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Family and Friends 4

Grade 4
Semester 1
Unit 3

My things
Lesson 6: Writing
Lesson Objectives:

1- to identify and use question marks, commas and periods.

2- to write a paragraph describing a child’s collection.

Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)

Read and learn.
We use question marks (?) at the end of a question.

1- What is your name?

2- Where are you from?
3- How old are you?
We use commas (,) to separate a list of things mentioned at once.
We use a period (.) to end a sentence.
1- I have oranges, apples and bananas. We use and before
2- There are cats, dogs and cows. the last listed item.
3- I have four friends Jenny, Ann, Sally and Hannah.
Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)
Choose the correct punctuation mark from Click for
the box. answers
. , ?

1- How many stickers do you have ____ ?

2- I am in the basketball team ____ .
3- My favourite colours are blue ___ green and black.
4- Where is the book _____ ?
5- I have three brothers Sam ____ Adam and John.
6- I like playing the piano ______ .
Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)
Circle the words that have to be in capital Click for
letters, then write the sentences again. answers

1- i visited france last summer.

I visited France last summer.
2- my younger sister is called jenny.
My younger sister is called Jenny.
3- my friend martin is from spain.
My friend Martin is from Spain.
4- they are going to visit australia.
They are going to visit Australia.
Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)
Read about Rashid’s collection and then write about it.

I have got a collection of posters. Most of them are of football players. I like
watching football on TV with my cousins, so I collect football posters. I get
the posters from sports magazines and newspapers that my dad buys. I’ve
got 20 posters. I have 5 of my most favourite posters on the wall of my
bedroom. I have posters of the Bahraini football team. I have a poster with a
picture of them after they won the Arabian Gulf Cup. Have you got any

Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)

Click for possible
Write about Rashid’s collection.

He’s got a collection of ________________________________________. He’s

20 football posters from sports magazines and

got _______________________________________________________
newspapers that his father buys five of his favourite
________________________________. He’s got______________________

posters on the wall of his bedroom. He has posters of the

Bahraini football team. He’s got a picture of them after they won
The Arabian Gulf Cup.

Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)

To write an email about
Writing an email. yourself

Hi ! Jack, Greeting
How are you? Introduction
My name is Ali. I collect shells. I collect them
from the sea. I ‘ve got 50 shells. I keep them in a Body
box in my room. I like it because it is interesting.

Write back about yourself. Closing

Ahmed Signature
Write an e-mail to your pen pal in the Content Language
UK about your collection 9 6
In your e-mail write
about My
1- What your name is Ali.
2- what you collect shells.
3- where you get them. from the sea – beach.
4- how many you I have got 50 shells.
I keep them . in a box in my room.
5- where you

I like collecting things

6- why you because it is interesting.
To write an email about
Writing an email. yourself

Hi ! Jack, Greeting
How are you? Introduction
My name is Ali. I collect shells. I collect them
from the sea. I ‘ve got 50 shells. I keep them in a Body
box in my room. I like it because it is interesting.

Write back about yourself. Closing

Ahmed Signature
Now in your Padlet Write an e-mail to
your pen pal in the UK about your Self
In your e-mail write
about Hi …………!
1- What your name is My name’s/ I’m _________________________________.
2- what you collect collect__________ I get them from __________.
3- where you get them. I have got_______________________ I keep them ___________

4- how many have you got Write ________________________.

5- where you keep them. From __________

6- why you like it

End of the Lesson

Ministry of Education - 2020 English - Grade 4 – Unit 3 – Lesson 6 (Writing)

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