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Assignment 1

Mohammed Suhaib
I have been approached to help design and structure a network system and computing resolution
for my friends music shop ‘First Music’. My proposition will incorporate a complete network and
computer system that meets these necessities and demands for future expansion plans for my
friend’s enterprise.

'First Music' will auction brand new and pre-owned music and permit consumers to get ‘online’ in
the store and download music. I am also orchestrating a plan to propose classes on how to
download music and configure MP3 devices.
Network Introduction

A computer Network are two or more computers that are linked together to share files and resources and allows electronic
communication between them. The computers may be linked together by cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satelites.


● You can share resources such as Printers

● Sharing of software and database
● Communication from one computer to another computer
● Have the ability to exchange data and information among users by using the network
● Sharing information over Wide Area Network
Wired Network

Wired Networks uses ethernet cables to be able to transfer data between connected PCs

Advantages & Disadvantages of Wired Network

Advantages -

● Faster Network Speeds

● Increased Security
● Control
● Visibility
● Reliability & Stability

Disadvantages -

● Lots of cables
● Maintenance
● Installation
● Expensive
● Wires easily damaged
● Limited Access
Wireless Network

A Wireless Network means when devices or computers are connected without cables.
Wireless Network uses radio waves to connect the devices such as laptop that are connected to the internet.

Advantages & Disadvantages of a Wireless Network

Advantages -

● Increased Efficiency
● More Access & Availability
● Cheaper

Disadvantages -

● More likely to be attacked (Security)

● Installation Problems
● Slower Speed
Local Area Network (LAN)

Local Area Network (LAN) is two or more connected stations such as PCs, servers and computers in the same limited
area, sharing data and peripheral devices such as printer, mouse, and keyboard it is something that is attached to a
computer. They can be used in residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.

Hardware Components of LAN

● PCs/workstations and servers

● Network Interface Card (NIC)
● Hub
● Cabling & Connectors
● LAN Switch
● Router
Advantages & Disadvantages of LAN

In LAN computers can exchange data and messages in the easy and fast way. It also saves time
and makes our work fast. Every user can share messages and data with any other user on LAN. The
user can login from any computer on the network and access the same data placed on the server.
● Cost
● Ease To Set Up
● Speed
● Sharing of Resources
● Client Server relationship
● Securing of data
● Data Security Problem
● Limitation of Distance
● Server crashes may affect all computers
● Setting up a LAN network is Expensive
Applications of LAN

LAN uses wired connections to be able to link the computers next to each other. The
devices that is connected to a LAN are able to access data from any machine that's
connected to the network. LAN users can communicate with each other by chat or email.

For Example;

● Businesses
● Residence
● Universities
● College
● Workplace
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)

Where WAN is used

A Wide Area Network is a data network and is usually used for connecting
computers and WAN covers large geographical area such as, cities, states or
countries. WAN is made with the combinations of LAN and MAN Networks.

The transmission of data is carried out with the help of hubs, switches, fiber
optics, modem, and routers.
Who uses Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wan are used by large business or organizations to make it easy to exchange of

data and in many wide industries businesses use WAN to be able to have wider
access of internet but at a slower speed whereas LAN is much more faster than
WAN or MAN because it is local area network which will increase high flow of
Examples Of WAN

● Most big banks

● Airline companies
● Large telecommunication companies
● Satellite Systems
● Cable Companies
● Network Providers
Advantages Of WAN
● Covers large geographical area
● Centralized Data
● Gets updated files and data
● Sharing software and resources
● Global Business
● High Bandwidth
● Distribute workload and decreases travel charges
Disadvantages Of WAN

● Security problems
● The setup cost is high
● Troubleshooting problems
● Server down and disconnection issue
What is Network Topology

Network topology is the description of the arrangement of nodes (e.g. switches

and routers) and connections in a network, often represented as a graph.

No matter how identical two organizations are, no two networks are exactly
alike. However, many organizations are relying on well built network topology
models. Network topologies outline how devices are connected together and
how data is transmitted from one node to another.
Types of Topologies
● Bus Topology
● Star Topology
● Ring Topology
● Mesh Topology
● Tree Topology
● Point To Point Topology
Bus Topology Diagram

1 2 3

Terminators 6
4 5
Working Principles of Bus Topology
Bus topology is a network setup which is connected to a backbone through a
single cable. This is then connected to other PC devices or nodes. This then
travels across the node to find out where it needs to be delivered. The cable in
the bus topology has to end terminals and bounce back and forward the signals
so the PC’s does not lose its signals.

