Drugs Procurement

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All drugs shall be purchased from authorised dealers possessing GMP

(Good Manufacturing Practices) certificate.
All drugs before purchasing shall be checked for –
Bioavailability and
Policy for existing items
Based on the inventory levels and consumption pattern materials will be
purchased from the nominated vendors.
Purchase order to be raised for each and every supply.
Policy for new items
Any new drug introduced shall be intended by the consultant vide new
drug introduction form.
It shall be placed before drugs committee for approval.
Orders will be placed to selected vendor only after approval.
Criteria remain same for selecting vendors as per vendor evaluation
• Policy for one-time purchase
– Any new drug introduced for a particular in-patient shall be intended by the consultant
writes in the new drug introduction form. It shall be approved by Medical director and
procured and the same is billed in full for the particular patient and is not refunded.
• Procurement of regular drugs by Nursing Station from Inpatient Pharmacy/Main
store- Pharmacy:
• Indent for inpatient is made to inpatient pharmacy. The user department (Nursing
stations, etc) raises indent for the drugs/items.
• The prescription is verified by the Pharmacist for correct patient name, IP no, Bed
no., correct medicine, dosage and quantity.
• Item is entered in the patient account in the HIS.
• Bills will be raised and added to the daily inpatient bill through HIS
• Required items will be packed in packages specific to each patient.

• Return of drugs: During discharge, the nursing staff raises a memo containing return and wanted
drugs. All drugs that will be not to be utilized will be returned to the pharmacy and a list of
wanted drugs will be prepared based on the type of patient (cash/credit), type of employer of
the patient, and duration of the medication.
• Replenishment of drugs in wards and emergency
• Nursing station maintains Emergency stock of Medicine. This
stock is used for patient in emergency condition when waiting
for the medication to arrive from pharmacy will effect the
treatment. These items will be then replacement by the
Nursing Station.
• Indent for Emergency stock used by nursing station for
inpatient is raised through a Replacement slip which contains
the name and IP no of the patient, Name and Quantity no of
the drug/item supplied from the emergency stock, dosage and
signature of the nursing staff.
• The items will be issued to the Nursing station and a bill is
generated to the inpatient for the quantity used from the
nursing stations.
• Procurement of Non-Formulary Drugs
• The purpose of a Non-Formulary Policy is to serve as a guide to the
pharmacy staff when a NF medication is ordered by the physician.
• Non-Formulary drugs will be not provided to the clinics or patients
in the outpatient setting.
• Non-Formulary drugs for inpatients may be requested by attending
physicians only.
• When a Non-Formulary medication is ordered by the physician,
the pharmacist will follow the below steps:
• He pharmacist shall notify the nurse and the attending physician
that a non-formulary medication has been ordered and it may take
24-48 hours before the medication may be dispensed by the
pharmacy. In addition, the ordering physician shall be given a
formulary alternative.
• If the physician chooses not to change the
medication to a formulary alternative, the
pharmacist shall l document it on the order. The
Non-Formulary Request Form shall be completely
filled out and turned into the Storeroom.
• According request for procurement shall be
forwarded to the Purchase Committee with the
permission of the Drugs and Therapeutic
• The same shall be documented
• Emergency Purchase
• Emergency purchase is made from identified
medical store selected on the basis of the following
• 1. Shall be located in close proximity of the hospital.
• 2. Shall provide service on a 24 hour basis.
• 3. Shall be ready to offer the product at a cost lower
than the maximum retail price (MRP).
• 4. Shall have a good track record in terms of quality
of products, honest practices etc
• Purchasing procedure:
• Emergency purchase will be made only when there is an
immediate need for a product which is not possible to purchase
immediately from the usual identified sources.
• During normal working hours of the hospital the Chief Medical
Superintendent has the right to undertake an emergency
purchase from the identified pharmacy shop up to a specified
• In his absence the medical superintendent is authorized to
undertake an emergency purchase upto the specified amount.
• No other hospital employee shall be allowed to make emergency
purchase without the written permission from the above
mentioned authorities.
• Selection/ Evaluation
• Criteria For Selection/ Evaluation
– Price Quoted
– Stock Availability
– Bioequivalent
– Bioavailability
– Financial adequacy willing to wait for payments up to 90 days from the day of supply goods.
– Service stability - willing to supply on same day of order or within two hours of order.
– Location
– Willing to replace expiry drugs and breakages.
– Well-known supplier in the market.
• Information Required:
– Formal introduction in writing from vendor to show that he/she is interested to supply to our institution.
– The vendor in his introduction shall mention his VAT and Drug license Number.
– List of companies /products he/she deals in to be enclosed.
– Terms and conditions of payment to be incorporated.
– Price list of products to be enclosed.
– If institutional stockist, letter of authorization from company to be enclosed.
– Market information to be collected on credentials of the distributor.
– Years of experience of the distributor in the business.
• Note: To evaluate services and performance of the distributor once in six months.
• Purpose: To establish and maintain standardized procedures for Inventory Management
in Inpatient, Outpatient and Main store- pharmacy

