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Jose Rizal and Philippine

nationalism: bayani and kabayanihan

Jose Rizal was idealistic, who wants to free his countrymen from ignorance,
exploitation and discrimination. With the use of his works and writings
especially his novels – Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, he reveals to his
people their experiences and sufferings, sufferings which he brought to light in
an effort to awaken his countrymen to the truths that had long remained
unspoken, although not totally unheard of.
He showed to his people their sufferings friars and civil authorities, how the
friars whom were guilty of bribery and corruption had made of the Catholic
religion an instrument of domination and had prostituted it with exterior
practices which foster the appearance of worship.

One person can be called as a hero when they do good things

in our society even in our country, like what Jose Rizal’s did he
had proven that pen is mightier than the sword and he didn’t
use violence to fight off the Spaniards. Rizal’s pen may not
have an immediate effect, but it made a more lasting impact
and still very significant after generations of Filipinos. Jose
Rizal became the Philippine national hero because he fought
for freedom in a silent but powerful way.
He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels, essays and articles rather
than through the use of force or aggression. Rizal is considered as our greatest hero
because he was capable of revolutionizing the way the Filipino thought. He was a very
amazing person at his time. He was very humble for fighting reforms through his
writings instead of through a revolution.

He used his intelligence, talents and skills in a more peaceful way rather than the
aggressive way and he also sacrifice his love life and his quite life for the sake of our
country and also for the Filipino people.

He enlightens his people about their status in society by writing his novel the Noli Me
tangere and the El Filibusterismo which very helpful as of now because we will
reminisce on what happen on our country before, for us also to enlighten that we
should not let other people to bound us.

In the end, there is no doubt that Rizal is the first to envision himself and his country
as a nation of Filipinos and to uphold its liberty from the occupiers. Rizal’s self-sacrifice
has been modeled him to be a hero of the Philippines. He will remain as the heart of
the Philippine revolution and the Philippine national hero and remain at the heart of
every Filipino people as the best national hero of the Philippine country.
November 12, 2012 by joserizalss014

Nationalism is a concept that has a very broad and vague meaning.  It is a concept
where the meaning lies on how people interpret it on the basis of their experiences
and pre-conceived beliefs.  Ideally, it is understood as the feeling of belongingness
which uplifts the spirit of oneness to fellow countrymen and, at the same time, looking
up to a common goal for the nation’s development.  In short, nationalism is viewed as
a basic building block in the attainment of national unity and progress.
Globalization, on the other hand, is a concept whose aim is to unify the peoples of the
world into a single society and function together in a harmonious manner.  Its goal is
to involve all nations of the world in international affairs, including trade, industry,
culture and everything that can be exchanged and would benefit everybody.  It
promotes homogeneity in all aspects of human lives, thus tends to eradicate the
uniqueness of each nation.
For this International Conference of South-East Asian Historians, it is my honor to
contribute a paper on “Dr. Jose Rizal, Father of Filipino Nationalism,” for several
reasons. First, Dr. Rizal himself was very much interested in the history of this part of
the world. Second, this year 1961 has been proclaimed by the President of the
Philippines as the Rizal Centenary Year, for our hero was born in 1861. Third, if Rizal
were alive today, he would have been happy to receive an invitation to attend our
Conference because our hero was the organizer of the International Association of
Filipinists in Europe in 1889. Fourth, Dr. Rizal has been ranked by his biographers, both
Filipinos and foreigners, as one of the great intellectual leaders of Asia, together with
Mahatma Gandhi of India and Dr. Sun Yat-sen of China. Lastly, Dr. Rizal visited this city
of Singapore no less than three times in the course of his many travels to foreign
Humble beginnings
José Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 to
Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonzo in the town of Calamba in the province of
Laguna. He had nine sisters and one brother. At the early age of three, the future
political leader had already learned the English alphabet. And, by the age of five,
José could already read and write.




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