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The Effects of Drug

The General Effects
In the Physical Effects
 Malnutrition – is the condition that develops when the body does
not get the right amount of the vitamins & minerals.
- an drug dependent misses his regular meals, he
losses appetite and eventually develops malnutrition .
Whitney Houston
 Skin Infections & Skin Rashes
Skin Infections – can be caused by a wide variety of germs, and
symptoms can vary in severity, infections can spread beyond the skin and
into blood stream.
Skin Rashes – may occur as a side effect or sensitivity reaction to certain
In the Psychological Effects
The abuse of drugs can bring many psychological malfunctions such as the

 Deterioration of personality with impaired emotional maturation

 Impairment of adequate mental function.
 Loss of drive and ambition
 Development of psychosis and depression
 Loss of interest in study
 Laziness, lethargy, boredom and restlessness
 Irritability, rebellious attitude
 Withdrawn forgetfulness
In the Social Effects
The drug Abuser may also experience social dysfunction such as the
 Deterioration of interpersonal relationship and development
of conflict with authority
 Commission of crimes
 Social maladjustment: loss of desire to work, study and
participate in activities or to face challenges.
In the Mental Effects
Regular use or injection of large doses of a substance
reduces the activity of the brain and depresses the central
nervous system. The drug dependent then manifests changes in
his mind and behavior that are undesirable by people in his
The dependent is a “mental invalid” in the sense that
drugs can manipulate him, make him lose his power, and prod
him to behave contrary to what he usually think is right.
The drugs are essentially reality modifiers, which create
a masked sense of well being by either dulling or distorting
sensory perceptions and providing a temporary means of
escape from personal difficulties, either real or imaginary.
As a result, the abuser’s mind deteriorates gradually. In
other instances, he abruptly loses interest and motivation in the
pursuit of achievement and constructible goals.
In the Economic Effects
 Inability to hold stable job – drug abuser loses his job since
he focuses all his time and money on drugs.
 Dependence on family resources – a drug abuser
unfortunately becomes an economic burden, depending his
personal necessities to his family, and especially money.
 Accidents in industry – the dependent becomes careless and
loses concentration on his job/act, this results an accidents
which may have a negative
9 affect to others.
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Symptoms of Drug abuse on the dangerous drugs
 On the Depressant
 Narcotics – produces lethargy (weariness) and drowsiness.
• Inhaling heroin (powder form) causes redness and irritations.
• Injecting heroin leaves scars around the inner surface of the arms
and elbows.
• The user scratches self frequently, loss of appetite, sniffles, running
nose, red watery eyes, and coughing.
 Barbiturates/Tranquilizers – symptoms of alcohol intoxication
without odor or alcohol on breath, staggering or stumbling, falling
asleep unexplainably, drowsiness, may appear disoriented, lack of
interest in school and family activities.
 Volatile (sniffing) Solvents – there is unusual odor of substance on
breath and clothes of the user, excessive nasal secretions, watering of
eyes, and poor muscular control, obvious slurred speech. This is prone
to child as a drug addiction.
 On the Stimulants ( increases alertness and activity)
 Amphetamines/Cocaine/Speed/Uppers symptoms:
• Pupils may be dilated
• Mouth and nose dry, bad breath, licks lips frequently
• Goes long periods without eating or sleeping, nervous,
has difficulty sitting still
• Chain smoking ( smoke continually)
• If injecting drug, user may have hidden eye droppers
and needles among possessions.
 Shabu (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride) symptoms:
• Produces elevations of mood, heightened alertness and increased
• Some may become anxious, irritable or loquacious
• Causes decreased appetite and insomnia.
 On the Hallucinogens (produces hallucinations)
 Marijuana – smoking can cause:
• May appear animated with rapid, loud talking and burst of laughter.
• Sleepy or stuporous
• Pupils are dilated.
• If burned smells like a burned rope on clothing or breathing
• Remnants of marijuana usually seen in clothes or any possessions of the
LSD or LSD-25 - Lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as lysergide is a
psychedelic drug, well known for its psychological effects, which can
include altered thinking processes, closed- and open-eye visuals.
STP – 2,5Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine, a synthetic drug, induces an
altered state of mind in user.
DMT – Dimethyltryptamine, a synthetic drug, causing hallucinations and
distorted view of reality of the user (same as LSD). Depending on the dosage
lasted up to 2-3 hours.

• User usually sits or reclines quietly in a dream or trance.
• User may become fearful and experience a degree of terror which makes
him attempt to escape from his group.
• Sense of sight, hearing, touch, body image and time are distorted
• Mood and behavior are affected, the manner depending upon emotional
and environmental condition of the user.
Dangers of Abuse of the Dangerous Drugs
On the Depressants
User of depressant drugs may suffer the following:
o Death due to respiratory arrest
o In large doses can cause respiratory depression and coma.
o Babies born to mothers who abuse depressants during pregnancy
may be physically dependent on the drug and show withdrawal
symptom shortly after they are born. Birth defects and behavioral
problems may also result
On the Stimulants
Users of stimulants may suffer the following:
 Death due to infections, high blood pressures
 Extremely high doses can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat,
tremors, loss of coordination, and even physical collapse.

o Overdose leads to chest pains, hypertension, acute psychotic
reaction, convulsions and death due to cardiac arrest
o Due to the appetite suppressing effects of shabu, pregnant mother
may become malnourished. This may affect the nutritional needs of
the baby
o Babies born to shabu-using women show sever emotional
On the Hallucinogens
Users of Hallucinogens may suffer the following:
 Can lead to serious mental changes like insanity,
suicidal and or homicidal tendencies
 Poor impulse control
 Damage to chromosomes, hence, affecting potentially
the offspring
 Death due to paralysis of the respiratory system

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