Socio Linguistics

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Course Contract

Henny Septia Utami, M.Pd.

Attendance policy
1. Students are required to attend at least 80% of the
whole sessions.
• Students who miss class frequently will miss in
class quiz and therefore they will have their points
for ‘assignment’ and ‘class attendance and
participation’ lowered.
• Students with more than 4 absence will not be
eligible for the final examination.

2. Students are required to inform the lecturer if

he/she can’t attend the class.
3. Coming late is allowed for maximum 15
minutes after the class begins. However,
keep on your mind that you will miss ‘in
class quiz’.
4. Students who come late more than 15
minutes are not allowed into the classroom
and was considered absent.
5. No cell phones in class (set to vibrate or turn
6. Those who interfere learning process should
get out of the class after two warnings and
considered absent.
Evaluation and Grading

Course Requirements
1. A midterm exam 20%
2. A final exam 35%
3. Assignments 35%
4. Class attendance and participation 10%
Midterm and Final examinations
• Both examinations are closed book, closed
notes, closed phones.

Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to memorize all the

materials. You don’t need to open your book or
notes or Google if you are serious in your
learning process. All the answers of the questions
on exams should have been discussed before.
• There will be a quiz in every meeting, and also some
assignments: including group presentation and papers.
• Late assignments receive a 30% penalty for first
subsequent week.
• Late assignments are not accepted once the
assignment has been handed back.
• For quiz, if you miss it, you lose it.
• How about the group presentation? What do you
Class attendance and participation
• You are encouraged to come to the class
prepared and be engaged in discussion in an
active way.
• Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. We learn
more from the mistakes we make. 
• Respect other opinions. You’re expected to be
engaged in a discussion, not a debate.
Please make Name Tag.

All the learning materials will be distributed to all the


Please make a class account for this subject (whether it’s

an email or facebook group account ) so that everyone
will have access to the soft copy of learning materials,
including each group’s PowerPoint presentation.

Make a group for presentation assignment. How?

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