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Future Forms

To be going to + infinitive

 I am going to do  I am not going to

 You are going to do  You are not going to
 He/she/it is going to do  He/she/it is not going to
 We are going to do  We are not going to
 They are going to do  They are not going to

 Gonna = going to  Are you going to…….?

 Informal/non-standard way  Is he going to……..?
 Are they going to……?
To be going to

 To be going to is used for future plans which show that you made a decision.
 E.g. She is going to work when she finishes the university.
 Sam and Sue are going to move to Scotland.

 To be going to is used to make a prediction based on evidence we have now.

 Prediction is a statement we make about future.
 E.g. She doesn’t study at all. She is going to fail the exams.
 You are wearing light clothes. You are going to get sick.
Present Continuous
to be + verb + ing
 Present Continuous is used for future arrangements. It is an agreement that
you make with somebody that you can both accept.
 They may have arranged time and place.
 E.g. I am seeing/meeting my friend tomorrow in the café.
 They are having an exam next Monday at 2o’clock.

 I will help  I will not help

 You will help  You will not help
 He/she/it will help  He/she/it will not help
 We will help  We will not help
 They will help  They will not help

 Will = ‘ll  Will not = won’t /wəunt/

 Will you help?  Will they help?
 Yes, I will.  Yes, they will.
 No, I won’t.  No, they won’t.

 Will he help?
 Yes, he will.  They won’t help.
 No, he won’t.  Won’t they help?
 Will they not help?
Use of will

 Will is used to make a prediction which is a guess or our opinion.

 E.g. He will fail the exam.

 Will is used for offers.

 A: I need a dictionary.
 B: I will give mine to you.

 Will is used for instant decisions.

 A: There is no bread at home.
 B: I will buy then.
Use of will

 Will is used for promises.

 I promise I’ll keep it a secret.

 Shall I…..? and Shall we……? are used for offers and suggestions.
 Shall I help you?
 Shall we join you?

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