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Meaning of words through

Word Formation
One of the distinctive properties of human language is creativity,
by which we mean the ability of native speakers of a language to
produce and understand new forms in their language.

Nowadays, the terms ‘word formation’ does not have a clear cut,
universally accepted usage. It is sometimes referred to all
processes connected with changing the form of the word

People in general have no difficulty coping the new words. We can

very quickly understand a new word in our language (a neologism)
and accept the use of different forms of that new word. This ability
must derive in part from the fact that there is a lot of regularity in
the word-formation process in our language.

Word formation denotes the processes of creation of new lexical


Types of Word Formation Processes

 Compounding
 Blending
 Clipping
 Acronyms
 Eponym
Compounding - compounding is the process of combining two words
to create a new word. Commonly a noun, verb, or adjective.

Open compound words are created in cases when the modifying

adjective is used with its noun to create a new noun.

(Living room, School Bus, Full moon, Real state, dinner table)

Closed compound words are usually made up of only two words.

(notebook, superman, bookstore, watercolor)

Hyphenated compounds are words joined by hyphened.

(daughter – in – law, Over-the- Counter)

Blending it is especially creative in that speakers take two words and
merge them based not on morpheme structure but on sound
structure. The resulting words are called blends.

Smog, from smoke and fog,

Brunch, from breakfast and lunch,
Emoticon, form emotion and icon

Clipping when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a

shorter form, the process is called clipping.

Professor – Prof
Gymnasium – Gym
Bicycle – Bike
Examination – Exam
Acronym is the formation of words from initial components of words in
a phrase.

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Agency

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

Eponym are words based on a name of a person or a place.

Fahrenheit – was named Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) invented

the thermometer.
August – Augutus Ceasar
Pasteurization - Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a French chemist who is
sometimes referred to as "the father of microbiology". He studied
fermentation, and discovered that you could prolong the taste of beer
and wine by heating it up and killing off the bacteria.
Clause modifier is clause which modifies other
words in a sentence. Clause modifiers introduced
by who, whom, which, that, when, where.

that eats a lot of

The black and dirty mouse _______
cheese in our drawer.
The black and dirty mouse that lives in a cupboard
eats a lot of cheese in our drawer.

Where is the girl? ________ She gave me a

Where is the girl? Who is wearing floral dress.

She gave me a letter.

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