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Gender Issues and Socially Discriminated Group

The history of human society for the most part, is

marked by unfair treatment for women .In the past
women were:-
 Denied the right to own and inherit land and other
 They were subordinate to men
 They had no right to decide who to marry and live with.
 They were subject to circumcision ,early marriage
,abduction and domestic violence
NB:-The 1995 constitution incorporate a number
of protection of women’s right and they have the
some legal rights as men such as:-
1. The right to equally own and administer
property Art 35(7).
2. The right of equality before, during and after
marriage Art 35(2).
3. Equal access to education , jobs and health
care , right to form an association Art 35(8)
N.B. Art 35 (4) of FDRE constitution state as
“Laws, customs and practices that oppress or
cause bodily or mentally harm to women are
prohibited. Ex. Circumcision of girls.
4. Entitlement of Affirmative action
Art 35(3) The historical legacy of inequality and
discrimination suffered by women in Ethiopia take
in to account, women, in order to remedy this
legacy are entitled to affirmative measure.
Equality and the nation of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action refers to policies designed

to remedy (improving) the effect of past
discrimination against Women, the disabled
racial groups, religious and ethnic minorities,
therefore ; affirmative action is important to
compensate for past injustice and
Ethiopian women suffered from discrimination and
injustice in the following.
1. They did not have the right to own land and other
non-movable asset.
2. They did not have the right to inherit family asset
such as land
3. They did not have equal opportunity for education.
Because of this the FDRE’s constitution entitles them
to remedial and affirmative action in order to
compensate past mistake in Economic, social and
political life of the country.
Example: - Art 35 Right of women Art 35(3)
state as follow:-
- They have the right to equally own and
administer property with men.
- They have the right to equality before, during
and after marriage. /the right to give consent
during marriage/ etc.

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