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BY : Elvi Laelativa, S.Pd

a passive construction occurs when you make the object of an
action into the subject of a sentence. That is, whoever or
whatever is performing the action is not the grammatical
subject of the sentence.
passive voice subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi melainkan
menerima aksi. Misalnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kata kerja
menjadi berawal di-, seperti: disapu, disetir, dimakan, dan
sebagainya. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam Bahasa Inggris
sehigga kata kerja biasanya akan ditambahkan akhiran -ed,
-en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne. Contohnya:

 Some flowers are planted by my parents.

 My phone was stolen.
S + TOBE + V3
1 Presen Tense He writes a letter A letter is written ( by
2 Present continous tense She is writing a letter A letter is being
written (by her)
3 Present perfect tense They have written a letter A letter has been
written (by them)
4 Past tense She wrote a letter A letter was written
(by her)
5 Past continous tense They were writing a letter A letter was being
written (by them)
6 Past perfect tense We had written a letter A letter had been
written ( by us)
S + TOBE + V3
7 future They will write a letter A letter will be written
(by them)
8 modal He can write a letter A letter can be written
(by him)
They must write a letter A letter must be
wriiten (by them)
Note :
 By sifatnya optional bisa ada bisa tidak.
 Untuk mengubah kalimat active ke passive caranya identifikasi dulu
jenis tensisnya kemudian lihat rumus nya
 Contohnya
she makes a cake present tense(cari to be dari present tense
 Kemudian kita cari subject , verb dan object nya, dimana object
berubah menjadi subject
She makes a cake
s v o
a cake is made by her
s to be v3 o
A. Change active into passive
1. They played football
2. She sings a song
3. John have eaten fried chicken
4. My mother had swept the floor
5. She will buy a new car

B. Change passive to active

6. A picture is being taken by him
7. A slice of pizza was eaten by her
8. The balls are thrown by her
9. The lemonade will be drunk by them
10. A book has been read by them

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