Making Feed

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Tracts digestion

In general, as a means of digestion following:

   Protect the body against infection from
 Distribute the food swallowed
 remodel of food through the process of
mechanical digestion, hidrolitis / enzimatis
and fermentative (in certain animals)
 Absorb nourishing and removing the material
that is not digested
Tracks digestive anatomy

1. Mouth
Mouth organ is the first entry of
food into the body. There are
teeth in the mouth, tongue and
saliva. As a function of twitch
mouth, chew and increase saliva
Tracks digestion Catle
 Regurgitasi the food bolus is still rough
issued back to the mouth to be chewed
back, usually done while lying ruminasia
cattle. During the process of mastication,
saliva produced to help the process of
digestion and as pelicin.
In the mouth produce saliva containing the
enzyme pregastruc esterase (lipase) and
amilase especially in young ruminant.
2. Esophagus

 Esophagus is the channel that

connects the mouth to the
stomach. The channel is easy to
expand and if the feed is not
chewed (large particles) can cause
a hiccup
3. Stomach

 Stomach ruminant has 4 (four) of the

reticulum, rumen, omasum and
abomasums. Reticulum and rumen is often
referred to as rumen function retikulum
similar, and occur on each of the digestion
by microbes. Each stomach section
described as follows:
Each section is described as the
stomach following
 Stomach ruminansia has 4 (four) of the
reticulum, rumen, omasum and ab
omasum. Reticulum and rumen is often
referred to as rumen function retikulum
similar, and occur on each of the digestion
by microbes.
 Each stomach section described as
a. Reticulum
 Feed that has been chewed through the
esophagus and into the reticulum. Volume
reticulum in the adult cow is 5-10% of
stomach capacity
 Reticulum function of helping the process
regurgitasi, restore the mouth to feed and to
mastication of gas produced by rumen
b. Rumen
 Rumen is part of the belly of
approximately 75% of stomach capacity. In
the adult cow is able to accommodate 125-
150 kg of feed
Rumen function first as a place to feed, in
order to reduce the size of enzymes
digestion on the next can occur, providing
the opportunity to do the fermentation
c. Omasum

 Feed material that is chewed and broken-akan

parsed into the omasum through
retikuloomasal. Volume omasum
approximately 10-15% of the total stomach.

 Omasum main function is to absorb water and

decrease the size of feed particles to the
surface of a more knowledgeable in order to
facilitate the process of digestion ensimatik
on abomasums and small intestine.
d. Abomasum
 The last part of the stomach is the abomasum,
which has a capacity of 13% of the total stomach
capacity. Abomasum wall mensekresikan liquids
that contain acid hidroklorik, enzyme pepsin and
rennin. Pepsin to work on a very sour, sour
hidroklorik function decrease of pH 6 to pH 2.3 so
that pepsin can function. Pepsin split into a series of
simple protein that is peptida which is a short chain
of amino acid, pepsin, but not the amino acid.
Peptida digestion into amino acids occurs in the
small intestine.
Development and function of the
four components of cattle
stomach ruminansia progress in
line with age. In the livestock
ruminansia the new birth, only
ab omasum that already work.
• At that time, in the form of
susu ransum channeled directly
to the omasum through
aesofagus ab. During the age
of one month, only ransum in
the fluid can be used by
livestock ruminant.
• Development and function of
the four components of
cattle stomach ruminansia
be perfect after the age of
about one year.
nutritional needs of livestock nutrition and
feeding of raw materials (ruminant large and
• Ruminant require a number
of nutrition to meet the
needs of his life needs
ruminant live cattle,
consisting of basic living
needs and the needs for
• Basic needs of life is to meet
the needs nutrisi processes of
life are, without the
production of an activity.

While the needs of production

is the need nutrition for
growth kebuntingan, susu and
production work.
• Nutrients required by
livestock ruminansia for
basic living needs and the
production is for energy,
protein, minerals, vitamins
& water.
• Nutrients required by
livestock ruminansia for
basic living needs and the
production is for energy,
protein, minerals, vitamins
& water.
Fulfilling the Needs
 Fulfilling the needs of
livestock nutrition
ruminansia is the main
fodder forages
Table 1. Sample Requirements for Cattle Eat
Zat beef growing and fattened (one Per Day)
Body PBB Consumtio Total TDN (kg) Ca P
weight (%) ns Protein (g) (g)
BK (Kg) (gram)
250 0,0 4.4 350 2,3 8 8
0,7 5,8 620 4,0 18 16
0,9 6,2 690 4,5 22 19
1,1 6,0 730 4,7 26 21
1,3 6,0 760 5,2 30 23
300 0,0 4,7 400 2,6 9 9
0,9 8,1 810 5,4 22 19
1,1 7,6 820 5,6 25 22
1,3 7,1 830 6,0 29 23
1,4 7,3 870 6,2 31 25
Body PBB Consumtio Total TDN (kg) Ca P
weight (%) ns BK (Kg) Protein (g) (g)
Minimum (gram)

