Morning Meeting Powerpoint

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Reading & Writing
5th Grade
Antonelli, (2012)
Instructions TIME TO SAY HELLO!
I will give each of you
a number. We will get This morning, was are going to say
in a circle. When I call hello to each other in a unique way!
your number, you will
get up and greet each
other politely as
though you had never
met. If you know how
to say hello in a
different language, do

Antonelli, S. (2012, November 5). Greetings for Morning Meeting.

wonderteacher. Greetings for Morning Meeting |
How does the greeting set a positive tone and
provide a sense of recognition?
Shaking of hands, eye contact, and smiling, and
saying each others’ names sets the tone for the day
and helps the students to want to get along.
How does the greeting help children learn names
and practice hospitality? NG Q & A
Putting a face to a name is an important part
of communication and using others’ names creates
a sense of everyone being equal.

What do children need to know before doing this

greeting in order to be successful?
Children learn how to be polite and the
importance of learning others’ names.
Morning Minute with Sharing
What three words would
you use to describe When I call your name,
yourself? stand up and share three
words that you believe
would describe you as a
person. Pretend that no
one in the class knows
you, and you are
introducing yourself for
the first time.

Evancio, A. (2021). 105 Morning Minute Sharing Ideas. Learn Blossom Grow.
105 Morning Meeting Sharing Ideas - Learn Grow Blossom (
What social skills are sharing practicing?
Learning to speak in front of a group and
stepping out of their own comfort zone. SHARIN
What social skills are listeners practicing?
In addition to learning how to listen, they
are learning interactional and
communication Q&A
What are the community-building elements of
this sharing?
They are learning about each other and
recognizing language and social differences.
How it Works
I will put a chair in the front of
the room. The first student that I
call on will sit in the chair (the
HOT SEAT)! The next student
that I call on will come up and
give the student in the chair a
reason to leave the chair. It
could be as silly as calling out,
"train!" or imitating the class
bell, or miming a charging bull.
After the first student leaves the
chair, the second student
willhave a seat, and the process
will be repeated. The game will
continue until each of you has
had your turn in the Hot Seat. Dana Truby, Ephraim Stempler (2020). Great Group
Games: Team Building for Kids.
What are the community-building elements of
this activity?
This activity helps students get
comfortable, move around, and become at GROUP
ease with one other.
What social skills are children practicing?
Through the Hot Seat activity, children
learn to treat each other with courtesy, respect,
and kindness.

What routines and behaviors do children need to

learn in order to be successful with this activity?
Children need to learn to wait their turn,
not yell out, and think quickly.
• At the front of the
room, I have a
bulletin board with
the title “What is
One Thing that I
Cannot Do Yet?”
• You are to write
something that you
want to learn to do
that you cannot do
already. This can be
“a cartwheel,” “fly
an airplane,” or
anything else you
Mulhavill, E. (2019, March 4). 20 Morning Message Ideas to Get Your Day Started on
can think of. the Right Foot.
What social skills are children practicing as they read and work
with the message before the meeting? During the meeting?
This message encourages critical thinking and abstract
thought. The social skills would include quietly respecting
others as they formulate answers to the question. During the
meeting, students learn to interact in front of the class as
other students learn to respect the ideas of others.
What routines and behaviors do children need to learn in order
to be successful with the morning message? Q&A
Students need to learn to take turns, respect others’
personal space, and be open to hearing other students’
personal thoughts, ideas, and goals.

What does the teacher do to manage behavior during the work

with the message?
The teacher may call on one or more students to
participate while other students respectfully wait their turns
and not voice their opinions by ridiculing or critiquing the
person writing.

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