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Sentences and phrases in letters and reports
 Key words in the sentences that you wish to write down are in
alphabetical order:
 Advertisement: With reference to your advertisement in Seaways
(dated….) I hereby apply for the job/position/post of ………
 Apologize: Please accept our apologies for the delay.
 Appear: It appears that the cargo was not delivered in time.
 Appear: It has appeared to us that your company still owes us
 Applicable: The conditions applicable will all be stated in the
 Application: Thank you for your application for the position of
first engineer.
 Apply: This applies to the agreement that we made.
 Apply: I hereby apply for the position of first mate.
 Appointment: We hereby confirm your appointment as
first engineer.
 Appreciate: We would appreciate a prompt delivery of
our goods.
 Arrange: We request that you arrange a meeting.
 As of: As of next year our company will be residing in
 Ascertain: We have ascertained the quality of the goods
 Assume: We assume that you will refund the
money that we paid you.
 Assure: We assure you that we will do
everything to avoid any problems.
 Attached: Please find attached the document
that you requested.
 Available: The items that you wish to buy are
no longer available.
 Await: Awaiting your reply, I remain, Yours
 Aware: We are aware of the fact that a mistake
has been made by us.
 Basis: On the basis of your offer we no longer
wish to work with you.
 behalf : On behalf of our staff we thank you for
doing business with us.
 Business: We no longer wish to do business with
 Cancel: We hereby cancel our order.
 Cancelling date: We hereby declare that we
regard.......(date) as the cancelling date for the
 Claim: We will lodge a claim against your
company for the damage incurred by us.
 Compelled: We will be compelled to purchase the goods
 Completion: We will inform you upon completion of
the examinations.
 Compliance: Delivery of the cargo was not in
compliance with what we agreed.
 Comply with: We will comply with your request.
 Concern: To whom it may concern:
 Confer: We will confer our position in this matter.
 Confirm: We hereby confirm our appointment with
 Congratulate: We congratulate you with (on) your
appointment as chief mate.
 Consequences: The consequences will be for your
 Consider: We are considering (contemplating) a new
 Contact: Please contact as soon as possible.
 Conversation: During our telephone conversation on….
 Convinced: We are convinced that we will not make
this mistake again.
 Co-operation: Our cooperation with you has not led to
the expected results.
 Costs: Please inform us about the costs of delivery of
the materials that we have ordered.
 Count on: You may count on our support.
 Damage: Damage suffered will be paid by those responsible.
 Decide: We have decided to sign the agreement.
 Decide: This has led us to decide to agree with your proposal.
 Declare: We hereby declare that we were unaware of the dangers.
 Default: We hereby declare you in default.
 Delay: The delay was caused by extremely adverse weather.
 Delivery: Delivery according to arrangements made by contract
will not be possible.
 Demand: We demand you to inform us about your plans.
 Developments: Developments have shown that transportation can
be much cheaper.
 Discount: We can offer you a discount of 8% in case of an early
 due to: Due to the adverse weather we sustained damage to cargo
and ship.
 Effective:The arrangement will be effective from
January 13.
 Effort: We thank you for your efforts.
 Emphasize: It must be emphasized that you will not be
held responsible.
 Enclosed: Please find enclosed a copy of the contract /
my Curriculum Vitae / ….
 End: To this end we have decided not to cooperate
 Expect: We expect that the cargo will be delivered in
 Expenses: Expenses made due to late delivery to be
paid within one month.
 Fact: In view of the fact that we cannot be held responsible, we
 Following: Following our telephone conversation I hereby inform
you that…
 Following: The following information must be regarded as
 Forced: We have been forced to cancel our deal.
 Forward: I am looking forward to meeting you.
 Please be advised that the goods will be forwarded to you by
the end of this week.
 Hereby: I hereby declare that….
 Hoping: Hoping to hear from you very soon, I remain, Yours
 However: However much we regret it, we cannot agree with your
 However: However, if you do not meet our demands, we will…….
 In case of: In case of damage to the cargo, we cannot be held
 In spite of: In spite of our efforts, the cargo was severely damaged.
 In the event of: In the event of damage to the cargo, please contact
our office.
 Inconvenience: We hope that this will not cause any inconvenience.
 Indicate: As we have indicated during our conversation, we
 Inform: We regret having to inform you that there will be a short
 Information: For further information please refer to our office.
 Informed: We will keep you informed.
 Insist: We insist on receiving a copy of the document.
 Interested: We are very interested in your services.
 Interview: The interview will be held on………
 Invite: We hereby invite you to attend our meeting on…..
 Kind: Please be so kind to confirm this.
 Kindly: We kindly request you to confirm as soon as
 Looking forward: We are looking forward to hearing from
 Make reservations: I would like to make reservations for a
single room.
 Meet: This does not meet our demands.
 Mention: As mentioned before, we will not be able to
attend the meeting.
 Notify: We hereby notify you of the fact that minor
damage was caused.
 Opportunity: We will have the opportunity to meet and
discuss our plans.
 Order: We would like to order the following goods:
 Participation: Our participation in this project will not
be continued.
 Payment: Payment of the damage has been postponed.
 Penalty: This is to inform you that the penalty for late
delivery will amount to 1000 € per w.w.d.
 Policy: Our policy is aimed at services of high quality.
 Postpone: The meeting will be postponed.
 Prefer: We would prefer to have someone else handle
the matter.
 Previous: We refer to our previous correspondence.
 Previously: As we previously informed you,…..
 Proposal: Your proposal to meet this very week will be
 Propose: We propose to have a meeting by the end of this
 Protest: We protest to the quality of the cargo delivered
by your company.
 Provide: We will provide you with the latest information.
 Ready: The goods are ready for dispatch.
 Receipt: We hereby confirm receipt of your letter
 Recent: In recent years we have proven to be a
trustworthy company.
 Recommend: We recommend a second opinion from an
 Records: Our records show that you still have not paid your debts to us.
 Refer: For further information please refer to our manager.
 Reference: With reference to your advertisement I inform you that….
 Referring: Referring to your letter dated….
 Refuse: We refuse to pay for expenses for which we are not responsible.
 Regret: We regret having to inform you that some damage was caused.
 Remedy: We will remedy the mistake.
 Reply: Thank you for your reply dated….
 Report: The report will be forwarded to you.
 Request: We request you to deliver the goods to the following address:
 Resort to: We will have to resort to methods that will harm our
 Response: In response to your letter I have to inform you that…
 Response: Thank you for your response to our advertisement.
 Responsible: You hold you responsible for this damage.
 satisfaction The affair was settled to our satisfaction.
 see to it Please see to it that delivery will be prompt.
 serviceWe can offer you our free service during the
warrant period.
 services We would like to offer you our services.
 settle We will settle this matter to your satisfaction.
 should Should you wish to contact us please write
 state We emphatically state that we cannot be
blamed for the incident.
 stipulate We stipulate for (that) this is not our
 sympathize We sympathize with you in this loss.
 Thank: We thank you for your letter
 Transfer: We request that you transfer the amount to
our account.
 Trust: We trust that all will be received in good order.
 Undersigned: We the undersigned declare, that
 Unfortunately: Unfortunately we will not be able to
render this service.
 Urge: We urge you to settle the count presently.
 Urgently: We urgently request you to get into contact
with us.
 Validity: The period of validity will expire in one week.
 Willing: We will be quite willing to render you
this service.
 Wish: We no longer wish to do business with
 Wishes: Please inform us of your wishes.
 Worsen: The situation has worsened.
 Would like: We would like to get into contact
with you.

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