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Swarupa Ray -143

Neha rai-144
Pralina Jena – 145
Neha Pal – 146
Samikshya Panda – 147
Alokita Mohanty - 148
Soumantak Bagchi – 149
Chandan Kumar - 150
Audience Reaction
good news routine persuasive bad news
Eager Interested Pleased Neutral Displeased Uninterested Unwilling

Direct Approach Indirect Approach

Positive Messages
Direct Approach
 Open
• main idea , request , good news

 Body
• Details and support
• Benefits and questions answered

 Close
• Coutesy
• Reference to good news
• Desired action
Routine Requests
Main idea in 1 to 2 sentences

Explain and justify

 What are benefits
 State your questions

Close with
request, contact, goodwill
Strategy for Body & Close
• Explain and justify
– Benefit
– Questions
– Lists
• Close
– Specific request
– How to contact
– Appreciation or goodwill
Positive Messages
• Responding positively to request
• Sending goodwill messages
• Usually brief
Providing recommendations
A successful recommendation letter must
• The candidate’s full name
• The position or other objective the candidate
is seeking
• The nature of your relationship with the
• Facts and evidence relevant to the candidate
and the opportunity
• A comparison of this candidate’s potential
with that of peers, if available
• Your overall evaluation of the candidate’s
suitability for the opportunity.
Janet Doe has worked for me as a Resident Manager for the past 3 Clearly states
years. Her responsibilities have included leasing, inspecting candidate’s full
apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants complaints, name and main
making sure common areas look presentable, and keeping track of point of letter
the property budget.  in the opening

During her time here she has had an amazing impact on the
appearance and financial turn around at the property. The
property was near bankrupt when Janet took over. She turned Specifies
things around almost immediately, and as a result we are expecting
duration and
our second year of profit. 
nature of
Janet is highly respected by her co-workers for her willingness to relationship
help anyone anytime she can. She has been instrumental in helping
institute new company-wide cost saving procedures. She is very
well organized, diligent in her paperwork, easily reachable, and
always on time. 

Janet has real leadership potential. I would highly recommend her

for your MBA program.  Provide
Joe Smith 
Regional Property Manager
Creating informative messages
• State the purpose at the beginning and briefly
mention the nature of the information you are

• Provide the necessary details.

• End with a courteous close.

Announcing good news
Ideal structure of the good news letter
 Give the good news right away.

 Background the good news; if appropriate, use the

letter to promote other products or services of the


 Close in an upbeat way.

Fostering goodwill

Goodwill messages conveys a

positive feeling that encourages
people to maintain a business
• Goodwill messages must be
sincere and honest
• Avoid exaggerating ,and back up
any compliments with specific


sending congratulations
For significant business
For highlights in
peoples personal lives.
For promotional
Companies can
congratulate customers
on special occasions of
their life.
Companies introduce themselves by sending
out a form letter that might read like this:
Congratulations on your new home !All of us at
Klemper Security Solutions hope it brings you
and your family many years of security and

Please accept the enclosed Homeowners

Guide to Home Security with our compliments.
It lists a number of simple steps you can take to
keep your home, your family and your
possessions safe.
Sending messages of
Letter of appreciation tips:
Ensure to include citation
Be honest
Be direct and concise in your
Be prompt in sending
appreciation letter
Whenever possible , address
your letter to a specific person
Thank you and everyone on your team for the heroic
efforts you took to bring our servers back up after
last Friday’s flood . We were able to begin serving
clients first thing Monday morning. You went far
beyond the level of contractual service in restoring
our data center within 16 hours. I would especially
like to highlight the contribution of networking
specialist Julienne Marks, who worked for 12
straight hours to reconnect our internet service. If I
can serve as a reference in your future sales
activities, please do not hesitate to ask.
offering condolences
Steps to be followed for writing
condolence message
Keep reminiscences brief
Write in your own words
Be tactful
Take special care
Write about special qualities of the
Write about special qualities of the
bereaved person

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