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Types of disabilities

A disability is any IMPAIRMENT
condition of the body or • MOVEMENT
mind that make it More • THINKING Impairment is an absence of or
difficult for the person • LEARNING significant difference in a
with the condition to do
certain activity and
• HEARING persons body structure or
interact with the world • REMEMBERING function or mental
around them. • COMMUNICATING functioning.

Types of
• STRUCTURA IMPAIRMENT A visual impairment where vision is of
some help in a testing or working
L A total loss of ,or reduced ability to,
situation , but where effective reading of
perceive light and color's blind person
IMPAIRMENT must be at 6 meters in order to see
even moderately enlarged print is not
• FUNCTIONA something that a person with normal
possible, and a visual impairment where
print may be used effectively, although it
sight can see at 60 meters , that the field
L of vision is so restricted that only a very
may have to be large type, held very close
to the eyes, or used with special visual
IMPAIRMENT limited area can be seen at one time.
aids and under special lighting conditions.
Eye doctor cheking for?
During a comprehensive eye exam. Your • AMBLYOPIA
eye doctor does much more than just • STRABISMUS
determine your prescription for • FOCUSING PROBLEM
eyeglasses or contact lenses. He will also • EYE DISEASES
check your eye work together as a team • OTHER DISEASES
and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of • AGE RELATED CONDITIONS
your overall health.

HEARING The onset of the hearing

IMPAIRMENT impairment is important for
Hearing impairment implies a language development and for
total or partial loss of the ability to identification with the deaf
perceive acoustic information. The community. A person who was
impairment may affect the full born profoundly deaf or has
range of hearing , or be limited to become deaf at a very early
only part of the auditory age. profound deafness, speech
spectrum, which speech discrimination may be very
perception is the region between limited without lip reading.
250 and 400 Hz.
TYPES OF • IN a recent study, hearing
HERING LOSS experts have found that people
• CONDUCTIVE with hearing loss are more prone
to falling and injuring themselves
HEARING LOSS • Hearing loss impact the balance
• SENSORINEURAL system of the body located the
HEARING LOSS risk of falling
• MIXED HEARING • Don’t ignore hearing loss, get
LOSS your hearing tested with an
experienced audiologist.

PRODUCTION The intelligibility of speech may
Speech impairment refer to any be reduced by varying degree :
reduction in a person ability to use speech may be lacking totally or
speech in a general way , or only it may be unintelligible even to
certain aspect of it, such as fluency or people who are familiar with the
voice may be caused by speaker may be intelligible to
developmental problem as in the case familiar person, while difficult to
of severe developmental language understand for other. There may
disorder,or by speech disorder due to also be situational variation.
lack of muscular control.
• Speech therapy exercises that
4. DEVELOPMENTAL focus on building familiarity with
STUTTERING certain word or sound
5. NEUROGENIC STUTTERING • Physical exercises that focus on
• APRAXIA strengthening the muscles that
• DYSARTHRIA produce speech sound.

IMPAIRMENT OF LANGUAGE Several disorder of the central nervous

COMPREHENSION system may include impairment of
This category contain a loss of or a reduction language comprehension . Some condition
in the ability to understand language. The like severe developmental language
disability may imply only an impairment of disorder, only the language function is
language , or it may be associated with a more affected, while other condition may
general intellectual impairment influence most intellectual function.
TREATMENT Intellectual
People a very reduced
CHILDREN(Age5-10) intellectual ability
(Age11 through high school) group with a range of
sensory , motor and
cognitive impairment:
most impairment :

including visual and

auditory impairment
have a higher incidence
in the group that is T
called intellectually • Early communication
impaired. One common skills (pointing, turn-
trait is that they tend to taking)
do thing slower then • Social interaction
other people, another and play
that they have reduced • Pragmatic
comprehension of conventions
instruction and • Speech production
language in general. • literacy
Dyslexia is a disorder manifested A lack of reading skill will be a handicap in a wide range
by difficulty in learning to read of social and professional situation. In particular ,it will
despite by difficulty in learning to influence the persons ability to obtain information.
read despite conventional severe reading disorder may also be an acquired
instruction, adequate intelligence, condition similar to aphasia, and is then usually called
and socio-cultural opportunity. it ALEXIA.
is dependent on fundamental
cognitive disabilities.
The most appropriate treatment A reduced function of legs and feet
strategy depend on the need of the implies dependency on a
individual .Reading disorder wheelchair or other mobility aid to
cannot be cured, but people with help walking .people with this
these disorder can overcome disability are usually able to
specific problem . Learn to read, communicate normally on the
and improve fluency and
telephone, but may have problems
comprehension with proper
instruction, especially if they
getting to tha equipment.
receive help and instruction early.
A person in a wheelchair with a normal TREATMENT
arm function will usually be able to • Elevate your legs whenever you're lying
reach 0,4-1,2,m. for installation to be down. The legs should be raise so they're
within reach , they should be placed at above your heart
not more than 0.4 meters from the side • You may want to place a pillow under your
of a table. it is essential that they do not legs to make it more comfortable.
have to travel long distances and that • Stay active and focus on stretching and
suitable resting places are provided. moving the legs.
snow and ice are troublesome for • Maintain a healthy body weight.
people with difficulties in walking. • Wear support stocking or compression

People with severely reduced strength
Reduced function of arms and hand
may be unable tousle the keyboard of a
includes the lack of arms or hands, or typewriter or computer , and the keypad
reduced ability to use them due to of a telephone. They may not be able to
reduced strength or co ordination. press down the handle to open a door, or
This does not influence speech to lift a book or a telephone receiver. they
communication itself, but implies may not be able to push open heavy
great difficulty in using a wide range doors. Or to open drawers.
of technical and non technical
• Your weakness is accompanied by Impairment of growth primarily
includes adults who are significantly
sudden, severe pain in your back or leg.
• You experience loss of bladder or bowel shorter than the population mean. This
condition is typically caused by
• You or someone else of experiences any malfunctioning of the hormone system.
shortness adversely influences ones
warning sign of a stroke.
access to equipment.

Short people also tend to have short The expansion of growth hormone therapy
arms, which make manipulation of over the last 3 decades has allowed for
some type of equipment awkward or treatment of short stature for more children,
difficult. It should be noted , however, resulting in increased height for many.
that also people who are significantly Treatment decision for disable children with
taller then the average of the idiopathic short stature are even more
population may have some problems complicated . We discuss a specific case of
in using equipment that is mounted at short stature in a disable child and grapple
a low level , or where the ceiling, for with the ethical issues in the us of growth
example of a telephone booth, is too hormone.
Some people have multiple
OTHER IMPAIRMENT impairment: for example
AND DISABILITIES combined visual and hearing
impairment, or hearing
The above categories cover a wide
impairment and problems in
range of impairment and disabilities .
controlling the movement of their
There are, individuals who do not
arms and hand . People with
readily fit into any of these
intellectual impairment typically
categories. people who have to spend
have several impairment .the
most of their time in bed cannot
impact of each impairment may
readily be included in the category of
also vary according to the
wheelchair dependent user.

When assessing the needs of people

with multiple impairment. If a person

The end
severe reading disorder acquires a
profound hearing loss, text
transmission via the telephone network
is impossible, and the person is
excluded from a dorm of
telecommunication ordinarily used by
people with hearing impairment.

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