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Deepak raj M (2013024)
Ganesan chandran (2013032)
Hepshibha shirly (2013042)
Suvetha Sethuram (2013106)
Suriya prakash (2013104)
Biometric screening and receives training on Safety, Health, and
Environmental (SHE) policy.

• employee survey data that identifies issues and drive engagement and

• surveys also include questions oriented around the Company’s mission

and purpose, work environment, career development, and employee-
manager relations

• employee-centric and evidence-based.  Performance reviews
• Which oriented around the Company’s mission and purpose, work
environment, career development, and employee-manager relations

A RAND corporation reports Evaluating employee

wellness program that improve peoples
knowledge about nutrition , offer them exercise ,
stress reduction opportunities , measure their
health status , and possibly offers some financial
inducement for participating , these
interventions will be sufficient to get behavioural
change .
[ Healthy personal behaviours come from healthy workplaces ]
The days of the “hero” leader, or “the
smartest person in the room” who must know
everything and micromanage his or her direct
reports will be a thing of the past.
Organizations are moving towards flatter
structures and they will need leaders who can
thrive in a collaborative and cross-functional

‘Flatter’ organizations tend to benefit from

improved communication between
employees, increased morale, less
bureaucracy, and the ability to make
decisions and changes faster. Typically,
employees' responsibility levels tend to be
much higher in flatter organizations, thus
improving job satisfaction and reducing the
need for excess levels of management. As we
move through 2021 and towards next year,
we will begin to see a shift in the hierarchy
structure of many companies, particularly
those in creative industries, and start ups.
• Flexible and remote work options to facilitate a strong work-life balance.
• Competitive salaries and 100% premium-paid private medical insurance, to cycle-
to-work and childcare vouchers.
• This established best practice is more critical than ever, as nCino navigate the
ongoing challenges of the global Covid-19 pandemic while continuing to deliver
transformative digital solutions for financial institutions. As organizations around
the world address the immediate health, safety and economic crises.
• HSA account.
Thank you

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