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The World Health
Oganisation (WHO)

 The World Health Organization is the united Nations
specialized agency for health.
 It was established on 7th April 1948.
 WHO'S objectives as set out in its constitution, is the
attainment by all people of the highest possible level
of health.
 Health is defined in WHO constitution as a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

 The principle work of WHO is directing and co-
coordinating international health activities and supplying
technical assistance to countries.
 It develops norms and standards, disseminates health
information, promotes research, provides training in
international health, collects and analyses epidemiologic
data, and develops systems for monitoring and evaluating
health programmes.

 WHO has a biannual budget. Assessed Contribution from

member nations constitutes the regular budget.
2) The World Bank:

 The World Bank is the other major
Intergovernmental agency related to the UN heavily
involved in international health.
 The World Bank loans money to poor countries on
advantageous terms not available in commercial
 The amount of money loaned to developing
countries for human resources development i.e.
Health, - education, nutrition and population
3) United Nations International Children
Emergency Fund (UNICEF):

 UNICEF is one of the specialized agencies of United Nations and was
set up in 1946 by the UN General Assembly as a temporary agency.
 It deals with rehabilitation of children affected by war. UN decided
to continue the agency after the war was over.

 Its focus was broadened to welfare of children all over the world by
addressing variety of programmes and activities. In 1953, it became a
Permanent organization of United Nation Assembly and new name
was given i.e. "UN Children's Fund" but the original name UNICEF
was retained.

 The Headquarter is in New York, USA.

UNICEF Contribution in

The Government of India and UNICEF worked out a master of
operations 2003- 2007' for women & children in order to further
their mutual agreement and cooperation for realizing the goals
specified in India's 10th five year plan (2003-2007) and fulfilling
the right of children to survival, protection, participation and
development. The major areas of operations are:
 Reproductive and Child Health Child Development and
 Child environment
 Elementary education
 Child Protection
 Planning,Monitoring and Evaluation of Children's
4) Food and Agricultural
Organisation (FAO):

FAO is one of the specialized agencies of the United
Nations formally formed in 1945 with headquarter in
Rome. The main functions of FA0 are given below: -
 - To help nations to raise their living standards.
 - To improve nutrition level of people of all
 - To secure improvement of production and
dist4bution of all food and Agricultural products.
 - To improve conditions of rural population.
 - To increase the efficiency of farming, fisheries and
5) United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP):

UNDP was established in 1965 with the objectives to help poorer nations
develop their own human and natural resources to the fullest extent.
WHO is the executing agency of the UNDP in Public Health promotions.
 The main aims of UNDP are as follows:
 Increased production and processing of food, timber and other
agricultural commodities.
 Expansion and modernization of industry, power generation,
transport and communication.
 Improvement of basic essential facilities for education, health care,
housing, employment and administrative and social services.
 The growth of more suitable trade and other advances towards the
goals of establishing a new International economic order.
 Progress in integrated rural development, comprehensive urban
renewal, equal participation of women in development and other
pioneering fields.
International Red Cross

 Red Cross is a non-political, non-official, international humanitarian voluntary
organization devoted to the service of mankind in peace and war.
 It was founded by Swiss businessman Henry Dunant when traveling through
North Italy in 1859 and saw the neglect of thousands of wounded and dying
soldiers in the Battle of Solferino.
 Dunant recruited volunteers from nearby villages to help to relieve sufferings of
wounded soldiers. At Dunant's plea the first Geneva Convention took place in 1864
and treaty was signed for the relief of wounded and sick in the field. International
committee of Red Cross are independent, neutral institution and has branches all
over the world.

 In 1919 the League of the Red Cross society was created with its headquarter in
Geneva to Co-ordinate the work of national societies.

 The role of Red Cross is to ' provide humanitarian services to victims of wars,
natural disasters i.e. flood, earthquake, service to armed forces, first aid, home
nursing, health education, maternal and child welfare services.
7) Colombo Plan

 Colombo plan was drawn when common wealth
foreign minister of six common wealth nations met
in January, 1950 at Colombo.
 The Colombo plan assists in industrial and
agricultural development with some support to
health promotions giving fellowships.
 The aim of Colombo plan is to seek improvement in
living standards of the people by reviewing
development plans and co-ordinating development
8) United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)

USAID is technical Co-operative Mission. India has
received assistance in:

 Malaria control and eradication programme,

 Control of filaria,
 Medical education,
 National water supply and sanitation,
 Agriculture support and
 Family planning programmes.
9) Cooperative for American Relief
Everywhere (CARE)

 CARE is nonsectarian, non-governmental organization established in
1946 for the immediate purpose of sending food from American
donors to people in war devastated Europe.
 When post-war emergency programmes completed, CARE
extended programmes to other countries.
 In India operation began in 1950. It has been helping lndia in
Midday School Meal Programme, in primary school children since
 It has given help in the field of Medicine, literacy vocational training
and agriculture. It also helps schools by providing garden tools,
pumps and improved seeds to grow more food.
 CARE has provided mobile medical X-ray machines, diagnostic
equipments, eye glasses "and frames, medical books, medicines and


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