350 0,0 5,3 460 2,9 10 10

0.9 8,0 800 5.8 20 18
1.1 8,0 830 6.2 230 20
1.3 8,0 870 6.8 260 22
1.4 8,2 900 7.0 280 24

Forage nutrition cattle feed containing 1900 to 2200 kkal / kg

Calculation of TDN is 3615 kkal ME per kg TDN
Sumber: Feed and feeding, Arthur Cullision,1987
Table 2. Nutrition needs for dairy cow milk
production per 20 Kg
Body ME TDN Protein Ca P
weight K Kal (Kg) (Gr) (Gr) (Gr)

Living 350 10.760 2.85 341 14 11

400 11,900 3.15 373 15 13
450 12,990 3.44 403 17 14
500 14,060 3.72 432 18 15
Producks 2.5 990 0.260 72 2.4 1.65
I Kg Milk
3.0 1.070 0.282 77 2.5 1.70
3.5 1,160 0.340 82 2.6 1.75
4.0 1,240 0.326 87 2.7 1.80
Tabel 3. need for main alive and
milk production
Body Me TDN Protein Ca P
weight K Kal (Kg) (Gr) (Gr) (Gr)
350 30,560 8.05 1781 62 44

400 33,300 8.79 1913 65 47

450 36,190 10.24 2043 69 49

500 38,860 10.24 2172 72 51

Sumber: Cullision,1987
 For adult goats need forages 7 kg
/ day
 Feed brace 0,5 - 1 kg / day
Ransum formulation can be made
via the following methods:

1. Trial and error method

This Method done by dabbling
and needing experience through
the practice.
In general, this method used to
make the concentrate formulation
as according to wanted quality.

Feed to be used in this

formulation method have to be
consisted by more two type.
To facilitate the rations formulation of
livestock ruminants with the usage of trial
and error method, require to be paid
attention by things of following

a. Specifying ahead raw rations (feed

stuff) to formulation. This raw
rations is which is at most will be
used in formula rations.
Raw rations (feed stuff) selection in general
pursuant to several things of following
 Can be performed in number many at
area of place rations (rations) of cheap
formulation price and relative.

 Not many containing of anti nutrition or

toxin endangering health of livestock

 Taken a fancy to by the livestock

ruminants and is not rapidly shifting feel or
b. If in the reality formula compiled by
obstetrical showed of low energy than
percentage of wanted, hence
pregnant usage feed of multiplied
higher level energy. On the contrary, if
in the reality formula rations compiled
show the higher level content energy
than percentage of wanted by hence
pregnant usage feed of lessened
higher level energy or minimized.
c. If in the reality formula rations
compiled show the low protein
content than percentage of protein
wanted by hence usage feed having
multiplied higher protein content. On
the contrary, if formula rations
compiled show the higher protein
content than percentage of wanted by
hence pregnant usage feed of
lessened higher protein.
d. If there are difficulty in making formula
rations matching with content of wanted
energy protein and, major the
obstetrical attainment of energy wanted.
If content of protein rations which
formulation in the reality cannot reach
the desire of because available by type
feed limitation hence that protein deficit
earn chockablock giving of urea in
certain boundary ?.
•Follow the example of :

