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How a Pepsi Commercial Uses

By Clancey Herring
Featuring Steve Carell, Cardi B, and Lil Jon
Signs Used
● Sets up a very average restaurant scene - makes it relatable
● Puts well-known influencers in a comical situation, while also using them to advocate
their product
● Shows how supportive the other customers are of Pepsi over Coke
Messages Given
● Pepsi is the best thing one has ever tasted in their entire life - indescribable
● Message for girls(maybe) - drink Pepsi, look and act like Cardi B
● Everyone loves Pepsi
Attitudes Displayed
● At the beginning, the restaurant is calm
● When Pepsi is introduced, Steve Carell stands up in support
● To further convince the patron to choose Pepsi, hype music begins to play, Cardi B
walks in, everyone gets excited
● When the patron chooses Pepsi, she is cheered on by what seems to be her idol
Am I inclined to buy this product?
● Yes
● The creators were smart with their choices of relevant guest stars
● The creators obviously have a sense of humor
● I enjoyed the music and overall atmosphere of the advertisement

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