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There are 5 kingdoms of living organisms

• Plants
• Animals
• Fungi
• Viruses
• Protoctists
• Bacteria
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic organisms

 Eukaryotic means having a nucleus, their cells contain a nucleus surrounded by a membrane, along with other
membrane bound organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.
 Prokaryotic means "before nucleus". There are also organisms made up simpler cells , which have no nucleus,
mitochondria and chloroplasts.
 Eukaryotic cells are found in plants, animals, fungi and protoctists.
 A eukaryote is an organism made up of eukaryotic cells.
 A prokaryote is an organism made up of prokaryotic cells
 Bacteria re prokaryotes
Prokaryotic cells 

 The key features of prokaryotic features are:

 Prokaryotic cells do not contain mitochondria(where respiration takes place) and chloroplasts(where
photosynthesis takes place).
 Plasmids
 Prokaryotic may have one or more small rings of DNA, which are called plasmids
 These plasmids can replicate (have copies made) and move between cells so that genetic information can
be shared.
 No nucleus
 They do not have nucleus (where DNA is stored)
 Instead their genetic material is stored in a single DNA loop in the cytoplasm(watery jelly that fills the
Types Of Eukaryotic Cells


• Eukaryotic cells have similar structures across • Plant cells contain all the organelles found in
different types of  organisms, but there are some animal cells
key differences that are outlined .
 Animal cells
• Plant cells have:

 Most animal cells have the following Vacuole   (cell sap)

organelles: Cell wall   (made up of cellulose)
 Mitochondria Chloroplasts   (site for photosynthesis)
 Nucleus
 Ribosomes 

 Animal cells are closed by a cell membrane.



• They are surrounded by cell wall and contain • Animal cells have no chloroplast and cells(so
chloroplast they don’t carry out photosynthesis
• Plants are multicellular 
• Multicellular
• They make their make own carbohydrate food ,
which they store as sucrose or starch • They don’t make their own food, they store
• Plants can be divided in flowering and non-flowering  carbohydrate as glycogen
Examples of flowering are; cereals and peas • They often have nervous coordination (using
Examples of non-flowering are; pines and ferns nerves) and are able to move around 

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