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Kelompok 6

Rofi Renown Putra ( 26 )

Satrio Adri Wicaksono ( 27 )

Shelila Karima S ( 28 )

Shella Ardhaneswari S( 29 )

Tazkia Nida H ( 30 )
Thesis :
School garden is a place in the school that planted by various plants. School
garden usually uses some empty spaces in the school. It can be planted with
decorative plants or trees. School garden also has many benefits.

Arguments :
The first benefit is it can make our school more beautiful. Plants with colorful
flowers will be perfect as decoration for our school. Not only colorful flowers, the
soothing green plants will make our school more cozy.
The second benefit is school garden can help to improve the environment.
How can school garden improve the environment? Plants of the school garden will
overcome the global warming and reduce the pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide.
They are not only absorb the carbon dioxide, but they also produce oxygen, that can
make the air clearer.
Last but not least, school garden will fill the empty space of our school. Although
there is just a little space, we can make a school garden with hydroponic system.
Hydroponic is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using
mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Because this system doesn’t use soil, but it
uses water and pipes, it doesn’t need a large space. It can be applied vertically or

Recommendation :
Unfortunately, although there are so many benefits which we get from
school garden. But our school garden still needs more rearrangement, because there are
some spaces that not used optimally. So as students should contribute for planting, and
take care them for our school garden so that it will be better environment.

 1. what kind of plant or flowers that can make school look

beautiful?(from group 4)
 2. why don’t you provide a special space especially for the school
garden ? ( from group 7)
 3. Is hydroponic is suitable for our school ? As you know
hydroponic just produce a few of oxygen, give us the reason !(from
group 2)

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