Journal Analysis)

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Why do I have to do it?
◦ A review of a journal article evaluates the strengths
and weaknesses of an article's ideas and content. It
provides description, analysis and interpretation that
allow readers to assess the article's value.
There are 5 stages,
◦ 1. Introduction
◦ 2. Literature review
◦ 3. Methodology
◦ 4. Findings
◦ 5. How is this journal relevant to your research?
1. Introduction
◦ What is the article about?
◦ Author’s purpose in writing this article?
◦ Give a general overview about the article and narrow it to
something specific.
◦ Remember to include your thesis.
2. Literature Review
◦ Past researcher’s studies.

1. Main Idea
2. Evidence ( Facts evidence, Example evidence)
3. Commentary ( Opinion, point of view)
4. Concluding sentence
3. Methodology
◦ Methods used to conduct the research.
◦ There are 2 types: Qualitative and Quantitative
Qualitative (Conceptual) Quantitative (Empirical)

◦ Data which is not in numerical form. ◦ Data in numerical form.

◦ diary accounts, open ended questionnaire, ◦ measures of 'types' and may be represented by
unstructured interviews, observations. a name, symbol, or a number code.
◦ Used to gain an understanding of reasons, ◦ Quantitative research is the systematic
opinions and motivations. empirical investigation of observable
◦ It provides insights into the problem or helps phenomena via statistical, mathematical or
computational techniques.
to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
quantitative research.
Qualitative Quantitative
Conceptual - Concerned with understanding - Concerned with discovering
human behaviour from the facts about social phenomena.
informant’s perspective. - Assumes a fixed and
- Assumes a dynamic and measurable reality.
negotiated reality.

Empirical - Data are collected through - Data are collected through

participant observation and measuring things.
interviews. - Data are analysed through
- Data are analysed by themes numerical comparison and
from descriptions by statistical inferences.
informants. - Data are reported through
- Data are reported in the statistical analyses.
language of the informant.
Criteria Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Purpose To understand & interpret social interactions. To test hypotheses, look at cause & effect,
& make predictions.
Group Studied Smaller & not randomly selected. Larger & randomly selected.
Variables Study of the whole, not variables. Specific variables studied
Type of Data Collected Words, images, or objects. Numbers and statistics.
Form of Data Collected Qualitative data such as open- ended responses, interviews, Quantitative data based on precise
participant observations, field notes, & reflections. measurement using structured &
validated data
collecting instrument.
Type of Data Analysis Identify patterns, features, themes. Identify statistical relationships.
Objectivity and Subjectivity Subjectivity is expected. Objectivity is critical.

Results Particular or specialized findings that is less generalizable.

Generalizable findings that can be applied to
other populations.
View of Human Behaviour Dynamic, situational, social, & personal. Regular & predictable.
Most Common Research Objectives Explore, discover, & construct. Describe, explain, & predict.
Focus Wide-angle lens; examines the breadth & depth of phenomena. Narrow-angle lens; tests a specific hypotheses.

Nature of Observation Study behaviour in a natural environment. Study behaviour under controlled conditions;
isolate casual effects.
Nature of Reality Multiple realities; subjective. Single reality; objective.
◦ 1. Identify the problem and review your audience. (10-15 respondents)
◦ 2. Develop and prioritize a list of potential questions.
◦ 3. Write simple, clear and short questions. (8-10 questions)
◦ 4. Use appropriate language.
◦ 5. Ensure respondents’ ability to answer.
◦ 6. Avoid negative and biased questions.
◦ 7. Use close ended questions with a rating scale, and open ended question for
feedback purposes.
◦ 8. Format : Times New Roman, 12. Spacing 1.5
◦ 9. Include respondents basic information area, research topic and purpose stated.
4. Findings
◦ What have they discovered from the research?
◦ Mind mapping, graph, pie chart and etc.
◦ Refer to your manual.
5. How is this article related to my
◦ Tell your point of view on how this article contributes
towards your research.
◦ Is the information in this article sufficient to support your
That’s all folks !
Enjoy writing your
analysis 

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