• Responsibility: - Pharmacist and supervisor of the each pharmacies

– All medications will be stored in designated areas, which will be sufficient to ensure proper
sanitation, temperature, light, ventilation, moisture control, segregation, and security.
– Proper consideration is also given to the safety of employees as well as patients.
• Inventory Control Practices:
• A list of slow moving and fast moving items will be developed based on consumption of
the items.
• A list of Maximum, Minimum and Reorder level is maintained for all items in the drug
Formulary. This is developed by averaging 3 months for slow moving items and one-
month sale for fast moving items. This is reviewed and updated every week for fast
moving items and monthly for slow moving items.
• ABC analysis of drugs shall be done by the purchase committee to ensure effective
inventory control
• First in First Out (FIFO) shall be applied for consumption of the drugs. Another method
that is followed is according to the date of expiry. All items getting soon will be consumed
first. This is checked in the HIS and issued accordingly
• Check for expiry
• Expiry date will be checked at the beginning of every month at
all Pharmacy outlets, Main store (main Pharmacy), nursing
station, Operation theatre and other locations
• All such drugs, which will be likely to be expired within 3
months, will be removed form the shelves. Locations other than
Main pharmacy will be returned to the Main stores pharmacy.
• The HIS generates a list of all such drugs in the Main stores with
name, qty and batch number of such drugs. This list is referred
to for identification of such drugs.
• All drugs received form location in the hospital as well as in the
Main stores will be accumulated and returned back to the
suppliers/manufacturer for credit or replacement.
• Purchase
– Centralised
– Final decission and procurement of drugs ,stock
with a study of ;
– ABC,VED, FSN analysis.
– Record levels
– Possible lead times
– Stocking levels in operational units.
• All orders should be in writing, indicating the terms
of supply, specification, quantity,cost,pack,size,
time of supply.
• Orders should be made in triplicate copy.
• In case of telephonic orders, that must be followed
up with written supply orders as soon as possible.
• The store incharge before receiving the material should
check the prices,quantity,pack sizes, date of expiry.
• All items must be entered in the stock register noting all
particulars as in the invoice.
• Short life items, register should be maintained.
• All items must be entered in the stock register noting all
particulars as in the invoice.
• A routine monthly check of this register will obviate the
possibility of inadvertantly accumulating items that are
nearing their date of expiry.
• The store incharge before receiving the material should
check the prices,quantity,pack sizes, date of expiry.
• All items must be entered in the stock register noting all
particulars as in the invoice.
• Short life items, register should be maintained.
• All items must be entered in the stock register noting all
particulars as in the invoice.
• A routine monthly check of this register will obviate the
possibility of inadvertantly accumulating items that are
nearing their date of expiry.
Size of Inventory
• Varies depending upon the type of hospital.
• The sequence system of stock location is most
• Items are located in alphabetical or numerical
sequence .
Par level transfer system
• A level is fixed for each item at nursing unit
and departments.
• An attendant from Pharmacy generally makes
the round of all nursing units /departments
and replenishes the items at predetermined
• The replenishment is done at regular

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