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What is a Compare-Contrast Essay?
◦ It is a type of text where you explore the similarities (compare) and differences
(contrast) two or more ideas.
◦ The structure of this type of essay is as follows:
◦ Paragraph 1 – Introduction: Catchy first sentence (attention grabber related to your topic), Introduce
your idea (thesis), indicate the overall plan of the essay.
◦ Paragraoh 2- Body- Compare: find similarities or charactersitics to compare between the two ideas
you’re exploring.
◦ Paragraph 3- Body- Contrast: find characteristics that are different between the two ideas you’re
exploring, and expain how they’re different.
◦ Paragraph 4- Conclusion: a summary of the main points; a final comment on the subject.
Hogwarts has four outstanding houses: Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Some say Gryffindor is the
best house of Hogwarts. Others believe the best house is Slytherin. In this essay, we’ll take a look at both houses and
explore what makes each one so great.
Firstly, both Slytherin and Gryffindor students are characterized by being very committed to what they believe. They are
also people who work very hard for what they want. Both houses have students who are very strong-minded and goal-
oriented. Similarly, Slytherins and Gryffindors are ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
On the other hand, Slytherins and Gryffindors have quite a few differences. Whereas Gryffindors work hard to help
others, their counterparts only think of themselves when reaching a goal. While Slytherins may come off as mean and
cruel, Gryffindors are usually very kind and respectful. Finally, Gryffindor hasn’t had as many dark wizards as Slytherin
has had.
As was written previously, it is known that both Slytherin and Gryffindor are considered great Hogwarts houses. Even
though both houses are characterized by being goal-oriented, their main difference in how they achieve that goal, and
how they treat others, is what makes them different. Both houses are great, it only depends on what the sorting hat has
installed for you.
words to
take into
Option 1: Compare Harry’s life in London with his new life at Hogwarts.
Option 2: Choose one character from each side to compare. You cannot choose both characters from the same side.

-Rubeus Hagrid -Hermione Granger

-Draco Malfoy -Ron Weasley
-Harry Potter -Uncle Vernon
-Professor Snape -Dudley Dursley
-Petunia Dursley -Professor McGonagall


Option 3: Compare Harry’s relationship with Hagrid, to his relationship with Uncle Vernon.
Instructions for Writing part
Write an essay where you compare and contrast two topics. Your essay should follow the
following structure:
◦ Add a title.
◦ 1st paragraph: Introduction, 2-3 sentences.
◦ 2nd paragraph: Body- Compare. 4-5 sentences.
◦ 3rd paragraph: Body- Contrast. 4-5 sentences.
◦ 4th paragraph: Conclusion, 2-3 sentences.

First draft: 10% of the final grade.

Final draft: 90% of the final grade.

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