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Presentation By: Ayush Saini (JLU05315)

Satyam Jain (JLU05110)

Priyal Gupta (JLU05313)
Rahul Patel (JLU05605)

 Talent Acquisition and Talent Management

 Resourcing from referrals, online portals, campus placements and walk-ins.

 Payroll Administration and Compensation Management

 Workforce Management
Training Process in Reliance
 Reliance identifies and develops high potential talent within the organization and provide them with
accelerated learning and growth opportunities.

 There are various initiatives taken by the organization to achieve this, including on-the-job training, digital
learning, coaching and workshops.

On The Job Training

• Places the employees in an actual work situation and makes them appear to
be immediately productive

• It is learning by doing.

• For jobs, that are difficult to simulate or can be learn quickly by

watching and doing on-the-job training makes sense.
Job Instruction Training
 Preparing the trainees by telling them about the job and over
coming their uncertainties.

 Presenting the instruction, giving essential information in a clear manner.

 Having the trainees try out the job to demonstrate their understanding.

 Placing the workers into the job, on their own, with a designated resource person tocall upon
should they need assistance.
In Reliance covers a number of techniques –  Classroom Lectures
 Films
 Demonstrations
 Case Studies
 Simulation Exercises
 Programmed Instruction

Classroom lectures
Classroom lectures
• The lecture approach is well adapted to conveying specific information – rules, procedures, or

• The use of audio visuals or demonstrations can often make a formal classroom presentation more
interesting while increasing retention and clarifying more difficult points.

• The lecture’s liabilities include possible lack of feedback and the lack of active involvement by the
Simulation Exercises
Simulation Exercises
In Reliance, training activities that explicitly places the trainee in an artificial
environment that closely mirrors actual working conditions are practiced.

 Case Exercises

 Experimental Exercises

 Complex Computer Modelling

 In Reliance, employees learn their jobs on the equipment they
will be using, but the learning is conducted away from the actual
work floor
Recruitment Process in Reliance

Recruitment is a process of locating and encouraging potential applicant to apply for anticipated job openings. It is
actually a linking function, joining together those with jobs to be to fill and those seeking jobs.

Recruitment process, logically aim

at :

(i) Attracting large number of qualified applicants who are ready to take up the job if

(ii) Offering enough information for unqualified persons to self select themselves out.
Identification of vacancy

Deputy General Manager identifies the Vacancies and

inform the HR. Relianc e recruitment
Relianc e recruitment
Reasons for vacancies:
 Staffing changes

 Resignation by an employee

 Termination from his duty,

 Person went for retirement

 Long leave

 Promotion of a person resulting into vacancy of that

particular post

 Coming of new projects which needs more employee

Review the need for the position to fill the vacancy

 HR manager review the short and long term requirement from the

 Need to fill the vacancy for that HR manager consider Staffing Plan
which indicates how much more employees are required.


Budget has been allocated among various department for spending on employee salaries,
recruitment etc
Job Description And Job Specification
Job Description And Job Specification

This task is jointly done by HR manager and various department head.

In Reliance, it is bottom up approach; Where in requirements for new employees some

time come up the bottom of the pyramid.

For example, need for extra employee job description and specifications are passed on
from DGM to GM, from GM to Assistant VP, from Assistant VP to Sr. vp. Finally
consensus is done by HR manager and Sr. VP. Then the request is forward to director of
operations with whom Lies the ultimate power. DGM, GM, Assistant VP etc. are all
Involved in deciding upon job title, job summary, job activities, Working conditions and
social environment.

Fundamental Attributes of a job specification are mostly decided by the HR Manager only
after a talk with different departments.

Contra indicators like job involving frequent visits to site should be given to females etc.
are mostly provided by DGM,GM etc. 
Sources OfRecruitment
In Reliance, both internal as well as external sources of recruitment are used.

Internal Sources

 Persons who are already working in Reliance constitute internal sources.

 Retrenched employees, retired employees, dependent of deceased employees,

children of existing employee constitute the internal sources.

 Where any vacancy arises, someone from within Reliance is upgraded,

transferred, promoted or even demoted.

Methodology adopted: Internal communication through notice boards, e-mails and by updating
on the internal server blue ocean.
External Sources
External Sources

 Campus Recruitment

 Reliance hires fresher directly from IITs, NITs, Regional engineering college like Punjab
Engineering College, Delhi College of Engineering etc. for the post of Assistant Manager.

 For Higher Managerial posts, it goes to management institutes like IIML, IIMI, XLRI, and NITIE.

Methodology: • It rely on the ranking given to various colleges by different magazines

• Depending upon location of project site.

• Depending upon the location of corporate office that is in Noida.

• How many people actually joined out of recruited from

particular College.
• They maintain a database for it and where this ratio is high become the top
priority college.
Electronic Recruiting
Electronic Recruiting
 This is done through various job portals like naukri.com, yuva
job.com etc.
 This is generally used to hire work experience people only and not

Unsolicited Applicants/Walk in
Unsolicited Applicants/Walk in

 This method is generally used to hire people on contract and usually for the
department like administrative.
 The Reliance makes a data bank and whenever a suitable
vacancy arises, the company would intimate the candidates
to apply through a formal channel.

 Company times saved for searching for candidates. Eligible

candidates themselves applied for it.
HR Challenges in Recruitment
HR Challenges in Recruitment
 Adaptability to globalization
The HR professionals are expected and required to keep in tune with the changing times, i.e. the
changes taking place across the globe. HR should maintain the timeliness of the process.

 Lack of motivation
Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the organization is achieving results, HR
department or professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employees and performers

 Process analysis
The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main concerns of the HR in recruitment. The process should
be flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements. The recruitment process should also be cost

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