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Principles of Customers
Performance in any field is guided by a few core principles. A deep understanding of a
field's core principles sets you up for an autonomous and continuous path of
Speed- According to a Warwick University study, responsiveness has the highest impact
on both customer satisfaction (fast response) and dissatisfaction (slow response)
Accuracy- Johnston's study shows that customers regard accuracy as the minimum.
Transparency- just as critical to service as speed and accuracy
Accessibility- the entire customer service theory focused on delighting the customer - on
exceeding expectations.
Empowerment- A good service offers this feeling to its customers.
Friendliness- It has stripped away most of the human interactions that used to be
commonplace in everyday transactions.
Efficiency- Efficiency will always be a crucial factor in customer service.
Customers tools
1. Online communities allow customers to engage with other Customers, give
direct feedback on products, and share their passion for your product or brand.
Maintaining online communities is the company's opportunity to monitor
customer feedback and improve brand experience.
2. Discussion Forums- A forum is a specific type of online community that
creates an opportunity for crowdsourcing.
3. Social Media- Social media is an essential tool for businesses of any size.
4. Automatic callback- We've all had the unpleasant experience of being put on
hold for an annoyingly long period of time
5. Live chat- . Live chat options can be used for more than just customer service
questions-it's also a good way to provide information that might encourage a
purchase decision.
6. Customer satisfaction surveys- Customer satisfaction surveys are important at
Customers techniques
1. Engage in active listening- Allow the customer to talk without interruption, reflect
back their main question or concern and ask clarifying questions when necessary
2. Highlight understanding-Ensure that each customer is aware that you understood
their needs.
3. Be Courteous- Be polite and have respect for your customers.
4. Call the customer by his name- Ask the customer their name and pronounce it corr
ectly. This communicates respect for the customer and lets them know that they are i
5. Go the extra mile- Demonstrate through actions that the customer is important by
giving more than the minimum effort required.
6 Ask, don't demand- Statements can sound harsh.
7. Empower- Empower customers with adequate information to make informed decis
ions. When there are options, thoroughly describe each available alternative.
8. Be proactive-Engage in proactive steps to satisfy the customer's needs.
9. Highlight pros and cons- This increases trust and customer satisfaction.
10. Explain- A clear understanding tends to decrease customer frustration
11. Use plain language- Avoid technical terms, jargon and acronyms. Be pro
fessional, concise and clear.
is a person or business that provides a product or service to another entity.
1 Relationship with applicable laws-the Supplier shall comply with all national laws and all laws a
pplicable to the Supplier and its operations.
2.Human rights-The Supplier shall respect internationally recognised human rights, including tho
se expressed in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights.
3. Labour rights and working conditions: 3.1 Fundamental labour principles and rights The Suppli
er shall respect internationally recognized rights and principles as set out in the International Lab
our Organization's Core Conventions1] and Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
4. Health and Safety-The Supplier shall promote the good health of Workers, and shall provide a
nd maintain a safe and secure working environment in accordance with applicable laws and inter
nationally recognised standards Hazards shall be identified, risk assessed, mitigated and monitor
ed and the necessary precautionary measures taken to prevent accidents, occupational diseases
and foreseeable emergency situations.
5. Environment- The Supplier shall take a precautionary approach towards env
ironmental and climate challenges, ensure that responsible practices for mana
ging environmental impacts are in place, and encourage the development and
diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
6. Privacy, freedom of expression and data protection: The Supplier shall appr
opriately recognize and respect the privacy and freedom of expression within
the Supplier's operations.The Supplier shall use due skill, care and diligence an
d implement adequate and documented security controls and take necessary
precautions to protect any data against unauthorized or unlawful processing a
nd against accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure.
7. Prohibited Business Practices: 8.1 Competition The Supplier shall not caus
e or be part of any breach of applicable competition laws and regulations, suc
h as illegal cooperation on pricing and illegal market sharing.
8.2 Bribery, Corruption and Fraud : The Supplier shall comply with applicable l
aws and regulations bribery, corruption and fraud.

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