Bus topology is where every device is connected to a single cable which runs
from one end of the network to the other. This type of type of topology is often
referred to as line topology. In a bus topology, data is transmitted in one
direction only. If the bus topology has two endpoints then it is referred to as a
linear bus topology. Smaller networks with this type of topology will generally
use an RJ45 cable to link devices together.
Advantages of Bus Topology
● Fast
● Reliant
● Cheap - less wires are used
● There are a number of reasons why bus topologies are used in smaller
networks. One of the main reasons is that they keep the layout simple. All
devices are connected to a single cable so you don’t need to manage a
complex topological setup.
● The layout also helps make bus topologies cost effective because they can
be run with a single cable. In the event that more devices need to be added
then you can simply join your cable to another cable.
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
● Too many devices connected can then affect the slow speed of other
● Hard to troubleshoot than star topology because all the computers/nodes
connect to the central point
● Terminators are required for both ends of the main cable
● If there are any faults in the backbone then it stops all the transmission.
● However, relying on one cable does mean that bus topologies have a single
point of failure. If the cable fails then the entire network will go down. A
cable failure can cost organizations a lot of time while they attempt to
resume service. Further to this, if you have lots of network traffic then the
performance of your network will decrease significantly as all the data will
be travelling through one cable.
Star Topology Diagram

1 3


4 5
Working Principles of Star Topology

A star topology is a topology where every node in the network is connected to

one central node. Every device in the network is directly connected to the central
node and indirectly connected to every other node. The relationship between
these elements is that the central network device is a server and other devices
are treated as clients. The central node has the responsibility of managing data
transmissions across the network. The central node or hub also acts as a
Advantages of Star Topology
● Easy to manage and maintain the network because nodes requires a separate
● Easy to locate problems because cable failure only affects a single user.
● Provides very high speed of data transfer
● No disruption to the network then connecting or removing devices.
● Star topologies are most commonly-used because you can manage the whole
network from one location: the central hub. As a result, if a node that isn't the
central node goes down then the network will remain up. This gives star
topologies a layer of protection against failures that aren't always present
with other topology setups. Also, you can add new computers without having
to take the network offline like you have to do with a ring topology.
Disadvantages of Star Topology

● Hub/switches fails then all of the nodes will fail as they are no wires that will
not be able to transmit no information because the entire performance of
the network depends on a single device hub.
● Limited connection for nodes or devices
● Star topology requires more wires compared to bus and ring topology.
● Even requires less cabling then mesh when compared with other topologies
it still large.
● Whole network depends on one single hub. When it goes down then the
whole system is dead.
Which network is best to play games in Multiplayer Environment

Through the research I have done; I have found that a WAN network allows more
competition between online gamers, whether there is a bit of a lag or not WAN
network allows you to play with someone on the other side of the world.

You can also make new friends with a WAN network and play with them online or
add them to your team. However with a LAN network you can only play with
people in the same LAN network, this makes the gaming a bit boring as there will
not be any competition. The game becomes a lot more exciting when you play
games with someone better than you and this can really improve your game a
Which network is best to play games in Multiplayer Environment
The best network to play games in multiplayer environment is WAN because WAN
is wide area network which means you can play games with other players around
the world as WAN covers the network globally. With WAN you have the problem of
the game stopping throughout the game which is not ideal in gaming as you want
to play the game without any interruptions.

LAN is known for its speed if you want to play a game without it stopping then
LAN is better however you are limited with your players as you are not connected
to players around the world. With a LAN Network you are limited to only playing
with someone who is in the same LAN network. LAN network are a lot better if you
do not want to lose all the data in the game you are playing. In my point of
perspective i prefer using a WAN Network as it has more competition and has
wider range of opponents which can also mean vastly improving your skills in the
particular multiplayer game.
User Experience M1:
LAN Network
Mohammed Suhaib
User Experience M1: LAN Network

LANS are computers connected through cables and other devices to access
data and communicate with each other via email or chat. LANS are easier to set
up but they do not perform well when they are under heavy load. The user
experience is that LANS transfer data is faster than the telephone line but they
are also limited in the number of computers they support and the distance they
can transfer the data. LANs can connect to other LANS over telephone lines,
satellites or radio waves but they involve lots of wires.
LAN Connectivity
LAN Network is when the computer is connected to the Local Area Network. You
can access all your data or confidential information from any other computer in
the LAN Network.

For example, if you work in a IT Department and its infrastructure is very big, and
you constantly getting moved by your manager into different PC’s stations. If you
have a LAN Network in your workplace you can access all your data or
confidential information from any other devices or PC’s in the IT Department. So
this means all the nodes in the Network are connected to each other, so this
means if the user has to be moved constantly, all the data they had on the
computer is saved on different computer stations.
LAN Speed

When using a LAN Network you can exchange data and confidential information
in a fast and effective way. The average speed for data or information to be
distributed into different devices in the LAN Network is 10Mbps.

Whereas, with a LAN Network you can transfer data and confidential
information even more quicker with additional support, for example with a
ethernet cable attached to your LAN Network the speed will increase 10 times
than the original speed which means 100Mbps which is very quick, this is
primarily used for when there is large amount of devices in a LAN Network which
can slow the traffic of speeds and this can slow down the work being produced
by colleagues who actually work for the company.
LAN Reliability
A LAN Network is vastly reliable is because a LAN Network is not very spacious as
it only contains of only one or two buildings, whereas a WAN Network which
covers large geographical area and this means that it will go down a lot more
often than LAN Network.

