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Visual Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Sierra Chase, OTS; Savnit Gill, OTS; Rachel Kinsey, OTS; & Blair McLarin, OTS

Clinical Question Literview Review Major Findings Discussion
There are five types of traumatic One of our major findings is that both of Looking back at this experience and
The research question is brain injuries, concussions being the our hypotheses were proven. Our first our survey we would have changed a
“what IADL areas are most mild. TBIs can range in severity hypothesis was that athletes who few things. The first thing we would
leading to different visual have done is added a question where
impacted due to visual experience concussions have associated
the participants were able to distinguish
consequences that present differently visual deficits. From our results, we can
impairments from a in each individual.The most common which sport they received their
confirm that 82% of the individuals who
concussion?” visual consequences found in TBIs concussion in. This would have given
have incurred a concussion also have us the opportunity to determine if they
include accommodative dysfunction,
associated visual deficits. We received more or less concussions in a
Introduction convergence insufficiency, visual
discovered that 58% of our participants particular sport if they played multiple.
field loss, followed by visual acuity
deficits (Merezhinskaya et al., 2019). who incurred a concussion were The second issue we had was a miss
Research is currently showing that
These visual consequences lead to sensitive to light specifically. Our second marked question. Question 8 stated,
vision impairments are becoming
hypothesis is that athletes with “Check any/all of the following visual
more recognized following a TBI. limited occupational performance
concussions experience difficulties with deficits you experienced after your
Vision is essential to almost every during reading, driving, and money
concussion(s).” However the survey
occupation that is performed. The management. Lastly, the most IADLs. Our survey results also
only allowed them to choose one
purpose of this study is to identify common interventions used by OTs confirmed this to be true. According to answer. The participants weren’t able to
common types of visual impairments for these visual consequences include our results, 82% of athletes who incurred tell us all of the visual deficits they are
athletes face following a concussion optical devices, compensatory a concussion also have difficulties with experiencing as a result of their
or multiple concussions and the daily strategies, and neuroplasticity-based some IADLs. 68% of our participants concussions. Knowing this information
occupations that have been affected. training (Blanchard et al., 2016) would have given us more to go off of
checked that they had difficulties using
In order to increase understanding, when determining our data.
their cell phones.
we will look at the changes in IADLs
in athletes who play high-contact Methodology References
sports and have sustained a ● Used a quantitative research design ● Blanchard, S., Chang, W., Heronema, A., Ramcharan,
concussion or multiple concussions. ● Survey created by researchers D., Stanton, K., & Stollber, J. (2016). Common
The two hypotheses are: ● Population: high school and occupational therapy vision rehabilitation
interventions for impaired and low vision associated
● Athletes who experience college athletes who sustained a with brain injury. Optometry & Visual Performance,
concussions have associated visual concussion 4(5), 265-274.
● Merezhinskaya, N., Mallia, R., Park,D., Bryden,D.,
deficits ● Surveys were sent to athletic Mathur,K., & Barket, F. (2019). Visual deficits and
● Athletes with concussions directors who distributed them to dysfunctions associated with traumatic brain injury: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Optometry and
experience difficulties with IADLs their players Vision Science, 96(8), 542-555.
Table 1. Activities that participants experiened difficulty in
● Data was analyzed using Excel post-concussion

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