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HSE Briefing

HSE's step-by-step guide to

shopping safely
When to stay at home
The HSE state you should not go to the shops if you are one of the following;

1. feeling unwell
2. In an at-risk group
- are over 60
- have a long-term medical condition
- have a weak immune system
- have a medical condition that can affect your breathing
- are in specialist disability care and are over 50 years of age or have an underlying health problem
Visit the link for people At-risk groups

3. Cocooning
- are over 70 years of age - even if you're fit and well
- have severe respiratory conditions
- have rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism
- are pregnant and have significant heart disease
- are having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
- have cancer and are undergoing active chemotherapy
Visit the link for people who need to cocoon
Key steps in store
1. Use the sanitizer provided for your
hands and trolley or basket.

2. Remember to avoid touching your face.

3. If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth

and nose with a tissue or your sleeve.

4. Follow social distancing guidelines - keep 2

meters distance between yourself and
others in queues and while shopping.

5. Pay by card instead of cash and use

contactless payment if possible.

6. Make it short.
Key steps when you get home

1. Wash your hand properly

2. Put away your shopping bags.

3. Wash your hands again.

Shopping for others
If you have been shopping for a vulnerable person:

1. leave the shopping on their doorstep

2. ring the bell or phone them

3. stand back while they collect it

Limit your shopping
Try to limit shopping trips to once a week.

1. This reduces your risk of getting

coronavirus or spreading it to others.

2. And put you at high risk of losing

precious “money”

So limit your shopping

Thank You
Remember to Limit your Shopping

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