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Asian Perspectives for

Content + Language
Integrating Content and Language
in Higher Education Conference
Maastricht, Netherlands
R.J. Dickey
Gyeongju University, Korea
July 1st, 2006
Defining CBI
 Definitions problem in ELT, generally
 Consider “task-based learning”
 “learner-centered”

 “communicative approach”

 CBI / CLIL / ICL and 40 other terms!

 “Prescriptive” vs. “Descriptive”
 “Theory-driven” vs. “Reality-based”
Defining CBI .2
 No agreement on focus of cbi
 Using language to teach content
 Using content to teach language
 Are certain content areas preferred or barred?
Defining CBI .3
 EFL vs. ESL approaches (generally)
 N. American “CBI” is bifurcated:
 immersion/partial immersion (even French as a
foreign language in Canada) has content focus
 “mainstreaming” in USA has more language
skills focus – use of “sheltered,” “pullout” and
“adjunct” programs
 European “CLIL” more oriented to
“balance” (though not necessarily 50/50)
 Asia Seems Really Confused!
Defining CBI .4
 No agreement on proper content
 “harder” and “softer” varieties
 “traditional fields of academic study”
 Does literature or linguistics fit in here?
Why Not?
 Anything other than explicit language instruction
 A wide range between these extremes

 Blurred Lines between

ESP, EAP, Immersion-learning, Teaching
Through English
Defining CBI .5
 Substitutions for content
 “academic skills” as (aim for) content
 Multi-media/technology as “content”
(includes TV commercials, movies, pop songs,
and “The Internet”)
 Vocational Skills (EVP, EOP, etc)
 Language Skills (applied languages) as
content: Translation, Journalism… and
“the four skills” (especially Listening and
Reading, topical areas)
Defining CBI .6
Defining CBI .7
 Duration of Content
 Topical, Thematic, Sustained…
Even CE??
 Duration of Activities
• Project-based (weeks?)
• Multi-session tasks
• Full-class tasks
• Mini-tasks (activities?)
Asian Perspectives
 Based on an ongoing literature survey
Conference proceedings, journals,
websites, and personal contacts
Asian Perspectives .2
 Distinguish between Cummins’ (1979)
 BICS -- Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
 CALP -- Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

 No Agreement whether CBI early

Asian Perspectives .3
Asian Perspectives .4
Asian Perspectives .5
 Graduate School / University courses
 Authentic textbooks from “inner circle”
 Journals published in English
 Subject-matter course lectures in English
(Teaching (Content) Through English), FLMI
(whether native-speaker or local instructors)
 Required courses

(1) General Studies English requirement

(2) Subject (major) requirement – English
 Elective Courses
Asian Perspectives .6
 University courses
 Within the language (language education)
 Language skills and applied languages
 Language focus (Content-Based Language Instruction)

 In the general studies section

 Teaching Content Through English & FLMI
 Content-Based Language Instruction

 Is the aim clear to students, instructor, even univ ?

Asian Perspectives .7
 University courses (cont.)
 In the language center
 Academic Skills (EAP)
 Adjunct courses

 Stand-alone courses

 Thematic (even topical?) academic content

 Sustained non-academic content

 Test preparation courses ???

(note that Univ centers also do “non-univ” courses)

Asian Perspectives .8
 Language School courses and Clubs
 All of the above, and
 Camps/immersion programs

 Sports, Arts-n-crafts, and assorted “play”

 Magazine, Newspaper, TV News, and

Entertainment viewings
 Pop songs

 Life/Study abroad

 Vocational English (includes Business English)

Asian Perspectives .9
 Institutionalized Implementations
 Teaching Content Through English in
Primary/Secondary/Tertiary through National
Curriculum (Malaysia, Philippines…
 “International” Universities/Colleges/
 “Semester/Year Abroad”
 Term abroad itself
 Prep programs

 Substitution programs, Camps

A few ideas…
A few ideas…
A few ideas…
Robert J. Dickey
Gyeongju University
Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk
S. Korea 780-712

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