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Use the Venn Diagram to do the task.

Don’t forget to answer the two

LAGUMEN, TSUKASA questions after.

Remained defects
of Filipinos
Vices and defects in the 19th Vices and defects in the 21st
century century

*crab mentality- Filipino’s today have this way of thinking that

*Over emphasis on religious matter- During the 19 th
if they can’t have things, then others should not have
century Filipino’s were forced to study teachings of catholic that thing they want. Filipinos can’t be happy for others success
*Wrong doctrines of church- In the 19th churches forced *inaction of the *procrastination (mañana habit)- Filipinos today have this
Filipino’s to believe that they are powerful and the leader. government practice of being lazy. Mañana habit means having practice
*Insufficiency of Filipino nationhood- In the 19th Filipinos
*discrimination that doing their task tomorrow or other day than today
were colonized by Spanish and forced to speak their
*hypocrisy- Filipinos today have this behavior which they says
language and adapt their cultures and values. *orientalist they obey or believe but does not really obey or believe it. For
*Limited curriculum- In the 19th Filipino students were forced example some Filipinos says that they love Filipino culture but
to study Christian doctrines, Latin is the language taught in *abusive government are obsess with other cultures like Korean culture for example.

school instead of Spanish language. *Filipino time or unpunctual- Filipinos today have this bad
habit of not obeying the agreed time or proper time.
*Friar control over the system- In the 19th friars and missionaries *imposing other *colonial mentality- Filipinos today have this bad habit of
were assigned in schools. Friars own and controls countries beliefsthinking if you act “too Filipino” they will laugh at you.

the educational system and missionaries are the one They also have beliefs that if you are white you are just beautiful
because you are white. If you have dark skin you are ugly
so Filipino uses too many whitening products.
who is teaching and controlling students.
1. From the middle part of your diagram, which do you think is the incurable defect/vice of the Filipinos? Why
do you think so?
• Based on the diagram, I think corruption is the incurable defect/vices of Filipinos. Simply because Filipinos
are dazzled by power and have greed and desires in money. Also corrupt governments still remain in their
position, because of vote buying since poverty is the main problem in the Philippines. Some voters in the
Philippines also has lack of knowledge and education that leads them to vote corrupt governments. In
conclusion to this corruption will be hard to solve not only in the Philippines but also to other countries
since most of humans are greedy and have hard desires that will lead them to do bad habits that will affect
the economic growth of one’s country.

1. 2. Give some recommendations on how we can eliminate the vices and defects and how getting rid of those
can help us grow as a nation.
• I would suggest to do some research about the vices and defects in the Philippines and find solution. First is
to observe possible reasons why vices and defects is happening, then analyze if there are possibilities to stop
it, if there is a way change the bad habits to good one. Another suggestion is to avoid situations that triggers
vices. For example corruption, be observant and educated about voting if the candidate had a bad
background then avoid voting him, be wise. Filipinos must be taught that if they give you money to vote
them and you are poor be mindful that if we vote them they will not give money again if they win. And lastly
practice being mindfulness, always be mindful about making decision on where it could lead you and your
whole country. If you get rid of those vices then it will help us grow as a nation, by getting rid of things that
makes us poor country and having good and mindful leaders that will help us to be a successful country,

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