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 What is ethnicity?

The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or

cultural tradition.

 What is a dominant group?

A group that has more population than the subordinate group.

 What is a subordinate group?

Belonging to a lower or inferior class rank.

 What is hegemony?
The socially accepted and agreed beliefs of those in the ruling class.
• Terrorists/violent
• Very religious
• Physically strong • Gangster
• Strict/stern/not a • “Token’’
push over character
• Serious • Poor
• Victims (female) • Criminal
• Villains/rarely seen • Victim
• Ugly
as heroes • Hero
• Uneducated
• Silly/not taken  Powerful:
seriously • Intelligent physical/intellectual
• Illegal aliens • Martial artist  Often the hero
• Partiers • Obsessed with  Serial killer/Villain
• Involved in electronics  In charge (dominant
drugs • Quirky or weak race)
• Sex symbols  Lead role
- Gangster
- “Token character’’
- Poor/Impoverished
- Criminal
- Victim
- Hero
 Intelligent
 Martial artist
 Obsessed with electronics
 Quirky or weak
 Lack emotion
 Women can be seen as

ditzy in some cases

 Ugly
 Uneducated
 Silly/not taken seriously
 Illegal aliens
 Partiers
 Involved in drugs
 Sex symbols (Antonio
Banderez, Penelope Cruz, Salma
 Terrorists/violent
 Very religious
 Physically strong
 Strict/stern/not a push over
 Serious
 Victims (female)
 Villains/rarely seen as heroes
 Powerful:
 Often the hero
 Serial killer/Villain
 In charge (dominant race)
 Lead role
 Ethnicity, like sex, is a set of genetically
defined, biological characteristics. However,
like gender, it is also a set of culturally defined
 Representation of race in the media can consist
of the same sort of rigid stereotypes that
constitute gender portrayal.
 However, stereotyping of race is seen as more
harmful than stereotyping of gender, as media
representation may constitute the only
experience of contact with a particular ethnic
group that an audience (particularly an
audience of children) may have.
 Racial stereotypes are often based on social
myth, perpetuated down the ages. Thus, the
media depiction of, say, Native American
Indians, might provide a child with their only
experience of Native American Indian culture
and characters, and may provide that child
with a set of narrow prejudices which will not
be challenged elsewhere within their
 The need for a more accurate portrayal of the
diversity of different races is a priority for
political agendas, but, as ever, it seems as
though it will take a while for political
thinking to filter through to programme and
 Most work on Race & The Media has
concentrated on the representation of black
men and women. This has partly been
because there is a strong African-American
counter-culture which provides viable
alternative role models and demands that
they are represented.
 In recent years, the success of actors such as
Denzel Washington, Whoopi Goldberg,
Laurence Fishburne, Will Smith and Morgan
Freeman in a diversity of roles has meant that
black characters in movies and on TV are no
longer 'stock' types.
 However, there are many negative
representations of black people, portrayals
which seem deliberately designed to inflame
the fear and hatred of other cultures - how
positive a representation is the archetypal
African-American gangsta? Yet these are
representations coming from within black
culture itself...
 Attention is now being paid to the
representation of other ethnic groups,
notably Asian Americans and Latinos, who
represent a much larger proportion of the US
population than their TV coverage would
 Things are changing - on the one hand the

success of Asian directors such as John Woo

and Ang Lee in Hollywood is pushing the
boundaries back for Asian Americans, and the
Latin Music Explosion of 1999 has led to
much wider acceptance of Latino performers.
Zhang Ziyi Michelle Yeoh

Chow Yun-Fat
Enrique Iglesias

Ricky Martin

Jennifer Lopez Shakira

This clip of Skins involves a muslim teenager,
Anwar. The scene focuses on his father being
told that Anwar’s best friend, Maxxie, is gay.
 It is typical for people who are a part of the
Muslim culture to be against homosexuality,
therefore in this clip it is expected that the
Muslim family would not take well to the fact
that Maxxie is gay.

 Chris who is a white character in the clip

appears and he uses language which is
typical for a white teenager, using bad
 You have 10 minutes to write a couple of
paragraphs explaining your opinion.
 Remember to use evidence from the clip and,

if you can, evidence from:

◦ Mise en scene
◦ Sound
◦ Editing
◦ Camerawork
 Do you think hegemony is challenged in this
clip? Are the dominant beliefs challenged?


 Hegemony is challenged in this clip regarding

ethnicity as it challenges they typical Muslim
belief about homosexuality.
The clip from Misfits is where one of the
probation workers tries to talk to the characters
about the community service they are doing.
 Each of the characters are represented in
completely different ways. Three different
ethnicities are shown in the extract;
◦ Black British, white British, Irish and mixed race.
Curtis, who plays the black British male character
follows the typical stereotype – how?
◦ The Irish character, Nathan, follows a typical Irish
stereotype as he has charm and is quite humorous.
◦ The white character is gobby and aggressive in the
◦ The mixed race character is glamorous and
feminine in the extract.
 Go through each of the ethnicities
represented and answer whether the
representation reinforces or challenges the
ethnic stereotype.
 Which ethnicity is dominant/subordinate in
this extract? Are any of them?

 How does the social worker fit?

 Who would you expect the dominant group to
be as this is a British TV drama?

 Is this the case for this clip?

 Who is the dominant group in this clip? How

do you know?

 Who is the subordinate group in this clip?

How do you know?

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