A dairy cattle of require a

formula concentrate
obstetrically is energy 64% TDN
and 16% harsh protein.
Available materials feed and
its composition as follows :
Raw Materials Dry Matter Energi TDN Protein
(%) (%) (%)
Rice Bran 89,2 70,3 15,4
Residue of 91,9 78,9 20,5
coconut after
extracting oil
Residue of peanut 90,9 80,4 39,1
after extacting oil
Dried cassava 86,1 88,1 2,6
Mineral to be given consisted
of by 1 % cooking salt, 0,5%
chalk, and 0,5% bone flour.
Formulated concentrate that
is desired!
Try ahead milk formulations.
Then check its result, whether
have as according to wanted
quality? Striving to use the
feed which its price is cheap
relative. For example, tried
ahead by using the following
Rice Bran (Oryza sativa) : 63 kg or 63%
Residue of coconut after : 21 kg or 21%
extracting oil
Residue of peanut after : 11 kg or 11%
extacting oil
Dried cassava flour : 5 kg or 5
Mineral 2 % or 2 kg (have been determined)
 Check the content energy
 Rice Bran (Oryza sativa): 63 x 0.892 x 0.703 Kg = 39.506 Kg
 Residue of coconut after : 21 x 0.919 x 0.789 Kg = 15.227 Kg
extracting oil
 Residue of peanut after : 11 x 0.909 x 0.804 = 6.578 Kg
extacting oil
 Dried cassava flour : 5 x 0.861 x 0.881 Kg = 3.793 Kg
 Mineral 2 % :2x0 =0
   Amount of = 65.104 Kg
 Percentage = 65.1%
 Check the its protein content
 Rice Bran (Oryza sativa) : 63 x 0.892 x 0.154 Kg = 8.654 Kg
 Residue of coconut after : 21 x 0.919 x 0.205 Kg = 3.956 Kg
extracting oil
 Residue of peanut after : 11 x 0.909 x 0.391 Kg = 3.199 Kg
extacting oil
 Dried cassava flour : 5 x 0.861 x 0.026 Kg = 0.112Kg
 Mineral 2 % :2x0 =0
   Amount of = 15.921 Kg
 Percentage = 15.9 %
 Content of harsh Energy protein and after done by
inspection or calculation have is matching with the
one which wanted (needn't precisely once)/ Thereby
formula concentrate wanted shall be as follows :
 Rice Bran (Oryza sativa) : 63 kg atau %
 Residue of coconut after : 21 kg atau %
extracting oil
 Residue of peanut after : 11 kg atau %
extacting oil
 Dried cassava flour : 5 kg atau %
 Mineral : 2 kg atau %
   Amount of : 100 Kg atau %
 This Method used to get the content
one nutrients, for example just
protein or energy, from two type
feed to formula become the rations
Follow the example
 Cattle
of : to be fattened to have the body weight
250singk. This cattle given by the field grass of
counted 40singk / day and concentrate of
counted 2.5singk / day. Concentrate wanted
contain 75 % energy TDN. Feed which is
available to formula concentrate consisted of by
the rice bran and dried cassava flour. Rice bran
contain 70.3% TDN obstetrically is dry matter
87.6 % and flour of dried cassava contain 87.4%
TDN obstetrically is dry materials 86.2%.
Formulations concentrate that wanted by
 Rice Bran 70.3 12.4
   75
Dried cassava flour 87.4 4.7
 +
 17.1

 Rice Bran : 12.4/17.1 x 100% = 72.5%

 Dried cassava flour : 4.7/17.1 x 100% = 27.5%
 Formula Concentrate wanted as follows
 Rice Bran : 2.5% x 72.5/100 x 100/87.6 x 1 kg =
 Dried cassava flour : 2.5 x 27.5/100 x 100/86.2 x 1
kg = 0.8 %
 Ought to concentrate given by counted
2.5singk/tail/day but after to formulation, giving
that concentrate become 2.8 singk/tail/day
giving of concentrate of larger ones after
formulation of caused by transformation from
dry materials to fresh form or dry weight
 Method of Simultaneous equation in general used to
make the formulation rations of livestock non-
ruminants. Nevertheless, this method earn is also
used for the formula of rations of livestock ruminants
with the rule of only two type feed which not yet
been known by its giving in rations to formula.

 Compile the rations obstetrically is harsh protein

20% and energy of equal to 2.8 Mcal ME /sink
 .
 Compile the rations obstetrically is harsh protein
20% and energy of equal to 2.8 Mcal ME /sink

Amount of
Raw Materials Protein Kasar ME(Mcal)
Protein Mix 45 2.59 X
Zea mays (maise)
8.5 3.37 Y
Bran oriza sativa
12.5 2.35 Z
If we wish to finish 3 number ( x, y
and z), hence to finish the us have
to have 3 equation.
From data
data ofof above
above obtained
obtained by 3
by 3 equation
a. Pursuant to from amount of materials (100singk
or part of): x + y + z = 100
b. Pursuant to from requirement PK ( 20%) :
0.45x + 0.085y + 0.125z = 0.20 x 100
c. Pursuant to from requirement ME ( Mcal / kg) :
2.59x + 3.37y + 2.35z = 2.8 x 100
1. x+y+z = 100
2. 0.45x + 0.085y + 0.125z = 20
3. 2.59x + 3.37y + 2.35z = 280

