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JCI Impact

Projects for sustainable solutions to

community challenges.

Version 2016-02-15

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
 Register online

 Participate

 Complete evaluation and pass knowledge

test. Available 4 days after report for 60 days.

Course material can be downloaded

from after test.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Course Objectives
• Understand fundamentals of active citizenship.

• Engage the community to identify challenges.

• Take action to create sustainable solutions.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Active Citizenship
• Why did you choose to attend JCI Impact?

• What are your expectations from this course?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact


JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact

1. Name

2. Local Organization

3. One thing you would change

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
United Nations Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon

What was the key message in this video?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary General:

“As young leaders,

JCI members hold the key
to solving some of the most
oppressing challenges
of our times.”

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Gillian Sorensen
Senior Advisor at the UN Foundation:

“Select one, or two,

maybe at most three
Millennium Development Goals
that apply most particularly
to your home situation.”

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Kofi Annan
Former Secretary General of the United Nations:

“Begin in your community…

begin at your university,
begin in your own little town…”

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary General:

“Let’s work together, we are

natural allies… we are united
by the shared objectives
and this is what I ask you…”

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Civil Sector Responsibility
• Governments alone cannot solve all
challenges of humanity.
• Businesses!
• Civil society must be a part of the

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Discussion Point
• Think of someone in
your community who is
an active citizen.

• What makes this person

an active citizen?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Four Important Factors
1. Need: Identify a need in your community.

2. Engage: Engage people to find a solution

3. Action: Take action to solve the challenge.

4. Solution: Find solutions and fix the need.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Active Citizenship in JCI

For JCI, active citizens are JCI members who:

• Identify challenges
• Engage the community
• Take action
• Create sustainable solutions

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Active Citizenship Recap

1. We need to identify a real need or challenge.

2. We need to consult and engage the community.

3. We need to act in order to solve challenges.

4. We must ensure we work on sustainable


JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
The Tree

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Teamwork Task

In teams of 3:
What messages did you learn from
this video?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
What are the
tree trunks
in your community?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Realistic List
Now we have compiled a more realistic list of
problems compared to the first list of changes
we wanted to make in our communities.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Deeper Look

These are the challenges

we found, but how can we
be sure they reflect the
opinion of the entire

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Needs Analysis
Why Needs Analysis?
A Needs Analysis determines community
challenges and gives two important advantages:

Support: Ownership:
Organizations Involvement
depend on empowers a sense
community support. of ownership.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Needs Assessment
Define and decide challenges:
• Collect existing information

• • Analyze
the agencies
• Universities and Schools
• • Meet withcenters
Statistic officials
Community centers
• Decide on priorities

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
No information available?
Conduct your own survey:
• Online surveys
• Face-to-face interviews
• Meet with officials, leaders
and businesses
• Forums
• Town hall meetings

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact

With a member from

another team:
Discuss the most urgent
challenges within your

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Teamwork Task

In your teams:
Discuss and select one challenge
affecting your community or

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Cause and Effect Analysis
The needs analysis will identify the challenge.

We must detect the causes.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
The JCI Active Citizen Framework
JCI Active Citizen Framework

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Sustainable Solutions

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
Cause and Effect Analysis

Challenge detected Inefficient emergency services

Without analyzing the cause, projects focus on:

• Public campaign to increase personnel
• Find resources to buy more ambulances

Solving the effect never eliminates the challenge

because the cause still exists.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Cause Detection
Why? 2
detected • Inefficient emergency services.

Effect level 1
Why? • Lack of personnel and equipment.

challenge • Increased pedestrian accidents.

Cause level 1
Why? • Pedestrians not using crosswalk.

Cause level 2 • Lack of knowledge & adequate signs.

Projects • New signs and campaign to help educate.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Sustainable Solutions
• The original challenge detected (Inefficient
emergency services) is not the cause.

• Projects (New Signs and Campaign) are

aimed to eliminate the cause.

• Eliminating (accidents) will eliminate the need

for the emergency services all together.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
When to Stop Asking “Why”
• Keep asking why during the
cause detection process.
• Stop when action will
reduce the effect or
eliminate the cause.
• Stop when the Local
Organization has reached
the limit of ability to act.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Teamwork Task

In your teams:
Use the cause detection process and
determine the causes of the major
challenges identified in your community.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
• What was the detected challenge?

• How did the team determine the cause?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
How Projects Work
• What is the cause of the current situations

• What needs to change to have the desired

future ideal situation?

• A project is the result of an intervention or

action to change the current situation.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
What is a Project?
A project is one or a series of activities
with a specific purpose to solve a
challenge or remove an obstacle within
a specific timeline.

A program is an activity that is

conducted over a period of time with the
purpose of creating awareness, fund
raising, marketing, recognition, etc.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Projects Impact…

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
General Discussion
What impact will the project have on the following:

Economic Environmental
Social Impact
Impact Impact

This will help you identify the... partners

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Selecting the Partners
• We need to select partners to carry-out actions.
• We must decide what type of support we need.
• We cannot create great changes on our own.
We need partners!

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Defining the Partners
• Need analysis partners
• The media
• Community leaders
• Other organization
• The general public
• Businesses
• Government

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Important Aspects

• Partnership is based on common

• Partnership should not distract
from the main purpose of the
• Partnership is not more important
than the project.

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Active Citizen Framework

See the need, engage people and take action to

create sustainable solutions.
JCI Skills Development:
JCI Impact
What Matters to You

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
What are you
going to do now?

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact
Thank you!
Let’s create Impact!

JCI Skills Development:

JCI Impact

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