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Venita O.Tambunan
 Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a set of risk factors for Type-2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD),
which includes several syndrome :
 Abdominal obesity
 Hyperglycemia

 Dyslipidemia

 Hypertension
 Insulin resistance associated to obesity is considered the fundamental cause of
metabolic syndrome
 Risk factors include :
 family history
 Bad lifestyle (poor diet,inadequate exercise)
 tobacco use,increased cardiovascular complications
 risk increases as you get older
 Asian and African-Carribean people may be at greater risk
 other conditions – your risk is greater if you've had cardiovascular
disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
 Resistensi insulin didefinisikan sebagai suatu kondisi produksi insulin normal ,
tetapi terjadi  sensitivitas jaringan terhadap kerja insulin, sehingga terjadi 
sekresi insulin sebagai bentuk kompensasi sel Beta.
 SM Di dunia adalah 20-25 %
 SM di Indonesia 13,3% (Tahun 2007)
 Penelitian di Depok (2001) menggunakan kriteria National
Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III
(NCEP-ATP III) dengan modifikasi Asia menunjukkan
prevalensi sindrom metabolik pada pria 25.7% dan 25%
Kriteria Sindrom Metabolik
 Chest pain or  Xanthelasmas: In
shortness of breath: patients with severe
Suggesting the rise of dyslipidemia
 Acanthosis nigricans,
hirsutism, peripheral
neuropathy, and
retinopathy: In
patients with insulin
resistance and
hyperglycemia or
with diabetes mellitus
The complications of metabolic  Metabolic syndrome may also be
syndrome are broad : linked to neuropathy beyond
 Numerous associated cardiovascular hyperglycemic mechanisms through
complications exist, particularly inflammatory mediators.
coronary heart disease, but also atrial
fibrillation,heart failure, aortic
stroke,thromboembolic disease.
 Each of the components of metabolic
syndrome has been associated with
elevated stroke risk
 Breast cancer has also been linked  according to a retrospective cohort
to metabolic syndrome, possibly study,metabolic syndrome
through dysregulation of the between pregnancies increases the
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 risk of recurrent preeclampsia
(PAI-1) cycle.  Metabolic syndrome has been
 Additional studies have linked blamed for accelerated cognitive
metabolic syndrome with cancers aging.
of the colon, gallbladder, kidney,
and possibly, prostate gland
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