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Effective Communication

Ns. Bayu Lesmono,S.Kep

Definition of Communication
• Communication is simply a two way process of exchanging ideas, information or
transmitting verbal and non-verbal messages. It involves the expression of
emotions and thoughts.
Elements of Communication
Communication is a two-way process
Sender Receiver

All three elements are essential. Without any one element, communication cannot
Key Terms

• Active listening • Paraphrasing

• Cadence • Reflecting
• Clarifying • Restating
• Comforting • Summarizing
• De-escalation • Termination phase
• Empathy • Therapeutic silence
• Interviewing • Working phase
• Orientation phase
Basics of Effective Communication

It matters not so much what you say as it does how you say it.

Your communication style is a SET of various behaviors and methods of relaying

information that impact all facets of life.

Communication Is Effective, When:

• The message received by the listener is in accordance with what is conveyed by
the communicator.
• There was feedback.
Effective communication

We communicate to…
 Get information
 Motivate
 Praise
 Get feedback
 Sell
 Greet
 Etc.
Key Components of Effective



Respect for the client

Barriers to Effective Communication

Offering your

Giving false


approval or


Therapeutic Communication
Communication Among Healthcare Providers
Establishing the Nurse-Client Relationship
• An application of the process of communication to promote the well-being of the
• Goal is to encourage wellness and personal growth
• Do not share intimate details
• Personal self-disclosure may be used to assist in education, building trust, and
increasing self-sufficiency
Effective Communication Requires:
• Structured communication-SBAR
• Assertion/Critical Language-key words, the ability to SPEAK UP and stop the
• Psychological safety-an environment of respect
• Effective leadership-flat hierarchy, continuously inviting team members into the
Nurse-Physician Communications
• Frequent occurrence
• Communication across a hierarchy can be intimidating
• Gender or cultural issues may complicate further
• Often named as cause of nurse job dissatisfaction
• Critical for patient safety
MD – RN : Different Communication Styles
• Nurses are trained to be narrative and descriptive – “you don’t make diagnoses”
• Physicians are trained to be problem solvers “what do you want me to do” – “just
give me the headlines”
• Complicating factors: gender, national culture, the pecking order, prior
• Perceptions of teamwork depend on you point of view
Communication and Safe Care

60 % of medication errors are

caused by mistakes in
interpersonal communication

Poor coordination of care is

the most common cause of
adverse events triggering root
cause analyses
Steps to Excellent Healthcare Communication

Clarify the
Concisely problem
describe & gather
the data
listen to problem
if needed
SBAR-Situational Briefing Model
Used in the nuclear submarine service for concise and accurate

S – situation – what is the situation?

B – background – how did we get here?
what is the context?
A – assessment – what do I think the
problem is?
R – recommendation – what are we going to
to fix it?

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