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Force Method /

Method of Consistent
Structural Theory II
Villamora, Richard G.

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Method of Consistent Deformatiom
This method consists of writing equations that satisfy the compatibility
and force-displacement requirements for the structure in order to
determine the redundant forces.
Once these forces have been determined, the remaining reactive forces
on the structure are determined by satisfying the equilibrium

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Force Method of Analysis:
General Procedure

1. Choose one of the support reactions as “redundant” and temporarily removing its
effect on the beam so that the beam then becomes statically determinate and stable.
This beam is referred to as the primary structure. Fig. b.

2. By superposition, the unknown reaction at B causes the beam at B to be displaced

upward, Fig. c.
*first letter in this double-subscript notation refers to the point (B) where the
deflection is specified, and the second letter refers to the point (B) where
the unknown reaction acts.
3. Then from Figs. a through c, write the necessary compatibility equation at the
rocker as

*Assuming positive displacements act upward

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Force Method of Analysis:
General Procedure

4. Now let us denote the displacement at B caused by a unit load acting

in the direction of as the linear flexibility coefficient Fig. d.
*Using the same scheme for this double-subscript notation as above,
f BB , is the deflection at B caused by a unit load at B.
*A force of By acting at B, instead of the unit load, will cause a
proportionate increase in fBB .Thus we can write

5. The compatibility equation above can now be written in terms of the unknown By

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Force Method of Analysis:
General Procedure

*The choice of the redundant is arbitrary. For example,
the moment at A can be determined directly by removing
the capacity of the beam to support a moment at A, that is, by replacing
the fixed support by a pin.

*The rotation at A caused by the load P is ӨA , and the rotation at A

caused by the redundant MA at A is, Ө’AA
* If we denote an angular flexibility coefficient aAA as the angular
displacement at A caused by a unit couple moment applied to A,

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Force Method of Analysis:
General Procedure

*The beam is indeterminate to the second degree and therefore two

compatibility equations will be necessary for the solution.

*Each redundant force, which is assumed to act downward, deflects this beam
as shown.

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Force Method of Analysis: Beams
Example 1. Determine the reaction at the roller support B of the beam shown.
EI is constant.

1. Principle of Superposition. By inspection, the beam is statically indeterminate to the first degree. The
redundant will be taken as By so that this force can be determined directly.
2. Compatibility Equation. Taking positive displacement as upward, we have
3. The terms Δ’BB and fBB are obtained using DIM, MAM, CONJUGATE BEAM and VIRTUAL METHOD

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Force Method of Analysis: Beams
Example 2. Determine the moments at supports A & B of the beam shown.
EI is constant.
1. Principle of Superposition. The two end moments at A and B will be
considered as the redundants. The beam’s capacity to resist these moments
is removed by placing a pin at A and a rocker at B.
2. Compatibility Equation. Taking positive direction as shown, we have

3. The terms ӨA, ӨB and angular flexibility coefficient a are obtained using

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Force Method of Analysis: Frames
Example 1. The frame, or bent, shown in the photo is used to support the
bridge deck. Assuming EI is constant. Determine the support reactions

1. Principle of Superposition. The frame is statically indeterminate to the first degree. We will choose
the horizontal reaction at A to be the redundant. Consequently, the pin at A is replaced by a rocker.

2. Compatibility Equation. The terms ΔA and fAA will be determined using the method of virtual work.
Because of symmetry of geometry and loading we need only three x coordinates.

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Force Method of Analysis: Frames
For ΔA we require application of real loads, and a virtual unit load at A, thus,

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Force Method of Analysis: Frames

For fAA we require application of a real unit load and a virtual unit load acting at A, thus,

Through Equilibrium equation

Subtituting the results to this equation

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Force Method of Analysis: Trusses

The degree of indeterminacy of a truss can usually be determined by

Here the unknowns are represented by the number of bar forces (b)
plus the support reactions (r), and the number of available
equilibrium equations is 2j since two equations can be written for
each of the (j) joints.

Force method is quite suitable for analyzing trusses that are statically
indeterminate to the first or second degree.

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Force Method of Analysis: Trusses
Example 1. Determine the force in
member AC of the truss shown. AE
Principle of Superposition. The truss is
is the same for all the members. indeterminate to the first degree. Since the
force in member AC is to be determined,
member AC will be chosen as the
redundant. This requires “cutting” this
member so that it cannot sustain a force,
thereby making the truss statically
determinate and stable.

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Force Method of Analysis: Trusses
Compatibility Equation. With reference to
member AC, we require the relative displacement
ΔAC which occurs at the ends of the cut member
AC due to the 400-lb load, plus the relative
displacement FAC fAC AC caused by the redundant
force acting alone, to be equal to zero, that is,

Here the flexibility coefficient fAC AC represents

the relative displacement of the cut ends of
member AC caused by a “real” unit load acting at
the cut ends of member AC. This term fAC AC , and
ΔAC will be computed using the method of virtual
work. The force analysis, usingthe method of
joints, is summarized as shown.

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Force Method of Analysis: Trusses

For fAC AC , we require application of real unit

forces and virtual unit forces acting on the
cut ends of member AC

For ΔAC, we require application of the real load

of 400 lb, and a virtual unit force acting at the
cut ends of member AC,

Substituting the data into

we have
Equilibrium Equation.
Using method of joints
we can find other
member forces.

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