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Word order of phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs

• We place prepositions or adverbs after certain verbs so

as to obtain a variety of meanings.
• E.g. give away – give to someone
• Look after – take care of
• Look for - search for
• Some phrasal verbs don’t have an object.
• E.g. get up, look out, etc.
• I get up early.
• Look out! This ice isn’t safe.
• Some have an object and are separable.
• (up, down, in, out, away, off and on)
• When the object is a noun, it is placed at the end of these
expressions or can come immediately after the verb.
• He took off his coat. or He took his coat off.
• When the object is a pronoun, it is placed immediately
after the verb.
• He took it off.
• Some phrasal verbs have an object and are
• I look after my brother. He has flu.
• I look after him. He has flu.
So, neither + auxiliaries
• They are used to say that you have something common with
• With positive sentences
• So + aux + subject pronoun/ a noun
• With negative sentences
• Neither + aux + subject pr/ a noun
• The auxiliary we use depends on the tense of previous sentence.
• I get up early – So do I, So does my brother, So does she.
• I didn’t have breakfast – Neither did I, Neither did he.
• I am happy – So am I, So are we, So is she.
• Gular has done her homework – So have I, So have they.
• She may come early – So may I.
• We cannot turn on the PC – Neither can I, Neither can

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