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Lesson 1: Professionalism

Cookery is become an Art,

A Noble Science;
Cooks are Gentlemen .

-Robert Burton
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:

 Discuss the development of the modern food


 Name key historical figures responsible for

developing food service professionalism

 Explain the organization of classic kitchen and

modern kitchen brigades

 Appreciate the role of the professional chef in

the modern food service operations.

 Explain the attributes a student cheff needs to

become a professional chef
The 18th Century –Boulanger’ Restaurant

 Restaurant is derived from the French

word restaurer (“to restore”).
 The French claim that the first modern
restaurant opened one day in 1765 when a
Parisian tavernkeeper, a Monsieur Boulanger,
hung a sign adverstising the sale of his special
restorative, a dish of sheep feet in white sauce.
The early 19th Century- Carême
and Grande Cuisine

Grande Cuisine – the rich, intricate

and elaborate cuisine of the 18th and
19th century French aristocracy and
upper classes. It is based on the
rational identification, development
and adoption of strict culinary. By
emphasizing the how and why of
cooking, grande cuisine was the first
to distinguish itself from regional
cuisines, which tend to emphasize the
tradition of cooking.
Marie-Antoine Carême (1783-1833)
He was known as the “cook
of kings and the king of
cooks” and acknowledged
master of French grande
The late 19th Century-Escoffier and
Cuisine Classique
Charles Ranhofer (1836-1899)
-the first intrenationally renowned chef of an
American restaurant, Delmonico’s in New
York City.

-in 1893 he published “franco-american”

encyclopedia of cooking, The Epicurean
containing more than 3500 recipes.
The Mid-20th Century-Point and Nouvelle

Nouvelle Cuisine-French for “new cooking”; a mid-20th-century movement away

from many classic cuisine principles and toward a lighter cuisine based on natural
flavors, shortened cooking times and innovative cobinations.

Gaston Lenotre- modernized the classic pastries of grande cuisine, infusing them
with the bright fresh flavors of nouvelle cuisine.

Culinary Philosophy - was princicipled on the rejection of overly , needlessly

complicated dishes. The chefs emphasized healthful eating. The ingredients must
be absolutely fresh and of the highest possible quality and the cooking methods
should be simple and direct whenever possible. The accompaniments and garnishes
must be light and contribute to an overall harmony.
The late 20th Century-An American Culinary Revolution
Two distinct culinary trends have emerged in the United States:
 “The hotter, the better”
 “Fresh food, simply prepared”

During this time, restaurateurs and chefs began Americanizing the principles of French
nouvelle cuisine.
New American Cuisine – a late 20th Century movement that began in California but has
spread across the United States; it stresses the use of fresh, locally grown, seasonal
produce and high quality ingredients simply prepared in a fashion that preserves and
emphasizes natural flavors.
By the mid-1980s, American chefs began to combine aspects of these two trends and
their work resulted in fushion cuisine
Fusion Cuisine-the blending or use of ingredients and/or preparation methods from
various ethnic, regional or national cuisines in the same dish; also known as
transnational cuisine
Influences on Modern Food Service Operations

 Introduction of New Technologies

 Foods
 Concerns
 Consumers
The Food Service Operation

Brigade- a system of staffing a kitchen so that each worker is assigned a

set of specific tasks; these tasks are often related by cooking method,
equipment or the types of foods being produced
The Classic Kitchen Brigade
Auguste Escoffier is credited with developing kitchen brigade system used in a large
restaurant kitchens.

chef de cuisine
Chef or chef

sous chef

chef de partie or station chef

The Modern Kitchen Brigade

Executive Chef

Executive Sous Chef

Sous Chef

Area Chefs /Station

Line Cooks

Apprentice / assistants/ kitchen helpers

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