 (2) 45x + .5y + 12.5z = 2000

 (3) 45x + 58.55y + 40.83z = 4864.86

(4) - 50.05y – 28.33z = - 2864.86

 (1) 45x + 45y + 45z = 4500
 (2) 45x + 8.5y + 12.5z = 2000
 (5) 36.5y + 32.5z = 2500

 (4) -50.05y – 28.33z = - 2864.86

 (5) -50.05y – 44.56z = -3428.08
 16.23 z = 563.22
 Z = 34.70
 (2) 45x + 8.5y + 12.5z = 2000
 45x + 8.5y = 2000 – (12.5 x 34.7)
 45x + 8.5y = 1566.25 (6)
 (3) 45x + 58.55y + 40.83z = 4864.86
 45x + 58.55y = 4864.86 – (40.83 x 34.7)
 45x + 58.55y = 3448.06 (7)
 45x + 8.5y = 1566.25

 45x + 58.55y = 3448.06

 - 50.05y = - 1881.81
 Y = 37.60
 (1) x + y + z = 100
 x + 37.60 + 34.70 = 100
 x = 27.70
Become the rations in 100nsingk
lapped over by to the :

Raw Materials Amount (singk)

Protein Mix 27.70
Zea mays (maise) 37.60
Bran oriza sativa
 This Method used to compile the rations summed
uply is materials feed only just limited and with the
rule of accomplishment of nutrients which is more
accompanied its excess, which is compiled at the
price of cheapest. This method is workable in
manual and or constructively computer program.
Linear methods of programming in principle use the
method of Simultaneous equation.
 Computer program able to be used to finish the
linear method of programming is LINDO
(Linear of Interactive Discrete Optimizer), TORA
 In general pursuant to its source is materials feed
earn the classified become the materials feed
coming from animal and coming from crop.
 consideration of Usage of materials feed upon
which base of compiler rations can be based by to
the : Content nutrients, Price, Its Levying, Hobby /
Palatability And factor of existence of anti nutrients.
 especial materials feed able to be used in compiling
rations generally is grain, oil cake, fish meal, result
of residue of item of factory and forages.
1. Dry Forages and Roughages
2. Fresh forages
3. Silages
4. Energi main in gredient
5. Protein main in gradient
6. Mineral main in gradient
7. Vitamin main in gradient
8. Feed Additives
Examples of dry forages and roughages are :
a. Hay
b. Straw
c. Fodder
d. Stover
e. Hulls
f. Pods
 Technique of mixing concentrate can be
done by using mechanic power (mixer)
and also in manual.
 Technique mingle the concentrate by
using mechanic power is generally done
by factories of feed livestock, while in
manual is generally done by small
breeder to be used.
Technique of Mixing concentrates
in manual of like following
1. Preparing the place of which have been
cleaned for the place of materials
mixing - materials or feed concentrate
to be mingled
2. Prepare the materials or feed to be
used as by mixture concentrate,
weighing-machine, pail, spade, and
other appliance needed in mixing
3. Deliberate the materials or feed which
is many in formula concentrate and put
down at place is provided in the form of
4. Deliberate the second or feed materials
many and place above first
5. Deliberate the third or feed materials many
and so on up to last balance of materials or
feed which is a few/little
6. After all materials or feed used in formula
rations have been deliberated and lapped
over in place provided, the materials heap
divided to become four shares
7. Swirl each; every heap flatten and
8. Mixing heap 1 with the heap 4 and swirl
flattened and homogeneous
9. Mixing heap 2 with the heap 3 and swirl
flattened and homogeneous.
10.Campurkan [both/ second] informing
against and swirl to return flattened and
 Good in principle feed and also
materials feed have to have the
repository in special place or
warehouse in cage.
 Warehouse atmosphere
have to free from the
wild animal, is not damp,
not leak and is not hot.
Beside that, feed kept
should not be direct
relate to the floor
(compiled above pallet)
to avoid the damage and
damp effect rot, and also
to maintain the draught
in warehouse.
 There is two system in moth-
balls feed, that is: System
FIFO ( First In First Out) and
LIFO ( Last In First Out).
 FIFO applied at depository of product feed
which its making time is unegual. With this
system is feed product in warehouse will be
fresh always and newly because product
which enter in advance will be released in
advance also so that do not too on file old.
 LIFO is usually applied to be depository of
product feed in limited by warehouse of its
capacities and feed kept is generally made by
same time

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