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Blood Pressure

Nama : Desi Rinikasari 19009

Hilda sulistiyana 19019
• How to measure blood pressure
• Dialog

• Hilda: Good morning, I am nurse Hilda sulistiyana. I am a nurse from the Cirebon health center hospital.

• Patient Desi: Morning is also nurse

• - Checking the patient's identity.

• Hilda: well I will check your name and date of birth

• - Get cosent
• Hilda: then I will check your blood pressure. It won't take long, about 10 minutes, are you willing?

• Patient Desi: yes, I am willing to succeed.

• Hilda: It's good if you are willing to take action.

• Desi: well sus

• - Procedure
• 1. I will wash my hands
• 2. Could you give your right hand and roll up your sleeves
• 3. I'll put a cuff and gauge around your arm
• 4. Then, place the stethoscope in the crease of your elbow
• 5. after that press the rubber balloon while measuring blood pressure
• 6. The pulse will be heard on the stethoscope and show the systolic blood pressure
• 7.After getting the results, I will remove the cuff and measuring device
• 8. The blood pressure measuring device is complete. Thank you

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