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Government and Citizens in a

Globally Interconnected World

Professor Herrero
According to Manfred
“globalization is one of the
foremost debated concept in the
late 20th century.
Scholars have speculated the
diminishing role of states as a
vehicle thriving
which political communities
organize themselves in the era to
Economic Interdependence
According to Manfred Steger, “globalization is commonly
equated with the rising momentum of
global free market capitalism in the final decades of the 20th
century. Both champions and critics of the so-called
Washington Consensus and its neo-liberal emphasis on
deregulation, privatization and free trade see globalization as
imposing a forced choice upon states; either conform to free-
market principles or run the risk of being left behind.”
The European Union
1 History 2
• The idea of creating the EU was finalized after the
World War II. In the recent decade (2000-present) the EU
• EU aims to stop any wars to cultivate between its membership continues to expand. This expansion
boundaries like what happened in the former war. was a challenge for the organization but with each
• The six founding countries are Belgium, France, other’s help, they contribute a lot to the fight of
Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. poverty, environmental problems, peace and etc. The
• The abundance of economic growth started in the citizens inside membership also benefited for they
1960s. With the organization made, enough food and can live in any country inside the organization as a
products were distributed to the people in membership European citizen.
of EU.
• With the agreement of trade between their goods, they
soon experience a surplus agricultural produce.
United Nations
The name "United Nations", was coined by the United
States President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Declaration
by United Nations of 1 January 1942, during Second
World War.
·It is currently made up of 193 member states. The UN
was formed to fight against injustices, inequalities or
disadvantages of any country. It aims to be united as one
with the countries all over the world to fight and
maintain peace and prosperity.
States as Targets
The Rise of Transnational Activism

Transnational Activism can be defined as the mobilization of

collective claims by actors located in more than one country
and/or addressing more than one national government and/or
international governmental organization or another
international actor
States as Prospects
Transnational activism is being
held as a possibility for change.
Transnational activism is already
becoming a fast and trending
phenomenon of
the result of globalization.
network : New Media
and States
According to Morris (2001) “the world’s digital
citizens are fortunate to grow with the Internet across
the world and to have the capability to make the most
of cyberspace as they now face the inevitable to seek
information and evaluating for themselves which
sources are credible and compiling enough to follow”.
Thank You
Attending! for any questions
Globalization of
Professor Rolando Herrero
“economic globalization is a historical
process, the result of human innovation and
1 technological process. It refers to the
increasing integration of economies around
the world, particularly through the
movement of goods, services and capital
across borders.”
Is Economic
Globalization a New
Frank and Gills (1993) also called for a broader outlook,
and located​the origin of globalization in the distant past;
“the existence of the same world system in which we live
stretches back at least 5, 000 years”.
describes the phenomenon of the
futures price and the cash price of the
underlying commodity moving closer
together over time.

The idea of convergence in economics

is the hypothesis that poorer
economies' per capita incomes will
tend to grow at faster rates than richer
is the opposite of convergence.
When the value of an asset,
indicator, or index moves, the
related asset, indicator, or index
moves in the other direction.
The International
Monetary System
refers to the operating system of the financial
environment, which consists of financial
institutions, multinational​corporations, and

The system provides the institutional framework

for determining the rules and procedures for
international payments, determination of exchange
rates, and movement of capital.
The Gold Standard

• T
​ he gold standard was first onto • In the full gold standard that thus prevailed • By 1928, however, the gold standard had
operation in the United Kingdom in until 1914, gold could be bought or sold in been virtually re-established,​although, the
1821. unlimited quantities at a fixed price in gold-exchange standard collapsed again
• Prior to this time silver had been the convertible paper money per unit weight during the Great Depression of​the 1930s,
principal world monetary metal; gold of the metal. however, and by 1937 not a single country
had long been used intermittently​f or • The reign of the full gold standard was remained on the full gold.
coinage in one or another country. short, lasting only from the 1870s to the
outbreak of World War I.
The Bretton Wood System
• After the World War II, it was clear that no country would
ever want to experience a financial crisis if they undergo a
problem in their own countries. Therefore, 44 countries sent
delegates to the first meeting conference in Bretton Woods,
New Hampshire to discuss a new financial system that will
handle crises pertaining to this.​

• Therefore, two international organizations were made; the

IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank.
The US dollar was the highest currency at that time, that is
why it countries valued their currency to dollar, while dollar
was connected to the value of gold.​
The Bretton
Wood System
• But as time went by, the gold reserves
were slowly reducing due to the fact that
it was more used by consumers. ​

• Finally in August 1971, President Nixon

announced that the US would end on
demand convertibility of the dollar into
gold for the central banks of other
nations. The Bretton Woods System
collapsed and gold traded freely on the
world’s markets.​
In 1979, the European Monetary System
(EMS) was introduced with the motto of
establishing a zone of monetary stability in

The aim was to​coordinate the exchange rate

policies and establish the European Monetary
Union. In the EMS, member countries
collectively manage their exchange rates.
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty
The Cobden-Chevalier Treaty of 1860 lowered or eliminated duties levied on goods
traded between Britain and France, and signalled a victory for liberale Economic
policies. Named for its two primary negotiators, British Richard Cobden (1804–1865)
and French Michel Chevalier (1806–1879).​

This treaty was a free trade agreement

between the countries of Great​Britain
and France. With this treaty in tow,
duties levied on goods were​lowered
and eliminated between Britain and

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