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Thiagarajar School of Management,
Thruparankundram - Madurai
Introducing oneself
1. Prepare talking points beforehand.
2. Recall past interviews/experiences and questions you were
asked earlier.
3. Practice before your delivery.
4. Rehearse your talking points.
5. Introduce yourself immediately.
6. List your accomplishments.
7. Set your own challenges.
8. Be unique - make a sharp choice of what you have to tell.
9. First impression must be very impressive as it will decide
Introducing oneself
 Wish/Greet : wish others to grab the attention of the audience
through many ways
 Purpose:   Tell the purpose, why you are in front of the
 Name:  Tell about your name - Present your name differently-
To grab the attention of audience
 Family:  Great Opportunity to tell about your family, so tell the
details what you want to tell about them.
 Profession: Tell about your profession, what you are doing at
 Location:  Tell about your present location, where you are
staying and if needed tell with whom you are living- You can
also tell about you native place.
 Describe or tell about your place which is famous for.
Introducing oneself
Hobbies/ Habits : Hobby  means what you would like to
do in your leisure time. Habit means your regular
activities which tells about your nature and your life style
Achievements: Tell what you have achieved – 3 to 5
the achievements may be small but it will show your
confidence - don't have any achievements.
Favourite Persons or Ideal Persons: It is good to say about
you favourite or Ideal Persons.
Favourite Movies, things, colour,  place, etc.
Introducing oneself
Can tell your favourites - your tastes and preferences to others.
Strength and Weakness:  If weakness you say it should be the
Strength for that Company.
People you Like and Dislike: Here you have to tell  “what kind of
people you like and what kind of people you dislike”.
Any Turning point in your life, which changed you.
How are you Different from Others?
Conclusion: offer a memorable answer on the question to the
Finally say Thank You.

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