A LAN Network is a lot more trusted due to having a better security than WAN as
it has small geographical and has less interference and so it will not go down that
much, so it is very consistent. This means the users don't have to worry a lot about
the consistency of transferring data and information going down. This will then let
the business grow, as there are not many nodes in the network, and any work that
needs to be done on time, then the customers will have more trust and good
relationship towards to company employees.
LAN Frequency of Network Failure
A LAN Network has high peak security. The reason for this is because it isn't very
big and so the smaller the office is then the more security they will be. Most LAN
Network are as similar to one building and it will be more stronger to hack as there
won't be much information on the LAN Network. This means it will not go down
often like a WAN Network because WAN Network often has a lot of interference.

Also data can only be transferred to devices in the certain network, so it will be
complicated for hackers to identify the password from a business using a LAN
Network as they would want to control more security as they can. A WAN Network
will have so many devices in its own network so the hacker will find it more easier
and simple way to hack, also people won't be able to get the highest security as
they can for the WAN Network as it would be costly and the network would be very
large and difficult to manage or cope.
LAN Performance
A LAN Network is quite small so there are only a few computers in the network, so
this means the transferring of data and confidential information will not be lagging
that much, whereas a WAN Network which is very large, for example if someone
from America wants to send information to someone in Dubai it will take some
time for the information to be received. A LAN Network only consists one or two
buildings so transferring data will not lag that much.

So the performance of the LAN Network is very high as there is no use of latency,
and the data is stored/kept in a server so you can access all your data and
confidential information at any time and on any node in the LAN Network, also it is
a lot easier to troubleshoot than WAN Network because LAN Networks covers
small geographical area and this means it is more convenient in management.
Strengths and Weaknesses
of LAN D1
Mohammed Suhaib
Strengths of LAN
Mohammed Suhaib

Speed - The LAN is 30x faster than WAN because LAN uses small geographical
area which has better rates of network speed the advantages of this is because
it will then save a lot of time. LAN speeds can easily reach to 1 Gbps much more
faster than the average WAN.This can improve high performance on sharing files
and uploading, downloading to high streaming and this can be applications and
clear videoconferencing when they have important meetings while they are in
different cities.
Costs - It is cheaper than WAN because LAN is local and it makes troubleshooting
quick and cost effective. A LAN connection is really cheap to set up, maintain and
operate the network. A LAN workstations do not necessarily need their own hard
disk or either CD-ROM drives which make them cheaper to buy than stand alone
PCs which means a PC that is not connected with wires. Workstations can be
shared for example peripheral devices like printers.
Ease of Setup

Ease of Setup - To setup a LAN you will need an internet service & and a server.
The hub can be a main computer or a router and from there you can connect
devices using ethernet cables or wirelessly via Wi-Fi transmission. There is
nothing to limit the numbers of users that you can add to a LAN. Multiples of
LAN can be connected in multiple office locations to be able to create a larger
virtual LAN.

Productivity - Operating a LAN can make your business/company more

productive in many ways for example

● Faster and more personalized service to customers by email, web forms or

● Easy meeting scheduling and videoconferencing it is good to use video
conferencing because you will be able to save time and costs for travelling
to cities but it better to use video conferencing where businesses can
communicate and have good relationship within the business.

Security - Keeping data on the server is more secure, if you want to change or
remove any data you can do it easily on one server computer and other
computers can access updated data. You can give or not give access to specific
users so that only authorized users can access the data in the network.
Authentication is more important because it enables businesses to keep their
networks secure and authorized users can only access its protected resources.
Data Stored in Server

Data stored in server - If your data is stored in the server and your computer fails
or crashes but it won't be lost because it will be backed up on the server and you
can access your work on any computer in the same LAN Network.It is important
to store data in the server because this will benefit you by having your work
saved so then you will not worry about having your work lost or having to do it all
again because it all stored in the server.
Weaknesses of WAN
Mohammed Suhaib
Security Problems

WAN has lots of security problems compared to MAN and LAN. As WAN is many
technologies combined which can then create security gaps and this can lead up
to a lot of issues.
Troubleshooting Problems

This covers lots of areas in the world so fixing the problems are difficult. The
reason for this is in order to get the connection over the sea. This involves lots of
resources to fix lines under the sea. To maintain these a lot of work needs to be
put in Internet Service Provider (ISP) head office many of internet lines routers
are mixed up in rooms so fixing the issues needs someone there all the time they
are being used so it requires a full time staff.
High setup cost

Setting up WAN for the first time can cost more money so the bigger the WAN is
more expensive because it is buying more routers things like more switches and
more security software.

In the slides above I have explained in detail about the uses and features of
different computer networks. I have also explained in detail about different types
of Network Topologies & its advantages & disadvantages and how the network
can be set up for the business. I have also explained in detail about Logical &
Token Ring Topologies and its advantages & disadvantages. Then I have talked
about Multiplayer Gaming Environment and the uses and features of a different
computer network and the impact that will have on the user’s experience in detail
and also explained why it would be the best network for multiplayer gaming. I
have explained in a lot of detail what the Strengths & Weaknesses of my desired

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