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Kent Reuber
ITS Networking
April 6, 2007
 What problems do you need to
 Tool descriptions
 Q&A time

 Tool descriptions are in the

“Software” section of the LNA
What are the problems?
 Are hosts online? (ping)
 How do you get to hosts? (traceroute)
 What are hosts running? (nmap)
 Where/when have hosts been seen?
 “The network is slow” (Netspeed,
 DHCP and DNS (SUNet reports)
 Wireless problems (various)
 Packet sniffing (wireshark), and
batch NetDB changes (NetDB CLI)
Ping and
Ping: Are you there?
 Ping sends ICMP echo requests to a host and
asks for a reply. Reply time is also
 Some hosts may choose not to reply by security
policy. It may not mean that they’re down.
 Stanford de-prioritizes pings at some of our
borders, so a long ping time or dropped pings
does not indicate a poor connection.
 Stanford maintains a special host:
 “”
 Exempt from ping filter.
 Have outside users ping “ping-me” if they claim
that connections to Stanford are unavailable or
Ping for Advanced
 Can increase packet size to see
duplex errors. (Unix: ping -s)
 Default small (<60 byte) ping
packets don’t generate enough
traffic to show duplex problems.
 Try using pings of 1000+ bytes.
 Use nmap or similar utility for
“ping sweeps” of entire networks:
 “nmap -sP <network range>” (Ex.
“nmap -sP”)
 Nmap:
Traceroute: How do I
get there?
 How traceroute works:
 Source sends a series of packets with increasing
time-to-lives. (TTL is the allowed number of router
hops.) Unix/Mac: UDP, Windows “tracert”: ICMP.
 Routers will decrement TTL and respond with an ICMP
“unreachable” message if TTL is 0.
 Like ping, a timestamp is returned.

QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Traceroute notes
 Routers need not reply to
traceroutes. Lack of a reply does
not mean that the router is down.
 Return traffic doesn’t necessarily
use the same path.
 This can cause problems with firewalls
and packet shapers that assume they see
the whole conversation.
 When troubleshooting connection
problems, you may want to have the
destination send traceroutes to you as
Nmap: Scanning nets
 In addition to ping scans, you
can scan for open ports on
 This can be useful for seeing
who is running a service
(intentionally or otherwise!)
 My recipe for scanning for open
TCP ports:
 ”nmap -P0 -sT net -p ports -oG - |
grep open”
Getting nmap
 Download from
 Unix and MacOS X usually
require compiling from
 Windows binary available.
 Stanford-specific utility
 How it works:
 Devices broadcast ARP packets when
they need to communicate locally.
 Routers see these ARP and cache it.
 Information is periodically
harvested and kept in a database.
 Using IPM, you can track when an
IP/MAC was first and last seen and
IPM: What’s it good
 You can find MAC addresses
which aren’t in Netdb.
 Find out where a particular
device has been seen.
 See if multiple devices are
using a single IP address.
More on IPM
 Where is it:
 AFS: /usr/pubsw/sbin/ipm
 Note: this directory is not in
your default PATH.
 Using IPM:
 Wildcards: “_” (single
character), “%” (multiple
 Run “ipm -h” to see list of
MAC vendor codes
 MAC addresses are 48-bit (6 bytes)
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where each “x” is a
hexadecimal number 0-9,a-f.
 First 3 bytes are the Organizationally
Unique Identifier (OUI), which tell you
who made the network card.
 Can look this up. My favorite site:
 Can tell you when NetDB records are
outdated. For example, a NetDB record
for a Macintosh with MAC address
00:0b:db (Dell) is clearly wrong.
Netspeed and Iperf
Netspeed & Iperf:
Speed testing
 Often hear “the network is
 Is it the client, the network or
a server?
 Where’s the bottleneck?
 Useful tools:
 Netspeed (Web based speed to
campus backbone).
 Iperf (command line tool for
 Web based speed testing to
Stanford backbone:
 Useful for finding duplex
errors (misconfigured hubs
or switches) in the path.
 Command line testing tool.
 Can also run speed tests against and
 Can be run in server mode for
testing speed between arbitrary
points (e.g., within your
How fast can you go?
 DSL: 1 Mbps (asymmetric)
 802.11b wireless: 1-5 Mbps
 802.11g wireless: 1-12 Mbps
 Fast Ethernet: 80+ Mbps
 Gigabit: ??
Note: consider these tests as
upper bounds. For gigabit
especially, you may not be able
to transfer real data this
Troubleshooting DHCP
 Many things can go wrong.
Problems are rarely caused
by DHCP server
 Things to check:
 What IP is the host getting?
 Netdb record for the host.
 DHCP server logs, roaming pool
utilization reports.
Understanding DHCP
 Stanford has two DHCP servers: dusk and dawn.
 Info from Netdb is uploaded approximately every
15 minutes. Give Netdb the time to upload data.
 At Stanford, MAC address information is required
for successful DHCP.
 Initial DHCP is a four step process using
broadcasts; renews are different.

QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
 DHCP addresses are valid for a
limited period (wired and
 Normal DHCP: 2 days
 Roaming DHCP: 42 minutes
 Hosts will re-confirm their leases
halfway through the lease period.
 Clients use unicast directly to the
DHCP server (clients have an address
and they know who their server is).
 Renew message type is used.
DHCP roaming
 If the Netdb record has a “home” IP address
appropriate for the network where the
device is located, DHCP servers will send
 Can have “home” IP addresses and still be able
to roam to other networks.
 Can have multiple “home” addresses bound to
each MAC address.
 If no appropriate address is entered, DHCP
will look for available roaming addresses
on the local network.
 Number of roaming address is specified by the
LNA. Defined in the Netdb network record.
 Usually there are only a handful of roaming
addresses. Can easily run out of them.
What address did you
 The address received may tell you
what the problem is.
 Self assigned (169.254.*.*):
 NetDB record not set up properly.
 No roaming address available.
 Routing or DHCP server problem (less
 10.x.x.x:
 Used by Network self-registration system.
 Could also be used by a rogue.
 192.168.*.*:
 Probably a rogue DHCP server.
Finding rogues
 Try pinging the gateway that’s
being distributed.
 Use “arp” command to get the MAC
address of the gateway. Or use
a sniffer if you have one.
 Look at switch MAC tables and
find the offending hosts. Shut
off the port or go have a
 New Net-to-Switch configs block
rogue DHCP servers!
Available DHCP reports
 DCHP logs for a given host.
 Type in MAC address and see the conversation.
 Takes practice to read.
 Roaming address utilization
 How many roaming addresses were used in a day.
 DHCP reports from dusk and dawn
 Hourly logs show number of DHCP messages for
 “No free leases” may indicate that you’re out
of roaming addresses.
 All reports are linked from LNA Guide
software section:
DNS at Stanford
 Host information is entered in
 Uploads to DHCP servers about
every 15 minutes.
 Uploads to DNS servers about
every hour.
 Starts at 5 minutes after the hour.
 Takes about 20 minutes. Should be
done by 30 minutes past the hour.
 Specific info on timing is kept in
the NetDB help files.
DNS inspection tools
 Standard: “host”, “nslookup”, “dig”.
 Stanford whois can show you most
NetDB information:
 “whois -h <query>”
 Use “%” and “_” as wildcards as per ipm.
 Great for people who need “read-only”
access, since you don’t need a NetDB
 For host names, you need to end query in a
“.” or specify “” so that
whois knows you want information on a
Wireless problems
 Wireless is slow or unavailable.
 Reports can be vague. “Wireless
is slow on the 2nd floor.”
 Isolating the problem can speed
 Exactly where is the problem
 What access point is the user
connecting to?
 Do others have problem in the area?
Wireless tools
 Access point association:
 Mac: Internet Connect utility
 PC: ??
 Access point discovery for seeing
available AP’s and channels:
NetStumbler, iStumbler
 Iperf and Netspeed are useful for
checking speed problems.
 Often, a AP reboot will solve the
 AP jack (tso) information is in Netdb.
 Can unplug and replug if necessary.
Packet sniffer
EtherPeek and
 Stanford has site license for
Etherpeek, but it’s still
 Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) is
free. (Motto: “Sniff free or
 X windows application for Unix/Mac.
 Binary for Windows.
 Some books are available!
Advice on Sniffing
 Need for a sniffer is rare, but
invaluable when you need it.
 Learn to use it before you need
 You will need to set up special
“span” ports on your switches
to see all traffic.
 No need if you’re interested in
broadcasts and multicasts.
 Most useful for seeing traffic
entering and leaving your net.
NetDB Command Line
NetDB CLI overview
 Designed for power users.
 Provides a subset of NetDB
functionality (mostly
nodes) for batch changes.
New features are
periodically added.
 Use with caution. Try one
or two hosts before doing
big batches.
How to run NetDB CLI
 Located in AFS space:
 /usr/pubsw/sbin/netdb (note: this
directory is probably not in your
 Use -h option to get command syntax
 Stuff you can do (to a single
machine or list of machines):
 Change administrators, locations.
 Change IP addresses.
 Delete nodes.

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