THE Lymphatic System and Immunity: Nina Imaniar

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 The lymphatic system contributes to homeostasis by
draining interstitial fluid as well as providing the
mechanisms for defense against disease.
 Immunity or resistance is the ability to ward off
damage or disease through our defenses
 The two general types of immunity are (1) innate
and (2) adaptive
 Innate (nonspecific) immunity refers to defenses
that are present at birth
 Adaptive (specific) immunity refers to defenses that
involve specific recognition of a microbe once it has
breached the innate immunity defenses
The lymphatic system consists of
a fluid called lymph, vessels called
lymphatic vessels that transport the
lymph, a number of structures and
organs containing lymphatic tissue
(lymphocytes within a filtering
tissue), and red bone marrow

 Lymphatic vessels begin as

lymphatic capillaries, located in
the spaces between cells.
 lymphatic capillaries unite to
form larger lymphatic vessels
 At intervals along the lymphatic
vessels, lymph flows through
lymph nodes, encapsulated
bean-shaped organs consisting
of masses of B cells and T cells
LYMPHATIC CAPILLARIES  Lymphatic capillaries have greater permeability than
blood capillaries and thus can absorb large
molecules such as proteins and lipids
 Lymphatic capillaries are also slightly larger in
diameter than blood capillaries and have a unique
one-way structure that permits interstitial fluid to
flow into them but not out
 When pressure is greater in the interstitial fluid
than in lymph, the cells separate slightly, like the
opening of a one-way swinging door, and interstitial
fluid enters the lymphatic capillary. When pressure
is greater inside the lymphatic capillary, the cells
adhere more closely, and lymph cannot escape back
into interstitial fluid
 Attached to the lymphatic capillaries are anchoring
filaments, which contain elastic fibers.
 When excess interstitial fluid accumulates and
causes tissue swelling, the anchoring filaments are
pulled, making the openings between cells even
larger so that more fluid can flow into the lymphatic
• Lymphatic vessels exit lymph
nodes in a particular region of the
body, they unite to form lymph
• trunks
Lymph passes from lymph trunks
into two main channels, the
thoracic duct and the right
lymphatic duct, and then drains into
the blood
lumbar, drain lymph from lower limb,
pelvis, kidney, adrenal gland and abdomen
Intestinal, drain lymph from stomach,
intestine, pancreas, spleen, and liver
principal Bronchomediastinal, drain lymph from torach,
lung and heart
Subclavian, drain lymph from upper limbs

Jugular, drain lymph from head and neck

 Most components of blood plasma, such as nutrients, gases, and
hormones, filter freely through the capillary walls to form interstitial
fluid, but more fluid filters out of blood capillaries than returns to them
by reabsorption
 The excess filtered fluid drains into lymphatic vessels and becomes
 Because most plasma proteins are too large to leave blood vessels,
interstitial fluid contains only a small amount of protein. Proteins that
do leave blood plasma cannot return to the blood by diffusion because
the concentration gradient
 The proteins can, however, move readily through the more permeable
lymphatic capillaries into lymph. Thus, an important function of
lymphatic vessels is to return the lost plasma proteins and plasma to the
 the sequence of fluid flow is blood capillaries (blood) -> interstitial
spaces (interstitial fluid) -> lymphatic capillaries (lymph) -> lymphatic
vessels (lymph) -> lymphatic ducts (lymph) -> junction of the internal
jugular and subclavian veins (blood).

 Lymphatic organs and tissues are classified into two groups based on
their functions :
1. Primary lymphatic organs are the sites where stem cells divide and
become immunocompetent , that is, capable of mounting an immune
response. The primary lymphatic organs are the red bone marrow and the
2. secondary lymphatic organs and tissues are the sites where most immune
responses occur. They include lymph nodes, the spleen, and lymphatic
nodules (follicles).
 The thymus is a bilobed organ located in
the mediastinum between the sternum and THYMUS
the aorta.
 In thymus, there is specialized epithelial
cells that help “educate” the pre-T cells in
a process known as positive selection.
Additionally, they produce thymic
hormones that are thought to aid in the
maturation of T cells.
 Only about 2% of developing T cells
survive in the cortex the enter the
medulla . The remaining cells die via
apoptosis. Thymic macrophages clean out
the debris
Lymph nodes are covered by a
capsule of dense connective tissue
that extends into the node
Lymph nodes are encapsulated, egg-
shaped structures located along
lymphatic vessels. Lymph enters
lymph nodes through afferent
lymphatic vessels, is filtered, and
exits through efferent lymphatic
vessels. Lymph nodes are the site of
proliferation of B cells and T cells

 The spleen is the largest

single mass of lymphatic
tissue in the body. Within
the spleen, B cells and T
cells carry out immune
functions and
macrophages destroy
blood-borne pathogens
and worn-out red blood
cells by phagocytosis

Lymphatic nodules are scattered throughout the

mucosa of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary,
and reproductive tracts. This lymphatic tissue is
termed mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue
Innate immunity includes physical factors, chemical factors,
antimicrobial proteins, natural killer cells, phagocytes,
inflammation, and fever
The skin and mucous membranes are the first line of defense
against entry of pathogens.
Antimicrobial substances include interferons, the complement
system, iron-binding proteins, and antimicrobial proteins
Fever intensifies the antiviral effects of interferons, inhibits growth
of some microbes, and speeds up body reactions that aid repair
 Adaptive immunity involves lymphocytes called B cells and T cells. B
cells and T cells arise from stem cells in red bone marrow. B cells mature
in red bone marrow; T cells mature in the thymus gland
 Before B cells leave the red bone marrow or T cells leave the thymus,
they develop immunocompetence, the ability to carry out adaptive
immune responses. This process involves the insertion of antigen
receptors into their plasma membranes. Antigen receptors are molecules
that are capable of recognizing specific antigens
 Two major types of mature T cells exit the thymus: helper T cells (also
known as CD4 T cells) and cytotoxic T cells (also referred to as CD8 T
 Antibody-Mediated An antibody-mediated immune response begins with activation of a B
cell by a specific antigen.
 B cells can respond to unprocessed antigens, but their response is more intense when they
process the antigen. Interleukin-2 and other cytokines secreted by helper T cells provide
costimulation for activation of B cells.
 Once activated, a B cell undergoes clonal selection, forming a clone of plasma cells and
memory cells. Plasma cells are the effector cells of a B cell clone; they secrete antibodies.
 An antibody (Ab) is a protein that combines specifically with the antigen that triggered its
 Antibodies consist of heavy and light chains and variable and constant regions.
 Based on chemistry and structure, antibodies are grouped into five principal classes (IgG,
IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE), each with specific biological roles. Immunity

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