What Is VR Gaming?

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1 What is VR gaming?

2 Types of VR games

3 Virtual Reality Gaming Accessories

4 The best VR games you of our century

VR gaming is the term used to describe a new generation of computer
games with virtual reality (VR) technology that gives players a truly
immersive, first-person perspective of game action. 

 Participants both experience and influence the game environment

through a variety of VR gaming devices and accessories, including VR
headsets, sensor-equipped gloves, hand controllers, and more.
Virtual reality games can be played
on standalone systems, specialized
game consoles, or using advanced
laptops and PCs that can power the
leading VR headsets such as
Oculus Rift, HTC Vive.

There are subsets of virtual reality

gaming that use related technologies
called augmented reality (AR) and mixed
reality (MR), where virtual elements are
placed into the player's real world as
viewed through a headset or camera.
There are individual virtual
reality games and multi-player,
online virtual reality games.
Some VR games place players
in physical combat
environments, while others
involve less confrontational
pursuits, such as auto racing
and acrobatic flying. Other VR
games challenge players –
either alone or with others – to
solve problems, move objects,
or explore new places.
VR Games on Pcs and Laptops: Games played on high-end
computers provide the most detailed virtual environments and
game options. Popular VR headsets for PCs and laptops in late
2018 include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and our own Lenovo VR
headset, Lenovo Explorer.

VR Games on Smartphones: For mobile VR gaming, smartphone

manufacturers are introducing their own headsets, controllers and games
(VR, AR, and MR). One such headset/platform is the Gear VR.

VR Games on Game Consoles: These games are similar to those

played on PCs but work only with game consoles from specific
manufacturers. A leading example is the PlayStation VR
This unique perspective and
playability is primarily
The thrill of VR gaming comes from its first- achieved using the advanced
person viewpoint and each player's ability VR headsets or goggles that
to manipulate the virtual environment. are part of nearly every VR
Unlike regular video games where the gaming experience. For
perspective is typically from behind and/or additional input and control, a
slightly above the player's character, VR variety of add-on devices may
gamers often feel like they're seeing the be used to translate the
action directly from their character's eyes. player's real-life movements
into on-screen action.
VR Gaming Headsets & Goggles: VR Game Controllers:
The most important VR gaming accessory A VR controller translates your physical actions
is the one you wear on your head to into game performance. Like traditional video
immerse yourself in the game. The games, most VR games utilize some kind of hand-
headsets/goggles category is expanding based controller (joystick, gamepad, or even
rapidly. Products range from high-end, gloves) for pointing, firing and sending
motion-control VR headsets that capture commands. More advanced VR games also use a
and transmit your full head and eye motion detector/controller to sense your real-life
movements, to more simple VR goggles activities (walking, throwing, and so on) and
that merely display the simulated 3D game recreate them within the game.
VR Gaming Gloves:
Sensor-equipped VR gaming gloves have enabled
a new level of detail in today's newest VR games.
Whereas VR motion detectors can sense broad,
whole-body movements, VR gloves enable the
detection of minute hand and finger movements,
allowing developers to create a new generation of
VR games that ask players to pick up small items,
grasp and carry objects, and so on.
The best VR games
1. Microsoft Flight Simulator

Even without a VR headset, the stunning views and

meticulously detailed aircraft of this flight sim are
simply delicious to experience. But adding VR into the
mix makes it all better.

With the first-person viewpoint offered by your

helmet, you can examine all the buttons and switches
up close, and gain an extra level of immersion as you
take off and land at airports around the world, fly
through the clouds (which are dynamically altered in
real-time according to global weather reports) and
admire the landscapes below.
If that sounds a bit overwhelming to you, then you'll
be glad that the game lets you tailor how much of your
plane's controls are automatically or manually
controlled. If you want something more relaxing, you
can just let the game take care of the hard stuff for you
and enjoy flying around. But if you want to feel like an
actual pilot, then you can take off the training wheels
and tinker to your heart's content.

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