Radicalization in Punjab, Pakistan - Policy Oriented

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Youth Radicalization in Pakistan:

how identity and social movement are shaping it?

Raheem ul Haque
• Despite the costs borne by Pakistani victims of
terror, some segments of Pakistani society
continue to sympathize, justify or at times even
directly support violence, providing an enabling
environment within which militant groups and
their affiliates are able to operate.
• Youth radicalization in Pakistan can be
understood as the product of a closed Islamic
identity combined with a broader reactive
movement comprised of militant, political and
missionary Islamic organizations
Exclusive/Closed Islamic Identity
• based on association, value system, congregation,
participation and referencing

• Religious Identity as Primary Identity (80%)

• National Identity dependent on Religious Identity (50%)
• Muslim First, Pakistani Later (75%)

• Consequences
– Accept Fatwa over State Law
– Accept taking law into one’s hand if accepted as religiously sanctioned
Social Movement
• Social Movement: Agents engaged in the
production and maintenance of meaning to
mobilize the protagonist, demobilize the
antagonist and garner support from the
Reactive Islamic Identity Movement Pyramid

· Establish transnational caliphate through

· Transnational Terrorist Groups, global jihad
Terrorist & Revolutionary · Violence as necessary means to counter
Islamic Orgs antagonists & to establish Islamic State
· Use revolutionary methods to capture the
state accepting utility of violence
· Religio-Political Orgs · Capture state to bring about society
under true Islam

· Proselytizing Islamic · Proselytize other individuals to this

Orgs perspective
· Islam is an all encompassing system
& own perspective is sole true
• Linking Identity and Social Movement
– Reinforce Identity <-> Strengthen Movement

• Islamophobia vs Religious Meaning

– Starts from: One true perspective (literal meaning) of Islam, which is an
all encompassing social system and should be the sole framework for

• De-radicalization
– Open up the exclusive Islamic Identity
– Weaken the Reaction Islamic Identity Movement
• Resource Mobilization Opportunities
• Discursive Opportunity Structure
• State
– Ineffectiveness in service delivery negates credibility
– Relationship of State & Religion: Islamic but not Theocratic
– Strategic Depth: use of non-state actors for policy objectives
– Response to Terrorism: Prosecution & the Legal System
• Demography, Urbanization & Unemployment
– Community Breakdown and Rethinking of Identity
– 13.8m entering job market compete for 1.8m formal jobs
– University sector caters to 5.9% of the youth
• Cultural Threat: Colonialism, Partition & Globalization
– Perceived Injustice and threat accentuate the cultural threat
• Socialization & lack of alternatives
– Madrassa versus Public School Curriculum
– Language and Identity: the case of Punjabi
– Discourse: Religious versus Secular
– Public Space and Media
• Promote Indigenous Culture and Localized Identity
– Museums
– Art Councils
– Youth Centres: Mix Culture & Skills

• Alternative Discourse
– Translations
– Media & Public Space

• Knowing & Meeting the Other

– Intra & Inter-religious, Inter-provincial, Inter-national

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