 Activity
 Do an inventory of everything you have in your possession.
 Identify which of those things are made in the Philippines and and those that are of
foreign brands.
Lesson 2
The Globalization of World Economics

Learning Outcomes
1.Define economic globalization
2.Identify the actors that facilitate globalization
3.Narrate a short story of global market integration
in the 20th century
4.Articulate your stance on global economic
International Trading Systems

Gold Standard- UK, US and other European

- goal is to create a system to allow efficient trade
-established a common basis for currency prices and
fixed exchange rate system.
The Bretton Woods System

 A network of global financial institutions that would

promote economic interdependence and prosperity
 Inaugurated in 1944
 To prevent catastrophes of the early decade of the century
from recurring and affecting international ties.
 John Meynard Keynes- British economist
 Economic crisis occur not when a country does not have enough
money but when money is not being spent, thereby, not moving
 Governments have to reinvigorate
revive markets with combination
infusions of
 System of Global Keynesianism

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