(Om) Stress in Workplace

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What is stress?
 “An individual’s internal response to, or
evaluation of, stressors; often characterized by
negative feelings of arousal”.
 It is said that although stressors are objective
events,the individual’s response to or evaluation
of these events also has an important role to play.
Researchers have typically referred to this response
or evaluation as stress. Stress, then, reflects some of
the psychological factors that affect a person’s
health. Stress is a consequence of any action,
situation, or event that is subjectively defined.
What are stressors?
 “ An objectively verifiable event that occurs
outside the individual that has the potential
to cause stress”.
 Stressors – These are events or circumstances
that lead to someone feeling that physical or
psychological demands are about to exceed
his or her ability to cope. Stressors can be of
several types.
 Stressors can: 
 Be inherent in the job because of factors that make
that occupation what it is
 Arise because of the way the job is organised. This
may include physical factors (excess heat, noise, cold
etc) as well as physiological factors that affect the
body’s balance (such as shift work, inadequate
recuperative time
 Arise out of excessive work demands such as
unrealistic deadlines.
 Arise out of personal factors such as health status,
relationships ability to cope with difficult situations etc.
How (and why) does stress affect us?
 Stress is a complex issue and no two individuals will be
affected in the same way by either work requirements or
the work environment.
 Employers should be alert, to signs of stress in their
 There should be systems in place that give employees
confidence that if they report their situation to their
employer, manager, or supervisor everything possible
will be done to deal with their problem
 It can be helpful to think of stress in terms of a simple
‘bucket’ model:
The bucket model suggests that stress and fatigue result when
a person’s reservoir of personal resilience is drained faster
than it is replenished. Things like interesting work,
supportive relationships,good health and rest fill the
bucket. Difficult working conditions, conflict at work,
emotionally draining work, excess (or not enough) work
and difficulties at home can drain the bucket. You are
coping when you maintain the balance between these
The bucket model shows, there’s no point in ‘filling the
bucket’ if stressors keep draining it quickly. Control of
stressors is frequently
Stressors in workplace.
 Work load and work pace: Amount of work with
specified time.
 Role stressors: (ambiguity,conflict and interrole
conflict) ambiguity: uncertainity of what is expected
out of employee. Conflict: incompatible demand from
two or more source. Interrole conflict: incompatible
demand from two or more roles.
 Carrer concerns: worries about job security or career
 Work scheduling: problems with rotating shifts or
night shifts.
 Interpersonal relations: poor relations lead to stress.
 Job content and control: monotonous and self timed
work completion jobs
 The workplace stress issue was noticed in the one of the
very good chain food company. Which has recently
opened up it already has 22 branches all over the country.
It is famous for serving fine dining food and provide a
restaurant atmosphere just comfortable for business
meetings and enjoying sports on a big screen tube.

History of concern/topics to be considered.

 That staff’s level of performing the job is gradually going down on
quality levels. It’s a same staff that was trained to do particular jobs,
very accurately previously. Which its lacking now.
 Staff seems unhappy and rushing for things, and tasks to be
performed instead of the happy and positive work environment
which was observed on early days when the restaurant was recently
 Staff seems to be working under stress, which is a major concern
considering health and safety issues at work environment. (while there was a
time when every employee was willing to do any jobs asked to be done, now
they are finding ways to escape certain duties to be performed by them)
 The training given to staff, trying to meet the health and safety requirements
was good . But there were minute details left unattended, the details of
performing a task safely is found missing.
Analysis of above situations affecting the stress level:
 Not all the employees were selected with professional experience
 All the employees were trained in general with basic instructions how to use
the P.P.E. (personal protective equipments).
 detailed training was not taken under consideration for the employees who
has never worked in a professional kitchen before. for example
 a)fire safety. which type of fire hydrant/chemical should be used to put the
fire off based on the characteristics behind the cause of fire. Or
 b)how to lift heavy things safely without hurting your back.
 c)How to work at heights safely, without endangering yourself from
falling or tripping.
 Currently staff is feeling need of more co workers as in lack of staff. Or not a
very wise staffing done according to the need of busy workflow days.
 Cutting down on staff for saving money on monthly labor budget, effects
employees stress level in 2 ways.

 Internal way
 if there is a lack of staff, there are less number of people to replace the one
who are working in one shift, and take their place with their next shift.
 Lack of staff also causes the “division of labor” almost impossible.
 While Saving money on labor budget staff who is hired of hourly basis are
asked to leave early, which makes it stressful for them to be able to perform 8
hours of work within 6 hours.
 External way-
 While at the time of hiring, the people who are hired for full time are not
getting enough hours to be able to feel like they have a full time job.
In search of more working hours and money to be able to pay the bills
they pick up another job, that may effect their level of performance at this
company. And also effect the level of their stress they have to deal with for
having 2 jobs.
 How the workplace is managing the issues?
 After listening to the issues, the company has shifted the managers to the
main branch to undergo a proper training required on the lines of health
and safety as they were hired coz they have been with the company for
over years although lacking the educational background.
 Hiring of qualified managers who also applies the knowledge of health
and safety matters in every little practical detail of performing a task.
 They are also going through making a list of “hazard analysis sheets” for
using every tool or machinery or performing every task to make sure it is
done safely and responsibly.
 The cost cutting would now be done in inventory then the human
 work planning is done for each employees work. Right ahead of his work
schedule. So it doesn’t create a confusion. Enough break hours are given
after certain hours of work.
 Each new empolyees is given appropriate training so they perform there

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