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project management
are we getting better?

Prsented by-
Nitesh Bhawsar
Srikant somani
• Project Management is a newly developed
concept & is still evolving.
• Development in 21st Century :-
Project Result 2000 2006 2008
Succeeded 28 35 32
Failed 23 19 24
Challenged 49 46 44
Determining the improvement of
Q1. The project has clear and exact goal(s)?

Q2. The economic and time constraints for this project are clearly stated?

Q4. All the needs and desires of the end users are discussed with the

Q5. Responsibility of each member is mentioned and the same is whether


Q6. Availability of resources for initiating project?

Q7. Project activities are carried out exactly as planned?

Q8. Whether there is active communication between the members?

Project Work…
A Project Work may be simply defined by IPO Model :-
Application of IPO Model
• This models help the organization to become more

• European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)

introduces three models to suggest the organization
- The International Project Management Association Model
- The Project Management Performance Assessment Model.
- The X Model

• EFQM award the organization who best fits in the model.

The IPMA Model
The PMPA Model
The X Model
Research Methodology of determining “are
we are getting better?”
• The whole methodology works on the X Model.

• First of all choose a project to be analyzed.

• Collect all the information about the project by observing and

interviewing project team members.

• The study tells us about the peoples regard as the most

important ones.

• It also helps us in determining how the project is performing

in different years & “are we getting better?”
Project in 2000
• These projects had motivated and well informed team
members, who sometimes lacked project experience
• less innovative, not complete in budget, diminishing of
• No good plans, and not enough resources allocated.
Project Management in 2000
Project of 2008
• The main objective of X model is understand the changes of
input factors.
• There is no changes comes in factual output.
• Good management and leadership are strengthened by
project team members
• Projects are completed within the time and budgets
• Clearly expressed goals/objectives
• Appropriate organization/clear lines of responsibility
• Good system of project control/monitoring
• Ultimately they all helps Satisfied customers/users/project
Project Management in 2008
Comparisons Between 2000
and 2008
• By comparing the X models of 2000 and 2008 , we see that
improvements have taken place in the 21st century
• Conducted a survey for opinions
• The responses were coded into standardized statements. For
each statement, we made a comparison between the two
data sets (2000 and 2008
• Then calculated the means of 2000 and 2008
Improving Project Work—
Exploring Causal Relationships
• One of the main intentions of the X model is to perform
causal analyses and to investigate
• Results shows that there is no significant changes to factual
outputs over the years.
• For example we choose to look at the statement “Satisfied
customers/ users/project owners. The analysis does not
reveal any big surprises but still gives us important
knowledge of what is of importance
• Good management and leadership are strengthened by
project team members having good relationships with the
base organization
• The X model is a valuable tool for describing and assessing an
individual project Every manager should adopt that model
• Field of project management is moving ahead the data
• There is lot changes in both scenario i.e. 2000 and 2008
• There is need to improvement in factual outputs
• Now project members are more knowledgeable and
• Until there is a room for improvements in overall performance
• Field of project management is moving ahead.

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